Data Science Live Book : An Intuitive and Practical Approach to Data Analysis, Data Preparation and Machine Learning, Suitable for All Ages!

Pablo Casas, he's been in touch with for the last 10 years, working and playing with data in different areas, either for business or R&D. He graduated from Information System Engineering (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional).Nowadays he works as Machine Learning Specialist in a security company, working on deep learning user behavior and predictive modeling for marketing and sales. He has passion for teaching all the concepts he learned using gentle examples.Twitter @pabloc_ds

Библиографические данные

Название Data Science Live Book: An Intuitive and Practical Approach to Data Analysis, Data Preparation and Machine Learning, Suitable for All Ages!
Автор Pablo Casas
Издатель Pablo Adrian Casas, 2018
ISBN 9874269049, 9789874269041
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 306
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan