N.B.: Quotations and facts that come from interviews with the author are gener- ally not cited in the notes. Unless otherwise indicated, all translations from Spanish to English were done by Shana Yael Shubs. All dollar amounts in the book are in U.S. currency. In some cases where there are sources for multiple facts in a paragraph, one superscript note number appears at the end of the paragraph rather than a number after each individual fact. In the notes section here, the sources are listed in the order in which the facts appear in the paragraph. If there is a source for a footnote, it is cited in the numbered endnote most closely following the asterisk in the text; such sources are marked FOOTNOTE. Web addresses for news articles available online are not included because of the transient nature of Web architecture. In cases where a document is available exclusively online, the home page where it appears is cited, not the longer URL for the specific text, once again because links change frequently. Many original documents cited in the text, as well as Web links and an exten- sive bibliography and filmography, can be found at www.naomiklein.org.
introduction Blank Is Beautiful: Three Decades of Erasing and Remaking the World
1. Bud Edney, “Appendix A: Thoughts on Rapid Dominance,” in Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade, Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance (Washington, DC: NDU Press Book, 1996), 110. 2. John Harwood, “Washington Wire: A Special Weekly Report from The Wall Street Journal’s Capital Bureau,” Wall Street Journal, September 9, 2005. 3. Gary Rivlin, “A Mogul Who Would Rebuild New Orleans,” New York Times, September 29, 2005. 4. “The Promise of Vouchers,” Wall Street Journal, December 5, 2005. 5. Ibid. 6. Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (1962, repr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), 2. 7. Interview with Joe DeRose, United Teachers of New Orleans, September 18, 2006; Michael Kunzelman, “Post-Katrina, Educators, Students Embrace Charter Schools,” Associated Press, April 17, 2007. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 563
8. Steve Ritea, “N.O. Teachers Union Loses Its Force in Storm’s Wake,” Times- Picayune (New Orleans), March 6, 2006. 9. Susan Saulny, “U.S. Gives Charter Schools a Big Push in New Orleans,” New York Times, June 13, 2006; Veronique de Rugy and Kathryn G. Newmark, “Hope after Katrina?” Education Next, October 1, 2006, www.aei.org. 10. “Educational Land Grab,” Rethinking Schools, Fall 2006. 11. Milton Friedman, Inflation: Causes and Consequences (New York: Asia Publishing House, 1963), 1. 12. Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom, ix. 13. Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman, Tyranny of the Status Quo (San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984), 3. 14. Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 592. 15. Eduardo Galeano, Days and Nights of Love and War, trans. Judith Brister (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1983), 130. 16. Ullman and Wade, Shock and Awe, xxviii. 17. Thomas Crampton, “Iraq Official Warns on Fast Economic Shift,” International Herald Tribune (Paris), October 14, 2003. 18. Alison Rice, Post-Tsunami Tourism and Reconstruction: A Second Disaster? (London: Tourism Concern, October 2005), www.tourismconcern.org.uk. 19. Nicholas Powers, “The Ground below Zero,” Indypendent, August 31, 2006, www.indypendent.org. 20. Neil King Jr. and Yochi J. Dreazen, “Amid Chaos in Iraq, Tiny Security Firm Found Opportunity,” Wall Street Journal, August 13, 2004. 21. Eric Eckholm, “U.S. Contractor Found Guilty of $3 Million Fraud in Iraq,” New York Times, March 10, 2006. 22. Davison L. Budhoo, Enough Is Enough: Dear Mr. Camdessus . . . Open Letter of Resignation to the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (New York: New Horizons Press, 1990), 102. 23. Michael Lewis, “The World’s Biggest Going-Out-of-Business Sale,” The New York Times Magazine, May 31, 1998. 24. Bob Sipchen, “Are Public Schools Worth the Effort?” Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2006. 25. Paul Tough, David Frum, William Kristol et al., “A Revolution or Business as Usual?: A Harper’s Forum,” Harper’s, March 1995. 26. Rachel Monahan and Elena Herrero Beaumont, “Big Time Security,” Forbes, August 3, 2006; Gary Stoller, “Homeland Security Generates Multibillion Dollar Business,” USA Today, September 10, 2006. 27. Evan Ratliff, “Fear, Inc.,” Wired, December 2005. 28. Veronique de Rugy, American Enterprise Institute, “Facts and Figures about Homeland Security Spending,” December 14, 2006, www.aei.org. 29. Bryan Bender, “Economists Say Cost of War Could Top $2 Trillion,” Boston Globe, January 8, 2006. 30. Thomas L. Friedman, “Big Mac I,” New York Times, December 8, 1996. 31. Steve Quinn, “Halliburton’s 3Q Earnings Hit $611M,” Associated Press, October 22, 2006. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 564
564 NOTES TO PAGES 16–33
32. Steven R. Hurst, “October Deadliest Month Ever in Iraq,” Associated Press, November 22, 2006. 33. James Glanz and Floyd Norris, “Report Says Iraq Contractor Is Hiding Data from U.S.,” New York Times, October 28, 2006. 34. Wency Leung, “Success Through Disaster: B.C.-Made Wood Houses Hold Great Potential for Disaster Relief,” Vancouver Sun, May 15, 2006. 35. Joseph B. Treaster, “Earnings for Insurers Are Soaring,” New York Times, October 14, 2006. 36. Central Intelligence Agency, Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation, July 1963, 1, 101. Declassified manual is available in full, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 37. Ibid, 66. 38. Mao Tse-Tung, “Introducing a Cooperative,” Peking Review 1, no. 15 (June 10, 1958): 6. 39. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 594. 40. Ibid. 41. “The Rising Risk of Recession,” Time, December 19, 1969. 42. George Jones, “Thatcher Praises Friedman, Her Freedom Fighter,” Daily Telegraph (London), November 17, 2006; Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 388–89. 43. Francis Fukuyama, “The End of History?” The National Interest, Summer 1989. 44. Justin Fox, “The Curious Capitalist,” Fortune, November 16, 2006; House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 2nd Session, “H. Res. 1089: Honoring the Life of Milton Friedman,” December 6, 2006; Jon Ortiz, “State to Honor Friedman,” Sacramento Bee, January 24, 2007; Thomas Sowell, “Freedom Man,” Wall Street Journal, November 18, 2006. 45. Stéphane Courtois et al., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, trans. Jonathan Murphy and Mark Kramer (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), 2.
1. The Torture Lab: Ewen Cameron, the CIA and the Maniacal Quest to Erase and Remake the Human Mind
1. Cyril J. C. Kennedy and David Anchel, “Regressive Electric-Shock in Schizophrenics Refractory to Other Shock Therapies,” Psychiatric Quarterly 22, no. 2 (April 1948): 318. 2. Ugo Cerletti, “Electroshock Therapy,” Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopathology and Quarterly Review of Psychiatry and Neurology 15 (September 1954): 192–93. 3. Judy Foreman, “How CIA Stole Their Minds,” Boston Globe, October 30, 1998; Stephen Bindman, “Brainwashing Victims to Get $100,000,” Gazette (Montreal), November 18, 1992. 4. Gordon Thomas, Journey into Madness (New York: Bantam Books, 1989), 148. 5. Harvey M. Weinstein, Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control (Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 1990), 92, 99. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 565
NOTES TO PAGES 34–39 565
6. D. Ewen Cameron, “Psychic Driving,” American Journal of Psychiatry 112, no. 7 (1956): 502–509. 7. D. Ewen Cameron and S. K. Pande, “Treatment of the Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenic Patient,” Canadian Medical Association Journal 78 (January 15, 1958): 95. 8. Aristotle, “On the Soul, Book III,” in Aristotle I, Great Books of the Western World, vol. 8, ed. Mortimer J. Adler, trans. W. D. Ross (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952), 662. 9. Berton Rouché, “As Empty as Eve,” The New Yorker, September 9, 1974. 10. D. Ewen Cameron, “Production of Differential Amnesia as a Factor in the Treatment of Schizophrenia,” Comprehensive Psychiatry 1, no. 1 (1960): 32–33. 11. D. Ewen Cameron, J. G. Lohrenz and K. A. Handcock, “The Depatterning Treatment of Schizophrenia,” Comprehensive Psychiatry 3, no. 2 (1962): 67. 12. Cameron, “Psychic Driving,” 503–504. 13. Weinstein, Psychiatry and the CIA, 120. FOOTNOTE: Thomas, Journey into Madness, 129. 14. “CIA, Memorandum for the Record, Subject: Project ARTICHOKE,” January 31, 1975, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 15. Alfred W. McCoy, “Cruel Science: CIA Torture & Foreign Policy,” New England Journal of Public Policy 19, no. 2 (Winter 2005): 218. 16. Alfred W. McCoy, A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006), 22, 30. 17. Those who found themselves unwittingly taking LSD in this period of experi- mentation included North Korean POWs; a group of patients at a drug treat- ment centre in Lexington, Kentucky; seven thousand American soldiers at Maryland’s Edgewood Chemical Arsenal; and inmates of California’s Vacaville Prison. Ibid., 27, 29. 18. “[A]n anonymous handwritten note found in the archives identifies Dr. Caryl Haskins and Commander R. J. Williams as CIA representatives at the meet- ing.” David Vienneau, “Ottawa Paid for ’50s Brainwashing Experiments, Files Show,” Toronto Star, April 14, 1986; “Minutes of June 1, 1951, Canada/US/UK Meeting Re: Communist ‘Brainwashing’ Techniques during the Korean War,” meeting at Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Montreal, June 1, 1951: 5. 19. D. O. Hebb, W. Heron and W. H. Bexton, Annual Report, Contract DRB X38, Experimental Studies of Attitude, 1953. 20. Defense Research Board Report to Treasury Board, August 3, 1954, declassified, 2. 21. “Distribution of Proceedings of Fourth Symposium, Military Medicine, 1952,” declassified. 22. Zuhair Kashmeri, “Data Show CIA Monitored Deprivation Experiments,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), February 18, 1984. 23. Ibid. 24. Hebb, Heron and Bexton, Annual Report, Contract DRB X38, 1–2. 25. Juliet O’Neill, “Brain Washing Tests Assailed by Experts,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), November 27, 1986. 26. Thomas, Journey into Madness, 103; John D. Marks, The Search for the Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 566
566 NOTES TO PAGES 40–44
Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control (New York: Times Books, 1979), 133. 27. R. J. Russell, L. G. M. Page and R. L. Jillett, “Intensified Electroconvulsant Therapy,” Lancet (December 5, 1953): 1178. 28. Cameron, Lohrenz and Handcock, “The Depatterning Treatment of Schizophrenia,” 68. 29. Cameron, “Psychic Driving,” 504. 30. Thomas, Journey into Madness, 180. 31. D. Ewen Cameron et al., “Sensory Deprivation: Effects upon the Functioning Human in Space Systems,” Symposium on Psychophysiological Aspects of Space Flight, ed. Bernard E. Flaherty, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1961), 231; Cameron, “Psychic Driving,” 504. 32. Marks, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, 138. 33. Cameron and Pande, “Treatment of the Chronic Paranoid Schizophrenic Patient,” 92. 34. Cameron, “Production of Differential Amnesia as a Factor in the Treatment of Schizophrenia,” 27. 35. Thomas, Journey into Madness, 234. 36. Cameron et al., “Sensory Deprivation,” 226, 232. 37. Lawrence Weschler, A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers (New York: Pantheon Books, 1990), 125. 38. Interview appeared in the Canadian magazine Weekend, quoted in Thomas, Journey into Madness, 169. 39. Cameron, “Psychic Driving,” 508. 40. Cameron was citing another researcher, Norman Rosenzweig, to support his thesis. Cameron et al., “Sensory Deprivation,” 229. 41. Weinstein, Psychiatry and the CIA, 222. 42. “Project MKUltra, The CIA’s Program of Research in Behavioral Modification,” Joint Hearings Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United States Senate, 95th Congr., 1st Sess., August 3, 1977. Quoted in Weinstein, Psychiatry and the CIA, 178. 43. Ibid., 143. 44. James LeMoyne, “Testifying to Torture,” New York Times, June 5, 1988. 45. Jennifer Harbury, Truth, Torture and the American Way: The History and Consequences of U.S. Involvement in Torture (Boston: Beacon Press, 2005), 87. 46. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, “Transcript of Proceedings before the Select Committee on Intelligence: Honduran Interrogation Manual Hearing,” June 16, 1988 (Box 1 CIA Training Manuals, Folder: Interrogation Manual Hearings, National Security Archives). Quoted in McCoy, A Question of Torture, 96. 47. Tim Weiner, “Interrogation, C.I.A.-Style,” New York Times, February 9, 1997; Steven M. Kleinman, “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Review: Observations of an Interrogator, February 2006 in Intelligence Science Board, Educing Information (Washington DC: National Defense Intelligence College, December 2006), 96. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 567
NOTES TO PAGES 44–49 567
48. Central Intelligence Agency, Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation, July 1963, pages 1 and 8. Declassified manual is available in full from the National Security Archives, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. Emphasis added. 49. Ibid., 1, 38. 50. Ibid., 1–2. 51. Ibid., 88. 52. Ibid., 90. 53. Central Intelligence Agency, Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual–1983. Declassified manual is available in full from the National Security Archives, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. FOOTNOTE: Ibid. 54. Central Intelligence Agency, Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation, July 1963, 49–50, 76 –77. 55. Ibid., 41, 66. 56. McCoy, A Question of Torture, 8. 57. McCoy, “Cruel Science,” 220. 58. Frantz Fanon, A Dying Colonialism, trans. Haakon Chevalier (1965, repr. New York: Grove Press, 1967), 138. 59. Pierre Messmer, French minister of defence from 1960 to 1969, says that the Americans invited the French to train soldiers in the U.S. In response, General Paul Aussaresses, the most notorious and unrepentant of France’s torture experts, went to Fort Bragg and instructed U.S. soldiers on “seizure, interroga- tion, torture” techniques. Death Squadrons: The French School, documentary directed by Marie-Monique Robin (Idéale Audience, 2003). 60. McCoy, A Question of Torture, 65. 61. Dianna Ortiz, The Blindfold’s Eyes (New York: Orbis Books, 2002), 32. 62. Harbury, Truth, Torture and the American Way. 63. United Nations, Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Adopted August 12, 1949, www.ohchr.org; Uniform Code of Military Justice, Subchapter 10: Punitive Articles, Section 893, Article 93, www.au.af.mil. 64. Central Intelligence Agency, Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation,2; Central Intelligence Agency, Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual— 1983. 65. Craig Gilbert, “War Will Be Stealthy,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, September 17, 2001; Garry Wills, Reagan’s America: Innocents at Home (New York: Doubleday, 1987), 378. 66. Katharine Q. Seelye, “A Nation Challenged,” New York Times, March 29, 2002; Alberto R. Gonzales, Memorandum for the President, January 25, 2002, www.msnbc.msn.com. 67. Jerald Phifer, “Subject: Request for Approval of Counter-Resistance Strategies,” Memorandum for Commander, Joint Task Force 170, October 11, 2002: 6. Declassified, www.npr.org. 68. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Memorandum for Alberto R. Gonzales, Counsel to the President, August 1, 2002, www.washingtonpost.com. FOOTNOTE: “Military Commissions Act of 2006,” Subchapter VII, Sec. 6, thomas.loc.gov; Alfred W. McCoy, “The U.S. Has a History of Using Torture,” History News Network, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 568
568 NOTES TO PAGES 50–57
George Mason University, December 4, 2006, www.hnn.us; “The Imperial Presidency at Work,” New York Times, January 15, 2006. 69. Kleinman, “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation Review,” 95. 70. Dan Eggen, “Padilla Case Raises Questions about Anti-Terror Tactics,” Washington Post, November 19, 2006. 71. Curt Anderson, “Lawyers Show Images of Padilla in Chains,” The Associated Press, December 4, 2006; John Grant, “Why Did They Torture Jose Padilla,” Philadelphia Daily News, December 12, 2006. 72. AAP, “US Handling of Hicks Poor: PM,” Sydney Morning Herald, February 6, 2007. 73. Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal and Rhuhel Ahmed, Composite Statement: Detention in Afghanistan and Guantánamo Bay (New York: Center for Constitutional Rights, July 26, 2004), 95, www.ccr-ny.org. 74. Adam Zagorin and Michael Duffy, “Inside the Interrogation of Detainee 063,” Time, June 20, 2005. 75. James Yee and Aimee Molloy, For God and Country: Faith and Patriotism under Fire (New York: Public Affairs, 2005), 101–102; Tim Golden and Margot Williams, “Hunger Strike Breaks Out at Guantánamo,” New York Times, April 8, 2007. 76. Craig Whitlock, “In Letter, Radical Cleric Details CIA Abduction, Egyptian Torture,” Washington Post, November 10, 2006. 77. Ibid. 78. Amnesty International, “Italy, Abu Omar: Italian Authorities Must Cooperate Fully with All Investigations,” Public Statement, November 16, 2006, www.amnesty.org. 79. Jumah al-Dossari, “Days of Adverse Hardship in U.S. Detention Camps— Testimony of Guantánamo Detainee Jumah al-Dossari,” Amnesty International, December 16, 2005. 80. Mark Landler and Souad Mekhennet, “Freed German Detainee Questions His Country’s Role,” New York Times, November 4, 2006. 81. A.E. Schwartzman and P.E. Termansen, “Intensive Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Follow-Up Study,” Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal 12, no. 2 (1967): 217. 82. Erik Eckholm, “Winning Hearts of Iraqis with a Sewage Pipeline,” New York Times, September 5, 2004.
2. The Other Doctor Shock: Milton Friedman and the Search for a Laissez-Faire Laboratory
1. Arnold C. Harberger, “Letter to a Younger Generation,” Journal of Applied Economics 1, no. 1 (1998): 2. 2. Katherine Anderson and Thomas Skinner, “The Power of Choice: The Life and Times of Milton Friedman,” aired on PBS on January 29, 2007. 3. Jonathan Peterson, “Milton Friedman, 1912–2006,” Los Angeles Times, November 17, 2006. 4. Frank H. Knight, “The Newer Economics and the Control of Economic Activity,” Journal of Political Economy 40, no. 4 (August 1932): 455. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 569
NOTES TO PAGES 58–71 569
5. Daniel Bell, “Models and Reality in Economic Discourse,” The Crisis in Economic Theory, eds. Daniel Bell and Irving Kristol (New York: Basic Books, 1981), 57–58. 6. Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 24. 7. Larry Kudlow, “The Hand of Friedman,” The Corner web log on the National Review Online, November 16, 2006, www.nationalreview.com. 8. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 21. 9. Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (1962, repr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982,) 15. 10. Don Patinkin, Essays on and in the Chicago Tradition (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1981), 4. 11. Friedrich A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944). 12. Interview with Arnold Harberger conducted October 3, 2000, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy [television series for PBS], executive producers Daniel Yergin and Sue Lena Thompson, series producer William Cran (Boston: Heights Productions, 2002), full interview transcript available at www.pbs.org. 13. John Maynard Keynes, The End of Laissez-Faire (London: L & Virginia Woolf, 1926). 14. John Maynard Keynes, “From Keynes to Roosevelt: Our Recovery Plan Assayed,” New York Times, December 31, 1933. 15. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash of 1929 (1954, repr. New York: Avon, 1979), 168. 16. John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919, repr. Westminster, UK: Labour Research Department, 1920), 251. 17. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 594. 18. Stephen Kinzer, All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons, 2003), 153–54; Stephen Kinzer, Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq (New York: Times Books, 2006), 4. 19. El Imparcial, March 16, 1951, cited in Stephen C. Schlesinger, Stephen Kinzer and John H. Coatsworth, Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), 52. 20. Patterson described Argentine and Brazilian economists as “pink” in an inter- view with Juan Gabriel Valdés. He spoke of the need to “change the formation of the men” to the U.S. ambassador to Chile, Willard Beaulac. Juan Gabriel Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists: The Chicago School in Chile (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 110–13. 21. Ibid., 89. 22. The quotation comes from Joseph Grunwald, a Columbia University economist working at the time at the University of Chile. Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 135. 23. Harberger, “Letter to a Younger Generation,” 2. 24. André Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile: Monetarist Theory Versus Humanity (Nottingham, UK: Spokesman Books, 1976), 7–8. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 570
570 NOTES TO PAGES 71–78
25. Kenneth W. Clements, “Larry Sjaastad, The Last Chicagoan,” Journal of International Money and Finance 24 (2005): 867–69. 26. Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile, 8. 27. Memorandum to William Carmichael, via Jeffrey Puryear, from James W. Trow- bridge, October 24, 1984, page 4, cited in Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 194. 28. Ibid., 206. FOOTNOTE: “The Rising Risk of Recession,” Time, December 19, 1969. 29. In 1963, de Castro himself was on leave from Santiago to further his studies at the University of Chicago. He became chairman in 1965. Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 140, 165. 30. Ibid., 159. The quotation comes from Ernesto Fontaine, a Chicago grad and a professor at the Catholic University in Santiago. 31. Ibid., 6, 13. 32. Third report to the Catholic University of Chile and the International Cooperation Administration, August 1957, signed by Gregg Lewis, University of Chicago, page 3, cited in Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 132. 33. Interview with Ricardo Lagos conducted January 19, 2002, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 34. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 388. 35. Central Intelligence Agency, Notes on Meeting with the President on Chile, September 15, 1970, declassified, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 36. “The Last Dope from Chile,” mimeo signed “Al H.,” dated Santiago, September 7, 1970, cited in Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 242–43. 37. Sue Branford and Bernardo Kucinski, Debt Squads: The U.S., the Banks, and Latin America (London: Zed Books, 1988), 40, 51–52. 38. Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, “The International Telephone and Telegraph Company and Chile, 1970–71,” Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate by the Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, June 21, 1973, 13. 39. Ibid., 15. 40. Francisco Letelier, interview, Democracy Now!, September 21, 2006. 41. Subcommittee on Multinational Corporations, “The International Telephone and Telegraph Company and Chile, 1970–71,” 4, 18. 42. Ibid., 11, 15. 43. Ibid., 17. 44. Archdiocese of São Paulo, Torture in Brazil: A Shocking Report on the Pervasive Use of Torture by Brazilian Military Governments, 1964–1979, ed. Joan Dassin, trans. Jaime Wright (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986), 53. 45. William Blum, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since WWII (Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 1995), 195; “Times Diary: Liquidating Sukarno,” Times (London), August 8, 1986. 46. Kathy Kadane, “U.S. Officials’ Lists Aided Indonesian Bloodbath in ’60s,” Washington Post, May 21, 1990. 47. Kadane first published the account of the lists, based on taped on-the-record interviews with top U.S. officials posted in Indonesia at the time, in the Washington Post. The information about radios and weapons appears in a letter Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 571
NOTES TO PAGES 78–82 571
to the editor written by Kadane in The New York Review of Books, April 10, 1997, based on the same interviews. Kadane’s interview transcripts are now with the National Security Archive in Washington, DC. Kadane, “U.S. Officials’ Lists Aided Indonesian Bloodbath in ’60s.” 48. John Hughes, Indonesian Upheaval (New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1967), 132. 49. The 500,000 figure is the most commonly used, including by the Washington Post in 1966. Britain’s ambassador to Indonesia estimated the number at 400,000, but he reported that the Swedish ambassador, who had done addition- al research, deemed it “a very serious under-estimate.” Some put the number as high as a million, though the CIA claimed in a 1968 report that 250,000 had been killed, calling it “one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century.” “Silent Settlement,” Time, December 17, 1965; John Pilger, The New Rulers of the World (London: Verso, 2002), 34; Kadane, “U.S. Officials’ Lists Aided Indonesian Bloodbath in ’60s.” 50. “Silent Settlement.” 51. David Ransom, “Ford Country: Building an Elite for Indonesia,” The Trojan Horse: A Radical Look at Foreign Aid, ed. Steve Weissman, (Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press, 1975), 99. 52. FOOTNOTE: Ibid., 100. 53. Robert Lubar, “Indonesia’s Potholed Road Back,” Fortune, June 1, 1968. 54. Goenawan Mohamad, Celebrating Indonesia: Fifty Years with the Ford Foundation 1953–2003 (Jakarta: Ford Foundation, 2003), 59. 55. In the original text, the author spells the general’s name Soeharto; I changed it to the more common spelling Suharto for the sake of consistency. Mohammad Sadli, “Recollections of My Career,” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 29, no. 1 (April 1993): 40. 56. The following posts were filled with graduates of the Ford program: minister of finance, minister of trade and commerce, chair of the National Planning Board, vice-chair of the National Planning Board, secretary general of Marketing and Trade Research, chairman of the Technical Team of Foreign Investment, secretary general of industry and ambassador to Washington. Ransom, “Ford Country,” 110. 57. Richard Nixon, “Asia After Vietnam,” Foreign Affairs 46, no. 1 (October 1967): 111. FOOTNOTE: Arnold C. Harberger, Curriculum Vitae, November 2003, www.econ.ucla.edu. 58. Pilger, The New Rulers of the World, 36–37. 59. CIA, “Secret Cable from Headquarters [Blueprint for Fomenting a Coup Climate], September 27, 1970,” in Peter Kornbluh, The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability (New York: New Press, 2003), 49–56. 60. Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 251. 61. Ibid., 248–49. 62. Ibid., 250. 63. Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, United States Senate, Covert Action in Chile 1963–1973 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, December 18, 1975), 30. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 572
572 NOTES TO PAGES 82–92
64. Ibid., 40. 65. Eduardo Silva, The State and Capital in Chile: Business Elites, Technocrats, and Market Economics (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1996), 74. 66. Orlando Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile: Economic Freedom’s Awful Toll,” The Nation, August 28, 1976.
3. States of Shock: The Bloody Birth of the Counter-revolution
1. Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, trans. W. K. Marriott, (Toronto: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992), 42. 2. Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 592. 3. Batalla de Chile [three-part documentary film series] compiled by Patricia Guzmán, originally produced 1975–9 (New York: First Run/Icarus Films, 1993). 4. John Dinges and Saul Landau, Assassination on Embassy Row (New York: Pantheon Books, 1980), 64. 5. Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, vol. 1, trans. Phillip E. Berryman (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1993), 153; Peter Kornbluh, The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability (New York: New Press, 2003), 153–54. 6. Kornbluh, The Pinochet File, 155–56. 7. These numbers are contested because the military government was notorious for covering up and denying its crimes. Jonathan Kandell, “Augusto Pinochet, 91, Dictator Who Ruled by Terror in Chile, Dies,” New York Times, December 11, 2006; Chile Since Independence, ed. Leslie Bethell (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993), 178; Rupert Cornwell, “The General Willing to Kill His People to Win the Battle against Communism,” Independent (London), December 11, 2006. 8. Juan Gabriel Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists: The Chicago School in Chile (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 252. 9. Pamela Constable and Arturo Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies: Chile Under Pinochet (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1991), 187. 10. Robert Harvey, “Chile’s Counter-Revolution,” The Economist, February 2, 1980. 11. José Piñera, “How the Power of Ideas Can Transform a Country,” www.josepinera.com. 12. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 74–75. 13. Ibid., 69. 14. Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 31. 15. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 70. 16. Pinochet’s only trade barrier was a 10 percent tariff on imports, which does not constitute a trade barrier but a minor import tax. André Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile: Monetarist Theory Versus Humanity (Nottingham, UK: Spokesman Books, 1976), 81. 17. These are conservative estimates. Gunder Frank writes that in the first year of junta rule, inflation reached 508 percent and may have been close to 1,000 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 573
NOTES TO PAGES 93–99 573
percent for “basic necessities.” In 1972, Allende’s last year in office, inflation reached 163 percent. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 170; Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile, 62. 18. Que Pasa (Santiago), January 16, 1975, cited in Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile, 26. 19. La Tercera (Santiago), April 9, 1975, cited in Orlando Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile,” The Nation, August 28, 1976. 20. El Mercurio (Santiago), March 23, 1976, cited in ibid. 21. Que Pasa (Santiago), April 3, 1975, cited in ibid. 22. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 399. 23. Ibid., 593–94. 24. Ibid., 592–94. 25. Ibid., 594. 26. Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile, 34. 27. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 172–73. 28. “In 1980, public spending on health had decreased by 17.6 per cent compared to 1970, and education by 11.3 per cent.” Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 23, 26; Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 172–73; Robert Harvey, “Chile’s Counter-Revolution,” The Economist, February 2, 1980. 29. Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 22. 30. Albert O. Hirschman, “The Political Economy of Latin American Development: Seven Exercises in Retrospection,” Latin American Research Review 12, no. 3 (1987): 15. 31. Public Citizen, “The Uses of Chile: How Politics Trumped Truth in the Neo- Liberal Revision of Chile’s Development,” discussion paper, September 2006, www.citizen.org. 32. “A Draconian Cure for Chile’s Economic Ills?” Business Week, January 12, 1976. 33. Peter Dworkin, “Chile’s Brave New World of Reaganomics,” Fortune, November 2, 1981; Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 23; Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile.” 34. Hirschman, “The Political Economy of Latin American Development,” 15. 35. Junta finance minister Jorge Cauas made the statement. Constable and Valenzuela, Nation of Enemies, 173. 36. Ann Crittenden, “Loans from Abroad Flow to Chile’s Rightist Junta,” New York Times, February 20, 1976. 37. “A Draconian Cure for Chile’s Economic Ills?” Business Week, January 12, 1976. 38. Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile, 58. 39. Ibid., 65–66. 40. Harvey, “Chile’s Counter-Revolution”; Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile.” 41. Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile, 42. 42. Piñera, “How the Power of Ideas Can Transform a Country.” 43. Robert M. Bleiberg, “Why Attack Chile?” Barron’s, June 22, 1987. 44. Jonathan Kandell, “Chile, Lab Test for a Theorist,” New York Times, March 21, 1976. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 574
574 NOTES TO PAGES 99–106
45. Kandell, “Augusto Pinochet, 91, Dictator Who Ruled by Terror in Chile, Dies”; “A Dictator’s Double Standard,” Washington Post, December 12, 2006. 46. Greg Grandin, Empire’s Workshop: Latin America and the Roots of U.S. Imperialism (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006), 171. 47. Ibid., 171. 48. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 197–98. 49. José Piñera, “Wealth through Ownership: Creating Property Rights in Chilean Mining,” Cato Journal 24, no. 3 (Fall 2004): 296. 50. Interview with Alejandro Foxley conducted March 26, 2001, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 51. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 219. 52. Central Intelligence Agency, “Field Listing—Distribution of family income— Gini index,” World Factbook 2007, www.cia.gov. 53. Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile.” 54. Milton Friedman, “Economic Miracles,” Newsweek, January 21, 1974. 55. Glen Biglaiser, “The Internationalization of Chicago’s Economics in Latin America,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 50 (2002): 280. 56. Lawrence Weschler, A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers (New York: Pantheon Books, 1990), 149. 57. The quotation comes from notes taken by Brazil’s ambassador to Argentina at the time, João Baptista Pinheiro. Reuters, “Argentine Military Warned Brazil, Chile of ’76 Coup,” CNN, March 21, 2007. 58. Mario I. Blejer was Argentina’s secretary of finance during the dictatorship. He received a PhD in economics at the University of Chicago the year before the coup. Adolfo Diz, PhD, University of Chicago, was president of the central bank during the dictatorship. Fernando De Santibáñes, Chicago PhD, worked in the central bank during the dictatorship. Ricardo López Murphy, MA in Chicago, national director of the Office of Economic Research and Fiscal Analysis in the Treasury Department of the Finance Ministry (1974–1983). Several other Chicago grads held lower-level economic positions in the dicta- torship, as consultants and advisers. 59. Michael McCaughan, True Crimes: Rodolfo Walsh (London: Latin America Bureau, 2002) 284–90; “The Province of Buenos Aires: Vibrant Growth and Opportunity,” Business Week, July 14, 1980, special advertising section. 60. Henry Kissinger and César Augusto Guzzetti, Memorandum of Conversation, June 10, 1976, declassified, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 61. “The Province of Buenos Aires.” FOOTNOTE: Ibid. 62. McCaughan, True Crimes, 299. 63. Reuters, “Argentine Military Warned Brazil, Chile of ’76 Coup.” 64. Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, vol. 2, trans. Phillip E. Berryman (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1993), 501. 65. Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), ix. 66. Ibid., 149, 175. 67. Ibid., 165. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 575
NOTES TO PAGES 106–14 575
68. Weschler, A Miracle, a Universe, 170. 69. Amnesty International, Report on an Amnesty International Mission to Argentina 6–15 November 1976 (London: Amnesty International Publications, 1977), 35; Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 158. 70. Alex Sanchez, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, “Uruguay: Keeping the Military in Check,” November 20, 2006, www.coha.org. 71. Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile, 43; Batalla de Chile. 72. United States Senate, Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Covert Action in Chile 1963–1973 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, December 18, 1975), 40. 73. Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brasil: Nunca Mais / Torture in Brazil: A Shocking Report on the Pervasive Use of Torture by Brazilian Military Governments, 1964–1979, ed. Joan Dassin, trans. Jaime Wright (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986), 13-14. 74. Eduardo Galeano, “A Century of Wind,” Memory of Fire, vol. 3. trans. Cedric Belfrage (London: Quartet Books, 1989), 208. 75. Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, vol. 1, 153. 76. Kornbluh, The Pinochet File, 162. 77. Weschler, A Miracle, a Universe, 145. FOOTNOTE: Jane Mayer, “The Experiment,” The New Yorker, July 11, 2005. 78. This estimate is based on the fact that Brazil had 8,400 political prisoners in this period, and thousands of them were tortured. Uruguay had 60,000 polit- ical prisoners, and according to the Red Cross, torture in the jails was systemic. An estimated 50,000 Chileans faced torture and at least 30,000 Argentines did, which would make the 100,000 figure very conservative. Larry Rohter, “Brazil Rights Group Hopes to Bar Doctors Linked to Torture,” New York Times, March 11, 1999; Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Uruguay, January 31, 1978, www.cidh.org; Duncan Campbell and Jonathan Franklin, “Last Chance to Clean the Slate of the Pinochet Era,” Guardian (London), September 1, 2003; Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, ix. 79. McCaughan, True Crimes, 290. 80. Ibid., 274. 81. Ibid., 285–89. 82. Ibid., 280–82. 83. Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 25–26. 84. “Covert Action in Chile 1963–1973,” 45. 85. Weschler, A Miracle, a Universe, 110; Department of State, “Subject: Secretary’s Meeting with Argentine Foreign Minister Guzzetti,” Memorandum of Conversation, October 7, 1976, declassified, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 86. In Attendance—Friday, March 26, 1976, declassified document available from the National Security Archive, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 576
576 NOTES TO PAGES 116–23
4. Cleaning the Slate: Terror Does Its Work
1. Daniel Feierstein and Guillermo Levy, Hasta que la muerte nos separe: Prácticas sociales genocidas en América Latina (Buenos Aires: Ediciones al margen, 2004), 76. 2. Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), xii. 3. Orlando Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile,” The Nation, August 28, 1976. 4. Ibid. 5. John Dinges and Saul Landau, Assassination on Embassy Row (New York: Pantheon Books, 1980), 207–10. 6. Pamela Constable and Arturo Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies: Chile Under Pinochet (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1991), 103–107; Peter Kornbluh, The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability (New York: New Press, 2003), 167. 7. Eduardo Gallardo, “In Posthumous Letter, Lonely Ex-Dictator Justifies 1973 Chile Coup,” Associated Press, December 24, 2006. 8. “Dos Veces Desaparecido,” Página 12, September 21, 2006. 9. Carlos Rozanski was the lead author of the ruling, which was co-written by judges Norberto Lorenzo and Horacio A. Insaurralde. Federal Oral Court No. 1, Case NE 2251/06, September 2006, www.rodolfowalsh.org. 10. Federal Oral Court No. 1, Case NE 2251/06, September 2006, www. rodolfowalsh.org. 11. Ibid. 12. United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,” approved December 9, 1948, www.ohchr.org. 13. Leo Kuper, “Genocide: Its Political Use in the Twentieth Century,” in Alexander Laban Hinton, ed., Genocide: An Anthropological Reader (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2002), 56. 14. Beth Van Schaack, “The Crime of Political Genocide: Repairing the Genocide Convention’s Blind Spot,” Yale Law Journal 107, no. 7 (May 1997). 15. “Auto de la Sala de lo Penal de la Audiencia Nacional confirmando la jurisdic- ción de España para conocer de los crimines de genocidio y terrorismo cometi- dos durante la dictadura argentina,” Madrid, November 4, 1998, www.dere- chos.org. FOOTNOTE: Van Schaack, “The Crime of Political Genocide.” 16. Baltasar Garzón, “Auto de Procesamiento a Militares Argentinos,” Madrid, November 2, 1999, www.derechos.org. 17. Michael McCaughan, True Crimes: Rodolfo Walsh (London: Latin America Bureau, 2002), 182. 18. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 16. 19. Guillermo Levy, “Considerations on the Connections between Race, Politics, Economics, and Genocide,” Journal of Genocide Research 8, no. 2 (June 2006): 142. 20. Juan Gabriel Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists: The Chicago School in Chile (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 7–8 and 113. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 577
NOTES TO PAGES 123–29 577
21. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 16. 22. Ibid., 39; Alfred Rosenberg, Myth of the Twentieth Century: An Evaluation of the Spiritual-Intellectual Confrontations of Our Age (1930, repr. Newport Beach, CA: Noontide Press, 1993), 333. 23. André Gunder Frank, Economic Genocide in Chile: Monetarist Theory Versus Humanity (Nottingham, UK: Spokesman Books, 1976), 41. 24. Ibid. 25. Amnesty International, Report on an Amnesty International Mission to Argentina 6–15 November 1976 (London: Amnesty International Publications, 1977), 65. 26. Ibid. 27. Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 159. 28. Diana Taylor, Disappearing Acts: Spectacles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina’s “Dirty War” (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1997), 105. 29. Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, vol. 1, trans. Phillip E. Berryman (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1993), 140. 30. The editorial appeared in La Prensa (Buenos Aires), cited in Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 153. 31. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 153. 32. Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brasil: Nunca Mais / Torture in Brazil: A Shocking Report on the Pervasive Use of Torture by Brazilian Military Governments, 1964–1979, ed. Joan Dassin, trans. Jaime Wright (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986), 106–110. 33. Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, vol. 1, 149. 34. Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile.” 35. Nunca Más (Never again): The Report of the Argentine National Commission of the Disappeared (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1986), 369. 36. Ibid., 371. 37. Amnesty International, Report on an Amnesty International Mission to Argentina 6–15 November 1976, 9. 38. Taylor, Disappearing Acts, 111. 39. Archdiocese of São Paulo, Torture in Brazil, 64. 40. Karen Robert, “The Falcon Remembered,” NACLA Report on the Americas 39, no. 3 (November–December 2005): 12. 41. Victoria Basualdo, “Complicidad patronal-militar en la última dictadura argentina,” Engranajes: Boletín de FETIA, no. 5, special edition, March 2006. 42. Transcript of interviews conducted by Rodrigo Gutiérrez with Pedro Troiani and Carlos Alberto Propato, both former Ford workers and union activists, for a forthcoming documentary film on the Ford Falcon, Falcon. 43. “Demandan a la Ford por el secuestro de gremialistas durante la dictadura,” Página 12, February 24, 2006. 44. Robert, “The Falcon Remembered,” 13–15; transcript of Gutiérrez’s interviews with Troiani and Propato. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 578
578 NOTES TO PAGES 129–36
45. “Demandan a la Ford por el secuestro de gremialistas durante la dictadura.” 46. Ibid. 47. Larry Rohter, “Ford Motor Is Linked to Argentina’s ‘Dirty War,’” New York Times, November 27, 2002. 48. Ibid.; Sergio Correa, “Los desaparecidos de Mercedes-Benz,” BBC Mundo, November 5, 2002. 49. Robert, “The Falcon Remembered,” 14. 50. McCaughan, True Crimes, 290. 51. Nunca Más: The Report of the Argentine National Commission of the Disappeared, 22. 52. Quoting Padre Santano. Patricia Marchak, God’s Assassins: State Terrorism in Argentina in the 1970s (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999), 241. 53. Marchak, God’s Assassins, 155. 54. Levy, “Considerations on the Connections between Race, Politics, Economics, and Genocide,” 142. 55. Marchak, God’s Assassins, 161. 56. Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 42. 57. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 171, 188. 58. Ibid., 147. 59. The editorial appeared in La Prensa (Buenos Aires), cited in Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 153. 60. Constable and Valenzuela, A Nation of Enemies, 78. FOOTNOTE: L. M. Shirlaw, “A Cure for Devils,” Medical World 94 (January 1961): 56, cited in Leonard Roy Frank, ed., History of Shock Treatment (San Francisco: Frank, September 1978), 2. 61. McCaughan, True Crimes, 295. 62. Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 77. 63. FOOTNOTE: David Rose, “Guantanamo Briton ‘in Handcuff Torture,’” Observer (London), January 2, 2005. 64. Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 596. 65. Arnold C. Harberger, “Letter to a Younger Generation,” Journal of Applied Economics 1, no. 1 (1998): 4. 66. Amnesty International, Report on an Amnesty International Mission to Argentina 6–15 November 1976, 34–35. 67. Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide (1986, repr. New York: Basic Books, 2000), 16; François Ponchaud, Cambodia Year Zero, trans. Nancy Amphoux (1977, repr. New York: Rinehart and Winston, 1978), 50. 68. United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,” approved December 9, 1948, www.ohchr.org. 69. HIJOS (a human rights organization of the children of the disappeared) esti- mate over five hundred children. HIJOS, “Lineamientos,” www.hijos.org.ar; the figure of two hundred cases cited in Human Rights Watch, Annual Report 2001, www.hrw.org. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 579
NOTES TO PAGES 136–44 579
70. Silvana Boschi, “Desaparición de menores durante la dictadura militar: Presentan un documento clave,” Clarín (Buenos Aires), September 14, 1997. 71. Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 89.
5. “Entirely Unrelated”: How an Ideology Was Cleansed of Its Crimes
1. Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Speaking at Tribute to Milton Friedman, White House, Washington, DC, May 9, 2002, www.defenselink.mil. 2. Lawrence Weschler, A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers (New York: Pantheon Books, 1990), 147. 3. Anthony Lewis, “For Which We Stand: II,” New York Times, October 2, 1975. 4. “A Draconian Cure for Chile’s Economic Ills?” Business Week, January 12, 1976; Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1998), 601. 5. Milton Friedman, “Free Markets and the Generals,” Newsweek, January 25, 1982; Juan Gabriel Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists: The Chicago School in Chile (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 156. 6. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 596. 7. Ibid., 398. 8. Interview with Milton Friedman conducted October 1, 2000, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 9. The Nobel Prize in Economics is separate from other prizes chosen by the Nobel Committee. The award’s full name is the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. 10. Milton Friedman, “Inflation and Unemployment,” Nobel Memorial Lecture, December 13, 1976, www.nobelprize.org. 11. Orlando Letelier, “The Chicago Boys in Chile,” The Nation, August 28, 1976. 12. Neil Sheehan, “Aid by CIA Groups Put in the Millions,” New York Times, February 19, 1967. 13. Amnesty International, Report on an Amnesty International Mission to Argentina 6–15 November 1976 (London: Amnesty International Publications, 1977), copyright page; Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth, The Internationalization of Palace Wars: Lawyers, Economists, and the Contest to Transform Latin American States (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002), 71. 14. Amnesty International, Report on an Amnesty International Mission to Argentina 6–15 November 1976, 48. 15. The Peace Committee had been renamed the Vicariate by the time Ford began funding it. Americas Watch was part of Human Rights Watch, which started, under the name Helsinki Watch, with a $500,000 grant from the Ford Foundation. The $30 million figure comes from an interview with Alfred Ironside in the Office of Communications at the Ford Foundation. According to Ironside, most of the money was spent in the 1980s. He said that “there was virtually none spent on human rights in Latin America in the fifties” and that Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 580
580 NOTES TO PAGES 145–58
“there were a series of grants in the sixties geared toward human rights in the ball park of $700,000.” 16. Dezalay and Garth, The Internationalization of Palace Wars, 69. 17. David Ransom, “Ford Country: Building an Elite for Indonesia,” The Trojan Horse: A Radical Look at Foreign Aid, ed. Steve Weissman (Palo Alto, CA: Ramparts Press, 1975), 96. 18. Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists, 158, 186, 308. 19. Ford Foundation, “History,” 2006, www.fordfound.org. 20. Goenawan Mohamad, Celebrating Indonesia: Fifty Years with the Ford Foundation 1953–2003 (Jakarta: Ford Foundation, 2003), 56. 21. Dezalay and Garth, The Internationalization of Palace Wars, 148. 22. Ford Foundation, “History,” 2006, www.fordfound.org. FOOTNOTE: Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters (New York: New Press, 2000). 23. Archdiocese of São Paulo, Torture in Brazil: A Shocking Report on the Pervasive Use of Torture by Brazilian Military Governments, 1964–1979, ed. Joan Dassin, trans. Jaime Wright (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986), 50. 24. Simone de Beauvoir and Gisèle Halimi, Djamila Boupacha, trans. Peter Green (New York: MacMillan, 1962), 19, 21, 31. 25. Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 113. 26. I have made slight changes in Feitlowitz’s translation for clarity. Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, 113–15. Emphasis in original.
6. Saved by a War: Thatcherism and Its Useful Enemies
1. Translated by Peter Sillem. Carl Schmitt, Politische Theologie: Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität (1922 repr. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1993), 13. 2. Correspondence in the Hayek Collection, box 101, folder 26, Hoover Institution Archives, Palo Alto, CA. Thatcher’s letter is dated February 17. Thanks to Greg Grandin. 3. Peter Dworkin, “Chile’s Brave New World of Reaganomics,” Fortune, November 2, 1981. 4. Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 387. 5. Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Speaking at Tribute to Milton Friedman, White House, Washington, DC, May 9, 2002, www.defenselink.mil. 6. Milton Friedman, “Economic Miracles,” Newsweek, January 21, 1974. 7. In the transcript of the speech there is an error. Rumsfeld is quoted saying “they’re going to learn the going to learn the wrong lesson.” I removed the rep- etition to avoid confusion. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld Speaking at Tribute to Milton Friedman. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 581
NOTES TO PAGES 158–64 581
8. Henry Allen, “Hayek, the Answer Man,” Washington Post, December 2, 1982. 9. Interview with Milton Friedman conducted October 1, 2000, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 10. Arnold C. Harberger, Curriculum Vitae, November 2003, www.econ.ucla.edu. 11. Ibid.; Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 607–609. 12. The Political Economy of Policy Reform, ed. John Williamson (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994), 467. 13. Carmen DeNavas-Walt, Bernadette D. Proctor, Cheryl Hill Lee, U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2005, August 2006, www.census.gov; Central Intelligence Agency, World Factbook 2007, www.cia.gov. 14. Allan H. Meltzer, “Choosing Freely: The Friedmans’ Influence on Economic and Social Policy,” in The Legacy of Milton and Rose Friedman’s Free to Choose, eds. M. Wynne, H. Rosenblum and R. Formaini (Dallas: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2004), 204, www.dallasfed.org. 15. John Campbell, Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady, vol. 2 (London: Jonathan Cape, 2003), 174–75; Patrick Cosgrave, Thatcher: The First Term (London: Bodley Head, 1985), 158–59. 16. Kevin Jefferys, Finest & Darkest Hours: The Decisive Events in British Politics from Churchill to Blair (London: Atlantic Books, 2002), 208. 17. Based on MORI poll results (Gallup had Thatcher at 23 percent). “President Bush: Overall Job Rating,” www.pollingreport.com, accessed May 12, 2007; Malcolm Rutherford, “1982: Margaret Thatcher’s Year,” Financial Times (London), December 31, 1982. 18. Samuel P. Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991). 19. Hossein Bashiriyeh, The State and Revolution in Iran, 1962–1982 (New York: St Martin’s Press, 1984), 170–71. 20. “On the Record,” Time, February 14, 1983. 21. Campbell, Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady, vol. 2, 128. 22. Leonard Downie Jr. and Jay Ross, “Britain: South Georgia Taken,” Washington Post, April 26, 1982; “Jingoism Is Not the Way,” Financial Times (London), April 5, 1982. 23. Tony Benn, The End of an Era: Diaries 1980–90, ed. Ruth Winstone (London: Hutchinson, 1992), 206. 24. Angus Deming, “Britain’s Iron Lady,” Newsweek, May 14, 1979; Jefferys, Finest & Darkest Hours, 226. 25. BBC News, “1982: First Briton Dies in Falklands Campaign,” On This Day, 24 April, news.bbc.co.uk. 26. Rutherford, “1982.” 27. Michael Getler, “Dockers’ Union Agrees to Settle Strike in Britain,” Washington Post, July 21, 1984. 28. “TUC at Blackpool (Miners’ Strike): Labour Urged to Legislate on NUM Strike Fines,” Guardian (London), September 4, 1985; Seumas Milne, The Enemy Within: Thatcher’s Secret War against the Miners (London: Verso, 2004); Seumas Milne, “What Stella Left Out,” Guardian (London) October 3, 2000. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 582
582 NOTES TO PAGES 164–74
29. Seumas Milne, “MI5’s Secret War,” New Statesman & Society, November 25, 1994. 30. Coal War: Thatcher vs Scargill, director Liam O’Rinn, episode 8093 of the series Turning Points of History, telecast June 16, 2005. 31. Ibid. 32. Warren Brown, “U.S. Rules Out Rehiring Striking Air Controllers,” Washington Post, August 7, 1981; Steve Twomey, “Reunion Marks 10 Years Outside the Tower,” Washington Post, August 2, 1991. 33. Milton Friedman, Preface, Capitalism and Freedom (1962, repr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), ix. 34. J. McLane, “Milton Friedman’s Philosophy of Economics and Public Policy,” Conference to Honor Milton Friedman on His Ninetieth Birthday, November 25, 2002, www.chibus.com. 35. N. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhensky, The ABC of Communism: A Popular Explanation of the Program of the Communist Party of Russia, trans. Eden and Cedar Paul, (1922, repr. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1967), 340–41. 36. The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 19. 37. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 603.
7. The New Doctor Shock: Economic Warfare Replaces Dictatorship
1. “U.S. Operations Mission to Bolivia,” Problems in the Economic Development of Bolivia, La Paz: United States Operation Mission to Bolivia, 1956, 212. 2. Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1977), 84. 3. “Bolivia Drug Crackdown Brews Trouble,” New York Times, September 12, 1984; Joel Brinkley, “Drug Crops Are Up in Export Nations, State Dept. Says,” New York Times, February 15, 1985. 4. Jeffrey D. Sachs, The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time (New York: Penguin, 2005), 90–93. 5. John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919, repr. London: Labour Research Department, 1920), 220–21. 6. Interview with the author, October 2006, New York City. 7. Robert E. Norton, “The American Out to Save Poland,” Fortune, January 29, 1990. 8. Interview with Jeffrey Sachs conducted June 15, 2000, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 9. “A Draconian Cure for Chile’s Economic Ills?” Business Week, January 12, 1976. 10. Sachs, The End of Poverty, 93. 11. Sachs, Commanding Heights. 12. Catherine M. Conaghan and James M. Malloy, Unsettling Statecraft: Democracy and Neoliberalism in the Central Andes (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1994), 127. 13. Sachs, The End of Poverty, 95. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 583
NOTES TO PAGES 174–80 583
14. Susan Velasco Portillo, “Víctor Paz: Decreto es coyuntural, pero puede durar 10 ó 20 años,” La Prensa (La Paz), August 28, 2005. 15. Ibid. 16. Conaghan and Malloy, Unsettling Statecraft, 129. 17. Alberto Zuazo, “Bolivian Labor Unions Dealt Setback,” United Press International, October 9, 1985; Juan de Onis, “Economic Anarchy Ends,” Los Angeles Times, November 6, 1985. 18. The official’s comments are based on the recollections of the members of the emergency economic team. Velasco Portillo, “Víctor Paz: Decreto es coyuntur- al, pero puede durar 10 ó 20 años.” 19. Ibid. 20. Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade, Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance (Washington, DC: NDU Press, 1996), xxv. 21. Conaghan and Malloy, Unsettling Statecraft, 186. 22. Peter McFarren, “48-hour Strike Hurts Country,” Associated Press, September 5, 1985; Mike Reid, “Sitting Out the Bolivian Miracle,” Guardian (London), May 9, 1987. 23. Robert J. Alexander, A History of Organized Labor in Bolivia (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005), 169. 24. Sam Zuckerman, “Bolivian Bankers See Some Hope After Years of Economic Chaos,” American Banker, March 13, 1987; Waltraud Queiser Morales, Bolivia: Land of Struggle (San Francisco: Westview Press, 1992), 159. 25. Statistics come from the Inter-American Development Bank. Morales, Bolivia, 159. 26. Erick Foronda, “Bolivia: Paz Has Trouble Selling ‘Economic Miracle,’” Latinamerica Press 21, no. 5 (February 16, 1989): 7, cited in Morales, Bolivia, 160. 27. Alexander, A History of Organized Labor in Bolivia, 169. 28. Interview with Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada conducted March 20, 2001, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 29. Peter McFarren, “Farmers’ Siege of Police Points Up Bolivia’s Drug-Dealing Problems,” Associated Press, January 12, 1986. 30. Peter McFarren, “Bolivia—Bleak but Now Hopeful,” Associated Press, May 23, 1989. 31. Conaghan and Malloy write that “there is little doubt that the drug trade (like the international aid that Paz received) helped soften the blows of stabilization. In addition to generating income, the injection of ‘coca-dollars’ into the bank- ing system is believed to have helped stabilize the currency during the second half of the decade.” Conaghan and Malloy, Unsettling Statecraft, 198. 32. Tyler Bridges, “Bolivia Turns to Free Enterprise Among Hard Times,” Dallas Morning News, June 29, 1987; Conaghan and Malloy, Unsettling Statecraft, 198. 33. John Sedgwick, “The World of Doctor Debt,” Boston Magazine, May 1991. 34. “Taming the Beast,” The Economist, November 15, 1986. 35. Sachs, Commanding Heights. 36. Peter Passell, “Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Shock Therapist,” New York Times, June 27, 1993. 37. “New Austerity Package Revealed,” Latin American Regional Reports: Andean Group, December 13, 1985. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 584
584 NOTES TO PAGES 181–88
38. The banker was quoted anonymously. Zuckerman, “Bolivian Bankers See Some Hope after Years of Economic Chaos.” 39. The Political Economy of Policy Reform, ed. John Williamson (Washington DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994), 479. 40. Associated Press, “Bolivia Now Under State of Siege,” New York Times, September 20, 1985. 41. “Bolivia to Lift State of Siege,” United Press International, December 17, 1985; “Bolivia Now Under State of Siege.” 42. Conaghan and Malloy, Unsettling Statecraft, 149. 43. Reuters, “Bolivia Strike Crumbling,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), September 21, 1985. 44. Peter McFarren, “Detainees Sent to Internment Camps,” Associated Press, August 29, 1986; “Bolivia: Government Frees Detainees, Puts Off Plans for Mines,” Inter Press Service, September 16, 1986. 45. Sachs, The End of Poverty, 96. 46. Sánchez de Lozada, Commanding Heights. 47. Conaghan and Malloy, Unsettling Statecraft, 149.
8. Crisis Works: The Packaging of Shock Therapy
1. A. E. Hotchner, Papa Hemingway (1966, repr. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1999), 280. 2. Jim Shultz, “Deadly Consequences: The International Monetary Fund and Bolivia’s ‘Black February,’” (Cochabamba, Bolivia: The Democracy Center, April 2005), 14, www.democracyctr.org. 3. Albert O. Hirschman, “Reflections on the Latin American Experience,” in The Politics of Inflation and Economic Stagnation: Theoretical Approaches and International Case Studies, ed. Leon N. Lindberg and Charles S. Maier (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1985), 76. 4. Banco Central de la República Argentina, Memoria Anual 1985, www.bcra.gov.ar; Lawrence Weschler, A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers (New York: Pantheon Books, 1990), 152; “Brazil Refinancing Foreign Debt Load,” New York Times, July 2, 1964; Alan Riding, “Brazil’s Leader Urges Negotiations on Debt,” New York Times, September 22, 1985. 5. Robert Harvey, “Chile’s Counter-Revolution,” The Economist, February 2, 1980; World Bank, Economic Memorandum: Argentina (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1985), 17. 6. The adviser was Franklin Willis. Michael Hirsh, “Follow the Money,” Newsweek, April 4, 2005. 7. Terence O’Hara, “6 U.S. Banks Held Pinochet’s Accounts,” Washington Post, March 16, 2005. 8. United Press International, “Former Cabinet Minister Arrested in Argentina,” Seattle Times, November 17, 1984. 9. World Bank, Economic Memorandum: Argentina, page 17; “Documentación que prueba los ilícitos de Martínez de Hoz,” La Voz del Interior, October 6, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 585
NOTES TO PAGES 188–95 585
1984, cited in H. Hernandez, Justicia y Deuda Externa Argentina (Santa Fe, Argentina: Editorial Universidad de Santa Fe, 1988), 36. 10. Hernandez, Justicia y Deuda Externa Argentina, 37. 11. Ibid. 12. She described it as a “report about how to make investments in the Bahamas, Luxembourg, Panama, Switzerland, and Lichtenstein. There was also a section— quite technical—on the tax situation in these places.” Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), 57. 13. Norberto Galasso, De la Banca Baring al FMI (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Colihue, 2002), 246; Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, “¿Cuándo comenzo el terror del 24 de marzo de 1976 ?” La Fogata, March 24, 2004, www.lafogata.org. 14. U.S. State Department, Memorandum of Conversation, Subject: Secretary’s Meeting with Argentine Foreign Minister Guzzetti, October 7, 1976, declassi- fied, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 15. Sue Branford and Bernardo Kucinski, The Debt Squads: The US, the Banks, and Latin America (London: Zed Books, 1988), 95. 16. Matthew L. Wald, “A House, Once Again, Is Just Shelter,” New York Times, February 6, 1983. 17. Jaime Poniachik, “Cómo empezó la deuda externa,” La Nación (Buenos Aires), May 6, 2001. 18. Donald V. Coes, Macroeconomic Crises: Politics and Growth in Brazil, 1964–1990 (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1995), 187; Eghosa E. Osaghae, Structural Adjustment and Ethnicity in Nigeria (Uppsala, Sweden: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1995), 24; T. Ademola Oyejide and Mufutau I. Raheem, “Nigeria,” in The Rocky Road to Reform: Adjustment, Income Distribution, and Growth in the Developing World, ed. Lance Taylor (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1993), 302. 19. International Monetary Fund, Fund Assistance for Countries Facing Exogenous Shock, August 8, 2003, page 37, www.imf.org. 20. Banco Central de la República Argentina, Memoria Anual 1989, www.bcra.gov.ar. 21. “Interview with Arnold Harberger,” The Region, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, March 1999, www.minneapolisfed.org. 22. The former Chicago professor and fellow Stanley Fischer was first deputy managing director of the IMF in 1994, Raghuram Rajan was the IMF’s chief economist in 2003, Michael Mussa was director of the department of research at the IMF in 1991 and Danyang Xie was senior economist in the IMF’s African department in 2003. 23. International Monetary Fund, “Article I—Purposes,” Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, www.imf.org. 24. “Speech by Lord Keynes in Moving to Accept the Final Act at the Closing Plenary Session, Bretton Woods, 22 July, 1944,” Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, vol. 26, ed. Donald Moggridge (London: Macmillan, 1980), 103. 25. John Williamson, “In Search of a Manual for Technopols,” in John Williamson, ed., The Political Economy of Policy Reform (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994), 18. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 586
586 NOTES TO PAGES 195–205
26. “Appendix: The ‘Washington Consensus,’” in The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 27. 27. Williamson, The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 17. 28. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Globalization and Its Discontents (New York: W. W. Norton, 2002), 13. 29. Davison L. Budhoo, Enough Is Enough: Dear Mr. Camdessus . . . Open Letter of Resignation to the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, foreword by Errol K. McLeod (New York: New Horizons Press, 1990), 102. 30. Dani Rodrik, “The Rush to Free Trade in the Developing World: Why So Late? Why Now? Will It Last?” in Voting for Reform: Democracy, Political Liberalization and Economic Adjustment, ed. Stephan Haggard and Steven B. Webb (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 82. Emphasis added. 31. Ibid., 81. 32. “ . . . [W]hatever the merits of trade reform, the causal link drawn between trade regimes and propensity to macroeconomic crisis was bad economics.” Dani Rodrik, “The Limits of Trade Policy Reform in Developing Countries,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 6, no. 1 (Winter 1992): 95. 33. Herasto Reyes, “Argentina: historia de una crisis,” La Prensa (Panama City), January 12, 2002. 34. Nathaniel C. Nash, “Turmoil, Then Hope in Argentina,” New York Times, January 31, 1991. 35. “Interview with Arnold Harberger.” 36. José Natanson, Buenos muchachos: Vida y obra de los economistas del establish- ment (Buenos Aires: Libros del Zorzal, 2004). 37. Paul Blustein, And the Money Kept Rolling In (and Out): Wall Street, the IMF, and the Bankrupting of Argentina (New York: PublicAffairs, 2005), 21. 38. Ibid., 24; interview with Domingo Cavallo conducted January 30, 2002, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org; César V. Herrera and Marcelo García, “A 10 años de la privatización de YPF— Análisis y consecuencias en la Argentina y en la Cuenca del Golfo San Jorge (versión ampliada),” Centro Regional de Estudios Económicos de la Patagonia Central, January 23, 2003, www.creepace.com.ar; Antonio Camou, “Saber técnico y política en los orígenes del menemismo,” Perfiles Latinoamericanos 7, no. 12 (June 1998); Carlos Saúl Menem, speech given during a lunch with Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo, November 26, 1997, zedillo.presidencia. gob.mx. FOOTNOTE: Interview with Alejandro Olmos Gaona, “Las deudas hay que pagarlas, las estafas no,” LaVaca, January 10, 2006, www.lavaca.org. 39. “Menem’s Miracle,” Time International, July 13, 1992. 40. Cavallo, Commanding Heights.
9. Slamming the Door on History: A Crisis in Poland, a Massacre in China
1. Leszek Balcerowicz, “Losing Milton Friedman, A Revolutionary Muse of Liberty,” Daily Star (Beirut), November 22, 2006. 2. Michael Freedman, “The Radical,” Forbes, February 13, 2006. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 587
NOTES TO PAGES 205–16 587
3. Joseph Fewsmith, China Since Tiananmen: The Politics of Transition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 35. 4. The embryo of Solidarity was a semi-independent union called Free Labour Unions of the Coast, formed in 1978. This was the group that organized the strikes that eventually led to the creation of Solidarity. 5. Thomas A. Sancton, “He Dared to Hope,” Time, January 4, 1982. 6. Ibid. 7. “Solidarity’s Programme Adopted by the First National Congress,” in Peter Raina, Poland 1981: Towards Social Renewal (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985), 326–80. 8. Sancton, “He Dared to Hope.” 9. Egil Aarvik, “The Nobel Peace Prize 1983 Presentation Speech,” Oslo, Norway, December 10, 1983, www.nobelprize.org. 10. Lawrence Weschler, “A Grand Experiment,” The New Yorker, November 13, 1989. 11. Tadeusz Kowalik, “Why the Social Democratic Option Failed: Poland’s Experience of Systemic Change,” in Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times: The Left and Economic Policy Since 1990 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 223; Jeffrey D. Sachs, The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time (New York: Penguin, 2005), 120; Magdalena Wyganowska, “Transformation of the Polish Agricultural Sector and the Role of the Donor Community,” USAID Mission to Poland, September 1998, www.usaid.gov. 12. James Risen, “Cowboy of Poland’s Economy,” Los Angeles Times, February 9, 1990. 13. Sachs, The End of Poverty, 111. 14. Weschler, “A Grand Experiment.” 15. Sachs, The End of Poverty, 114. 16. Ibid.; Weschler, “A Grand Experiment.” 17. Interview with Jeffrey Sachs conducted June 15, 2000, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 18. Przemyslaw Wielgosz, “25 Years of Solidarity,” unpublished lecture, August 2005. Courtesy of the author. 19. Sachs, The End of Poverty, 117. FOOTNOTE: Randy Boyagoda, “Europe’s Original Sin,” The Walrus, February 2007, www.walrusmagazine.com. 20. Weschler, “A Grand Experiment”; Interview with Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada conducted March 20, 2001, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 21. Weschler, “A Grand Experiment.” 22. Balcerowicz, “Losing Milton Friedman.” 23. “Walesa: U.S. Has Stake in Poland’s Success,” United Press International, August 25, 1989. 24. The quotation is from Zofia Kuratowska, “Solidarity’s foremost expert on health services and now a leading legislator.” Weschler, “A Grand Experiment.” 25. John Tagliabue, “Poles Approve Solidarity-Led Cabinet,” New York Times, September 13, 1989. 26. Weschler, “A Grand Experiment;” “Mazowiecki Taken Ill in Parliament,” Guardian Weekly (London), September 17, 1989. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 588
588 NOTES TO PAGES 216–27
27. Anne Applebaum, “Exhausted Polish PM’s Cabinet Is Acclaimed,” Independent (London), September 13, 1989. 28. Weschler, “A Grand Experiment.” 29. Ibid. 30. Leszek Balcerowicz, “Poland,”in The Political Economy of Policy Reform, ed. John Williamson (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994), 177. 31. Ibid., 176–77. 32. Ibid., 163. 33. Thomas Carothers, “The End of the Transition Paradigm,” Journal of Democracy 13, no. 1 (January 2002): 6–7. 34. George J. Church, “The Education of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev,” Time, January 4, 1988. 35. Francis Fukuyama, “The End of History?” The National Interest, Summer 1989. FOOTNOTE: Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man (New York: Free Press, 1992). 36. Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 603. 37. Fukuyama, “The End of History?” 38. Ibid. 39. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 520–22. 40. Ibid., 558; Milton Friedman, “If Only the United States Were as Free as Hong Kong,” Wall Street Journal, July 8, 1997. 41. Maurice Meisner, The Deng Xiaoping Era: An Inquiry into the Fate of Chinese Socialism, 1978–1994 (New York: Hill and Wang, 1996), 455; “Deng’s June 9 Speech: ‘We Face a Rebellious Clique’ and ‘Dregs of Society,’” New York Times, June 30, 1989. 42. Friedman had been invited to China in various capacities—as a conference participant, a university lecturer—but in his memoirs he characterized it as a state visit: “I was mostly the guest of governmental entities,” Friedman writes. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 601. 43. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 517, 537, 609. Emphasis in original. 44. Ibid., 601–602. 45. Wang Hui, China’s New Order: Society, Politics, and Economy in Transition (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003), 45, 54. 46. Ibid., 54. 47. Ibid., 57. 48. Meisner, The Deng Xiaoping Era, 463–65. 49. “China’s Harsh Actions Threaten to Set Back 10-Year Reform Drive,” Wall Street Journal, June 5, 1989. 50. “Deng’s June 9 Speech: ‘We Face a Rebellious Clique’ and ‘Dregs of Society.’” FOOTNOTE: Henry Kissinger, “The Caricature of Deng as a Tyrant Is Unfair,” Washington Post, August 1, 1989. 51. Interview with Orville Schell conducted on December 13, 2005, for PBS’s Frontline episode “The Tank Man”; full interview transcript available at www.pbs.org. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 589
NOTES TO PAGES 228–42 589
52. Wang, China’s New Order, 65–66. 53. Meisner, The Deng Xiaoping Era, 482. FOOTNOTE: David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 135. 54. Mo Ming, “90 Percent of China’s Billionaires Are Children of Senior Officials,” China Digital Times, November 2, 2006, www.chinadigitaltimes.net. 55. Human Rights Watch, “Race to the Bottom: Corporate Complicity in Chinese Internet Censorship,” Human Rights Watch 18, no. 8(c) (August 2006): 28, 43; Wang, China’s New Order, 65. 56. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 516. 57. Jaroslaw Urbanski, “Workers in Poland After 1989,” Workers Initiative Poland, paspartoo.w.interia.pl; Weschler, “A Grand Experiment.” 58. Mark Kramer, “Polish Workers and the Post-Communist Transition, 1989–93,” Europe-Asia Studies, June 1995; World Bank, World Development Indicators 2006, www.worldbank.org; Andrew Curry, “The Case Against Poland’s New President,” New Republic, November 17, 2005; Wielgosz, “25 Years of Solidarity.” 59. Wielgosz, “25 Years of Solidarity.” 60. David Ost, The Defeat of Solidarity: Anger and Politics in Postcommunist Europe (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005), 62. 61. Statistical Yearly (Warsaw: Polish Main Statistical Office, 1997), 139. 62. Kramer, “Polish Workers and the Post-Communist Transition, 1989–93.”
10. Democracy Born in Chains: South Africa’s Constricted Freedom
1. “South Africa; Tutu Says Poverty, Aids Could Destabilise Nation,” AllAfrica.com, November 4, 2001. 2. Martin J. Murray, The Revolution Deferred (London: Verso, 1994), 12. 3. “ANC Leader Affirms Support for State Control of Industry,” Times (London), January 26, 1990. 4. Ismail Vadi, The Congress of the People and Freedom Charter Campaign, foreword by Walter Sisulu (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1995), www.sahistory.org.za. 5. Nelson Mandela, A Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1994), 150. 6. “The Freedom Charter,” Adopted at the Congress of the People, Kliptown, on June 26, 1955, www.anc.org.za. 7. William Mervin Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC (Cape Town: Zebra Press, 2005), 219–20. 8. Mandela, A Long Walk to Freedom, 490–91. 9. Simple majority rule was actually delayed until 1999. Until then, executive power was shared among all the political parties that won more than 5 percent of the popular vote. Unpublished interview with Nelson Mandela by the film- maker Ben Cashdan, 2001; Hein Marais, South Africa: Limits to Change: The Political Economy of Transition (Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press, 2001), 91–92. 10. FOOTNOTE: Milton Friedman, “Milton Friedman—Banquet Speech,” given at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1976, www.nobelprize.org. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 590
590 NOTES TO PAGES 243–51
11. Bill Keller, “Can Both Wealth and Justice Flourish in a New South Africa?” New York Times, May 9, 1994. 12. Mark Horton, “Role of Fiscal Policy in Stabilization and Poverty Alleviation,” in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The First Ten Years, ed. Michael Nowak and Luca Antonio Ricci, (Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, 2005), 84. 13. FOOTNOTE: Juan Gabriel Valdés, Pinochet’s Economists: The Chicago School in Chile (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 31, 33, quoting Pinochet’s minister of economy Pablo Baraona’s definition of the “new democracy;” Robert Harvey, “Chile’s Counter-Revolution,” The Economist, February 2, 1980 (Harvey was quoting Sergio Fernandez, the minister of the interior); José Piñera, “Wealth Through Ownership: Creating Property Rights in Chilean Mining,” Cato Journal 24, no. 3 (Fall 2004): 298. 14. James Brew, “South Africa–Habitat: A Good Home Is Still Hard to Own,” Inter Press Service, March 11, 1997. 15. David McDonald, “Water: Attack the Problem Not the Data,” Sunday Independent (London), June 19, 2003. FOOTNOTE: Ibid. 16. Bill Keller, “Cracks in South Africa’s White Monopolies,” New York Times, June 17, 1993. 17. Gumede cites Businessmap statistics asserting that “around 98 percent of exec- utive directors of JSE-listed companies are white, and they preside over 97 per- cent of the exchange’s total value.” Simon Robinson, “The New Rand Lords,” Time, April 25, 2005; Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 220. 18. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 112. 19. Moyiga Nduru, “S. Africa: Politician Washed Anti-Aids Efforts Down the Drain,” Inter Press Service, April 11, 2006. 20. “Study: Aids Slashes SA’s Life Expectancy,” Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg), December 11, 2006. 21. The rand recovered slightly by the end of the day, closing 7 percent lower. Jim Jones, “Foreign Investors Take Fright at Hardline Stance,” Financial Times (London), February 13, 1990. 22. Steven Mufson, “South Africa 1990,” Foreign Affairs [Special Edition: America and the World], 1990/1991. 23. Thomas L. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Branch (New York: Random House, 2000), 113. 24. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 69. 25. Ibid., 85; “South Africa: Issues of Rugby and Race,” The Economist, August 24, 1996. 26. Nelson Mandela, “Report by the President of the ANC to the 50th National Conference of the African National Congress,” December 16, 1997. 27. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 33–39, 69. 28. Ibid., 79. 29. Marais, South Africa, 122. FOOTNOTE: ANC, Ready to Govern: ANC Policy Guidelines for a Democratic South Africa Adopted at the National Conference, May 28–31, 1992, www.anc.org.za. 30. Ken Wells, “U.S. Investment in South Africa Quickens,” Wall Street Journal, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 591
NOTES TO PAGES 251–60 591
October 6, 1994. 31. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 88. 32. Ibid., 87. 33. Marais, South Africa, 162. 34. Ibid., 170. 35. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 89. 36. Ginger Thompson, “South African Commission Ends Its Work,” New York Times, March 22, 2003. 37. ANC, “The State and Social Transformation,” discussion document, November 1996, www.anc.org.za; Ginger Thompson, “South Africa to Pay $3,900 to Each Family of Apartheid Victims,” New York Times, April 16, 2003; Mandela unpub- lished interview with Cashdan, 2001. 38. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 108. 39. Ibid., 119. 40. South African Communist Party, “The Debt Debate: Confusion Heaped on Confusion” November–December 1998, www.sacp.org.za; Jeff Rudin, “Apartheid Debt: Questions and Answers,” Alternative Information and Development Centre, March 16, 1999, www.aidc.org.za. FOOTNOTE: Congress of South Africa Trade Unions, “Submission on the Public Investment Corporation Draft Bill,” June 25, 2004, www.cosatu.org.za; Rudin, “Apartheid Debt”; South African Communist Party, “The Debt Debate.” 41. “The Freedom Charter.” 42. Nomvula Mokonyane, “Budget Speech for 2005/06 Financial Year by MEC for Housing in Gauteng,” Speech made in the Guateng Legislature on June 13, 2005, www.info.gov.za. 43. Lucille Davie and Mary Alexander, “Kliptown and the Freedom Charter,” June 27, 2005, www.southafrica.info; Blue IQ, The Plan for a Smart Province— Guateng. 44. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 215. 45. Scott Baldauf, “Class Struggle: South Africa’s New, and Few, Black Rich,” Christian Science Monitor, October 31, 2006; “Human Development Report 2006,” United Nations Development Programme, www.undp.org. 46. “South Africa: The Statistics,” Le Monde Diplomatique, September 2006; Michael Wines and Sharon LaFraniere, “Decade of Democracy Fills Gaps in South Africa,” New York Times, April 26, 2004. 47. Simon Robinson, “The New Rand Lords.” 48. Michael Wines, “Shantytown Dwellers in South Africa Protest the Sluggish Pace of Change,” New York Times, December 25, 2005. 49. Mark Wegerif, Bev Russell and Irma Grundling, Summary of Key Findings from the National Evictions Survey (Polokwane, South Africa: Nkuzi Development Association, 2005), 7, www.nkuzi.org.za. 50. Wines, “Shantytown Dwellers in South Africa Protest . . .” 51. Gumede, Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, 72. Internal quotation: Asghar Adelzadeh, “From the RDP to GEAR: The Gradual Embracing of Neo-liberalism in Economic Policy,” Transformation 31, 1996. 52. Ibid., 70. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 592
592 NOTES TO PAGES 261–67
53. Stephen F. Cohen, Failed Crusade: America and the Tragedy of Post- Communist Russia (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2001), 30.
11. Bonfire of a Young Democracy: Russia Chooses “The Pinochet Option”
1. Boris Kagarlitsky, Square Wheels: How Russian Democracy Got Derailed, trans. Leslie A. Auerbach, et al. (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1994), 191. 2. William Keegan, The Spectre of Capitalism: The Future of the World Economy After the Fall of Communism (London: Radius, 1992), 109. 3. George J. Church, “The Education of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev,” Time, January 4, 1988; Gidske Anderson, “The Nobel Peace Prize 1990 Presentation Speech,” www.nobelprize.org. 4. Marshall Pomer, Introduction, The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry, eds. Lawrence R. Klein and Marshall Pomer (Stanford: Stanford University Press: 2001), 1. 5. Anderson, “The Nobel Peace Prize 1990 Presentation Speech”; Church, “The Education of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev.” 6. Mikhail Gorbachev, Foreword, Klein and Pomer, eds., The New Russia, xiv. 7. The unprecedented joint report called for “radical reform” and insisted that bor- ders should be opened to trade simultaneously with any stabilization plan, the two-for-one special discussed by Dani Rodrik in chapter 8. International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The Economy of the USSR: Summary and Recommendations (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1990); author’s interview with Jeffrey Sachs, October 2006, New York City. 8. “Order, Order,” The Economist, December 22, 1990. 9. Ibid.; Michael Schrage, “Pinochet’s Chile a Pragmatic Model for Soviet Economy,” Washington Post, August 23, 1991. 10. Return of the Czar, an episode of Frontline [television series for PBS], producer Sherry Jones, telecast May 9, 2000. 11. Vadim Nikitin, “’91 Foes Linked by Anger and Regret,” Moscow Times, August 21, 2006. 12. Stephen F. Cohen, “America’s Failed Crusade in Russia,” The Nation, February 28, 1994. 13. Author’s interview with Jeffrey Sachs. 14. Peter Passell, “Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Shock Therapist,” New York Times, June 27, 1993. 15. Peter Reddaway and Dmitri Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms: Market Bolshevism against Democracy (Washington, DC: United States Institute for Peace Press, 2001), 291. 16. Jeffrey D. Sachs, The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time (New York: Penguin Books, 2005), 137. 17. Reddaway and Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, 253. 18. The Agony of Reform, an episode of Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy [television series for PBS], executive producers Daniel Yergin and Sue Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 593
NOTES TO PAGES 268–73 593
Lena Thompson, series producer William Cran (Boston: Heights Productions, 2002); Reddaway and Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, 237, 298. 19. Mikhail Leontyev, “Two Economists Will Head Russian Reform; Current Digest of the Soviet Press,” Nezavisimaya Gazeta, November 9, 1991, digest available on December 11, 1991. 20. Chrystia Freeland, Sale of the Century: Russia’s Wild Ride from Communism to Capitalism (New York: Crown, 2000), 56. 21. Boris Yeltsin, “Speech to the RSFSR Congress of People’s Deputies,” October 28, 1991. 22. David McClintick, “How Harvard Lost Russia,” Institutional Investor, January 1, 2006. 23. Georgi Arbatov, “Origins and Consequences of ‘Shock Therapy,’” in Klein and Pomer, eds., The New Russia, 171. 24. Vladimir Mau, “Russia,” in The Political Economy of Policy Reform, ed. John Williamson (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994), 435. 25. Ibid., 434–35. 26. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Preface, Klein and Pomer, eds., The New Russia, xxii. 27. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Globalization and Its Discontents (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2002), 136. 28. Yeltsin, “Speech to the RSFSR Congress of People’s Deputies.” 29. Stephen F. Cohen, “Can We ‘Convert’ Russia?” Washington Post, March 28, 1993; Helen Womack, “Russians Shell Out as Cashless Society Looms,” Independent (London), August 27, 1992. 30. Russian Economic Trends, 1997, page 46, cited in Thane Gustafson, Capitalism Russian-Style (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), 171. 31. The Agony of Reform. 32. Gwen Ifill, “Clinton Meets Russian on Assistance Proposal,” New York Times, March 25, 1993. 33. Malcolm Gray, “After Bloody Monday,” Maclean’s, October 18, 1993; Leyla Boulton, “Powers of Persuasion,” Financial Times (London), November 5, 1993. 34. Serge Schmemann, “The Fight to Lead Russia,” New York Times, March 13, 1993. 35. Margaret Shapiro and Fred Hiatt, “Troops Move in to Put Down Uprising After Yeltsin Foes Rampage in Moscow,” Washington Post, October 4, 1993. 36. John Kenneth White and Philip John Davies, Political Parties and the Collapse of the Old Orders (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998), 209. 37. “Testimony Statement by the Honorable Lawrence H. Summers Under Secretary for International Affairs U.S. Treasury Department Before the Committee on Foreign Relations of the U.S. Senate, September 7, 1993.” 38. Reddaway and Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, 294. 39. Ibid, 299. 40. Celestine Bohlen, “Rancor Grows in Russian Parliament,” New York Times, March 28, 1993. 41. “The Threat That Was,” The Economist, April 28, 1993; Shapiro and Hiatt, “Troops Move in to Put Down Uprising After Yeltsin Foes Rampage in Moscow.” 42. Serge Schmemann, “Riot in Moscow Amid New Calls For Compromise,” New York Times, October 3, 1993. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 594
594 NOTES TO PAGES 274–79
43. Leslie H. Gelb, “How to Help Russia,” New York Times, March 14, 1993. FOOTNOTE: Shapiro and Hiatt, “Troops Move in to Put Down Uprising After Yeltsin Foes Rampage in Moscow.” 44. Fred Kaplan, “Yeltsin in Command as Hard-Liners Give Up,” Boston Globe, October 5, 1993. 45. “The authorities declared that in the course of two days, 142 people were killed in Moscow. This was a mockery—the real number of dead had to have been sev- eral times greater. No one even tried to determine the precise number who were wounded and beaten. Thousands were arrested.” Kagarlitsky, Square Wheels, 218. 46. Reddaway and Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, 427. 47. Kagarlitsky, Square Wheels, 212. 48. John M. Goshko, “Victory Seen for Democracy,” Washington Post, October 5, 1993; David Nyhan, “Russia Escapes a Return to the Dungeon of Its Past,” Boston Globe, October 5, 1993; Reddaway and Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, 431. 49. Return of the Czar. 50. Nikitin, “’91 Foes Linked by Anger and Regret.” 51. Cacilie Rohwedder, “Sachs Defends His Capitalist Shock Therapy,” Wall Street Journal Europe, October 25, 1993. 52. Sachs, The End of Poverty. 53. Arthur Spiegelman, “Western Experts Call for Russian Shock Therapy,” Reuters, October 6, 1993. 54. Dorinda Elliott and Betsy McKay, “Yeltsin’s Free-Market Offensive,” Newsweek, October 18, 1993; Adi Ignatius and Claudia Rosett, “Yeltsin Now Faces Divided Nation,” Asian Wall Street Journal, October 5, 1993. 55. Stanley Fischer, “Russia and the Soviet Union Then and Now,” in The Transition in Eastern Europe, ed. Olivier Jean Blanchard, Kenneth A. Froot and Jeffrey D. Sachs, Country Studies, vol. 1 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press: 1994), 237. 56. Lawrence H. Summers, “Comment,” in The Transition in Eastern Europe, Country Studies, vol. 1, 253. 57. Jeffrey Tayler, “Russia Is Finished,” Atlantic Monthly, May 2001; “The World’s Billionaires, According to Forbes Magazine, Listed by Country,” Associated Press, February 27, 2003. 58. E. S. Browning, “Bond Investors Gamble on Russian Stocks,” Wall Street Journal, March 24, 1995. 59. Legislator Sergei Yushenkov is quoting Oleg Lobov. Carlotta Gall and Thomas De Waal, Chechnya: Calamity in the Caucasus (New York: New York University Press, 1998), 161. 60. Vsevolod Vilchek, “Ultimatum on Bended Knees,” Moscow News, May 2, 1996. 61. Passell, “Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Shock Therapist.” 62. David Hoffman, “Yeltsin’s ‘Ruthless’ Bureaucrat,” Washington Post, November 22, 1996. 63. Svetlana P. Glinkina et al., “Crime and Corruption,” in Klein and Pomer, eds., The New Russia, 241; Matt Bivens and Jonas Bernstein, “The Russia You Never Met,” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democracy 6, no. 4 (Fall 1998): 630, www.demokratizatsiya.org. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 595
NOTES TO PAGES 280–86 595
64. Bivens and Bernstein, “The Russia You Never Met,” 627–28; Total, Factbook 1998–2006, www.total.com; The profit figure is for 2000: Marshall I. Goldman, The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry (New York: Routledge, 2003), 120; “Yukos Offers 12.5 Percent Stake against Debts to State-Owned Former Unit,” Associated Press, June 5, 2006; the $2.8 billion figure is based on the fact that in 1997 British Petroleum paid $571 million for a 10 percent stake in Sidanko, and at that rate the 51 percent stake would have been worth more than $2.8 billion: Freeland, Sale of the Century, 183; Stanislav Lunev, “Russian Organized Crime Spreads Beyond Russia’s Borders,” Prism 3, no. 8 (May 30, 1997). 65. Bivens and Bernstein, “The Russia You Never Met,” 629. 66. Reddaway and Glinski, The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, 254. 67. Freeland, Sale of the Century, 299. 68. Return of the Czar. 69. Bivens and Bernstein report that “allegations surfaced that Chubais and four of his reform lieutenants—all of them men who had been supported by Chubais’s USAID-funded patronage—had accepted $90,000 each in bribes disguised as a book advance from Uneximbank” (one of the main oligarchic firms that was winning lucrative privatization contracts from these men). In a similar contro- versy, Alfred Kokh, second in charge of privatization for the Yeltsin government, was paid $100,000 by a company linked to one of the main oligarchs to whom he was awarding privatization contracts; fittingly, the money was supposedly for a book he was to write on the efficiency of privatized companies. Ultimately, nei- ther man was prosecuted in connection with the separate book deals. Bivens and Bernstein, “The Russia You Never Met,” 636; Vladimir Isachenkov, “Prosecutors Investigate Russia’s Ex-Privatization Czar,” Associated Press, October 1, 1997. 70. McClintick, “How Harvard Lost Russia.” 71. U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, Andrei Shleifer and Jonathan Hay, Defendants: Civil Action No. 00–11977-DPW,” Memorandum and Order, June 28, 2004; McClintick, “How Harvard Lost Russia.” 72. McClintick, “How Harvard Lost Russia.” 73. Dan Josefsson, “The Art of Ruining a Country with a Little Professional Help from Sweden,” ETC (Stockholm) English edition, 1999. 74. Ernest Beck, “Soros Begins Investing in Eastern Europe,” Wall Street Journal, June 1, 1994; Andrew Jack, Arkady Ostrovsky and Charles Pretzlik, “Soros to Sell ‘The Worst Investment of My Life,’” Financial Times (London), March 17, 2004. 75. Brian Whitmore, “Latest Polls Showing Communists Ahead,” Moscow Times, September 8, 1999. 76. Return of the Czar. 77. Helen Womack, “Terror Alert in Moscow as Third Bombing Kills 73,” Independent (London), September 14, 1999. 78. Aslan Nurbiyev, “Last Bodies Cleared From Rebels’ Secret Grozny Cemetery,” Agence France-Presse, April 6, 2006. 79. Sabrina Tavernise, “Farms as Business in Russia,” New York Times, November 6, 2001; Josefsson, “The Art of Ruining a Country with a Little Professional Help Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 596
596 NOTES TO PAGES 286–90
from Sweden”; “News Conference by James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank Re: IMF Spring Meeting,” Washington, DC, April 22, 1999, www.imf.org; Branko Milanovic, Income, Inequality and Poverty during the Transition from Planned to Market Economy (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1998), 68; Working Centre for Economic Reform, Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Economic Trends 5, no. 1 (1996): 56–57 cited in Bertram Silverman and Murray Yanowitch, New Rich, New Poor, New Russia: Winners and Losers on the Russian Road to Capitalism (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2000), 47. 80. The 715,000 statistic comes from the Russian health and social development minister. “Russia Has More Than 715,000 Homeless Children—Health Minister,” RIA Novosti news agency, February 23, 2006; Carel De Rooy, UNICEF, Children in the Russian Federation, November 16, 2004, page 5, www.unicef.org. 81. In 1987, Russia’s per capital alcohol consumption was 3.9 litres. In 2003 it reached 8.87 litres. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, “3050 Pure Alcohol Consumption, Litres Per Capita, 1987, 2003,” European Health for All Database (HFA-DB), data.euro.who.int/hfadb; “In Sad Tally, Russia Counts More Than 4 Million Addicts,” Pravda (Moscow), February 20, 2004; UNAIDS, “Annex 1: Russian Federation,” 2006 Global Report on the AIDS Epidemic, May 2006, page 437, www.unaids.org; Interview with Natalya Katsap, Manager, Media Partnerships, Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS, June 2006. 82. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, “1780 SDR, Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury, All Ages Per 100,000, 1986–1994,” European Health for All Database (HFA-DB), data.euro.who.int/hfadb; In 1986, the rate of homi- cide and intentional injuries per 100,000 people was 7.3; in 1994 it reached its high of 32.9; in 2004 it was down to 25.2. World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, “1793 SDR, Homicide and Intentional Injury, All Ages Per 100000, 1986- 2004,” European Health for All Database. 83. Nikitin, “’91 Foes Linked by Anger and Regret”; Stephen F. Cohen, “The New American Cold War,” The Nation, July 10, 2006; Central Intelligence Agency, “Russia,” World Factbook 1992 (Washington, DC: CIA, 1992), 287; Central Intelligence Agency, “Russia,” World Factbook 2007, www.cia.gov. 84. Colin McMahon, “Shortages Leave Russia’s East Out in the Cold,” Chicago Tribune, November 19, 1998. 85. Arbatov, “Origins and Consequences of ‘Shock Therapy,’” 177. 86. Richard Pipes, “Russia’s Chance,” Commentary 93, no. 3 (March 1992): 30. 87. Richard E. Ericson, “The Classical Soviet-Type Economy: Nature of the System and Implications for Reform,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 5, no. 4 (Autumn 1991): 25. 88. Tayler, “Russia Is Finished”; Richard Lourie, “Shock of Calamity,” Los Angeles Times, March 21, 1999. 89. Josefsson, “The Art of Ruining a Country with a Little Professional Help from Sweden.” 90. Tatyana Koshkareva and Rustam Narzikulov, Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Moscow), October 31, 1997; Paul Klebnikov and Carrie Shook, “Russia and Central Europe: The New Frontier,” Forbes, July 28, 1997. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 597
NOTES TO PAGES 291–308 597
91. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, ed. Edwin Cannan (New York: Modern Library, 1937), 532. 92. I am indebted to David Harvey for informing this analysis. David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005). 93. Michael Schuman, “Billionaires in the Making,” Forbes, July 18, 1994; Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, 103. 94. “YPFB: Selling a National Symbol,” Institutional Investor, March 1, 1997; Jonathan Friedland, “Money Transfer,” Wall Street Journal, August 15, 1995. 95. Friedland, “Money Transfer.” 96. Paul Blustein, And the Money Kept Rolling In (and Out): Wall Street, the IMF, and the Bankrupting of Argentina (New York: PublicAffairs, 2005), 24, 29; Nathaniel C. Nash, “Argentina’s President, Praised Abroad, Finds Himself in Trouble at Home,” New York Times, June 8, 1991; Tod Robberson, “Argentine President’s Exit Inspires Mixed Emotions,” Dallas Morning News, October 18, 1999. 97. Paul Brinkley-Rogers, “Chaos Reigns as President Flees Uprising,” Daily Telegraph (London), December 22, 2001. 98. Jean Friedman-Rudovsky, “Bolivia Calls Ex-President to Court,” Time, February 6, 2007.
12: The Capitalist Id: Russia and the New Era of the Boor Market
1. John Maynard Keynes, “From Keynes to Roosevelt: Our Recovery Plan Assayed,” New York Times, December 31, 1933. 2. Ashley M. Herer, “Oprah, Bono Promote Clothing Line, iPod,” Associated Press, October 13, 2006. 3. T. Christian Miller, Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in Iraq (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2006), 123. FOOT- NOTE: John Cassidy, “Always with Us,” The New Yorker, April 11, 2005. 4. Peter Passell, “Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Shock Therapist,” New York Times, June 27, 1993. 5. Jeffrey Sachs, “Life in the Economic Emergency Room,” in The Political Economy of Policy Reform, ed. John Williamson (Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics, 1994), 516. 6. “Roosevelt Victor by 7,054,520 Votes,” New York Times, December 25, 1932; Raymond Moley, After Seven Years (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1939), 305. 7. Carolyn Eisenberg, Drawing the Line: The American Decision to Divide Germany, 1944–1949 (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996). 8. The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 44. 9. Sachs, “Life in the Economic Emergency Room,” 503–504, 513. 10. John Williamson, The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 19, 26. 11. John Williamson and Stephan Haggard, “The Political Conditions for Economic Reform,” in The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 565. 12. Williamson, The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 20. 13. John Toye, The Political Economy of Policy Reform, 41. 14. Bruce Little, “Debt Crisis Looms, Study Warns,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), February 16, 1993; The TV report was on W5 on CTV, hosted by Eric Malling. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 598
598 NOTES TO PAGES 309–17
Linda McQuaig, Shooting the Hippo: Death by Deficit and Other Canadian Myths (Toronto: Penguin, 1995), 3. 15. The information in this paragraph is drawn from McQuaig, Shooting the Hippo, 18, 42–44, 117. 16. Ibid., 44, 46. 17. “How to Invent a Crisis in Education,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), September 15, 1995. 18. Information in the next two paragraphs is drawn from Michael Bruno, Deep Crises and Reform: What Have We Learned? (Washington, DC: World Bank, 1996), 4, 6, 13, 25. Emphasis in original. 19. Ibid., 6. Emphasis added. 20. The figure for World Bank membership refers to 1995. There are now 185 member countries. 21. Information in the next four paragraphs is drawn from Davison L. Budhoo, Enough Is Enough: Dear Mr. Camdessus . . . Open Letter of Resignation to the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (New York: New Horizons Press, 1990), 2–27. 22. Most of Budhoo’s allegations centre on the discrepancies in the calculations for Trinidad and Tobago’s Relative Unit Labour Cost, which is an extremely impor- tant economic indicator that measures countries’ productivity. He writes, “On the basis of calculations made by our divisional statistician last year after the Fund mission returned from the field, the Relative Unit Labour Cost in Trinidad and Tobago increased by 69 percent only, instead of the 145.8 percent as stated in our 1985 reports, and the 142.9 percent as claimed in the 1986 Fund documents. Between 1980–85 the RULC actually rose by a mere 66.1 percent instead of our assertion of 164.7 percent made in the 1986 reports. Over 1983–85 relative unit labour costs moved up by only 14.9 percent, not by the 36.9 percent that was mooted to the world community in 1986. In 1985, instead of rising by the 9 percent that we had stated in the RED and Staff Report, the RULC Index fell by 1.7 percent. And in 1986 relative unit labour costs slid downward spectacularly by 46.5 percent although there is no record of this in the 1987 report or anywhere else in official Fund documentation.” Ibid., 17. 23. “Bitter Calypsos in the Caribbean,” Guardian (London), July 30, 1990; Robert Weissman, “Playing with Numbers: The IMF’s Fraud in Trinidad and Tobago,” Multinational Monitor 11, no. 6 (June 1990). 24. Lawrence Van Gelder, “Mr. Budhoo’s Letter of Resignation from the I.M.F. (50 Years Is Enough),” New York Times, March 20, 1996.
13. Let It Burn: The Looting of Asia and “The Fall of a Second Berlin Wall”
1 Anita Raghavan, “Wall Street Is Scavenging in Asia-Pacific,” Wall Street Journal, February 10, 1998. 2. R. William Liddle, “Year One of the Yudhoyono–Kalla Duumvirate,” Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 41, no. 3 (December 2005): 337. 3. “The Weakest Link,” The Economist, February 8, 2003. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 599
NOTES TO PAGES 318–24 599
4. Irma Adelman, “Lessons from Korea,” in The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry, eds. Lawrence R. Klein and Marshall Pomer (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2001), 129. 5. David McNally, “Globalization on Trial,” Monthly Review, September 1998. 6. “Apec Highlights Social Impact of Asian Financial Crisis,” Bernama news agency, May 25, 1998. 7. Hur Nam-Il, “Gold Rush. Korean Style,” Business Korea, March 1998; “Selling Pressure Mounts on Korean Won—Report,” Korea Herald (Seoul), May 12, 1998. 8. “Elderly Suicide Rate on the Increase,” Korea Herald (Seoul), October 27, 1999; “Economic Woes Driving More to Suicide,” Korea Times (Seoul), April 23, 1998. 9. The crisis hit in 1994, but the loan did not come through until early 1995. 10. “Milton Friedman Discusses the IMF,” CNN Moneyline with Lou Dobbs, January 22, 1998; George P. Shultz, William E. Simon and Walter B. Wriston, “Who Needs the IMF,” Wall Street Journal, February 3, 1998. 11. Milken Institute, “Global Overview,” Global Conference 1998, Los Angeles, March 12, 1998, www.milkeninstitute.org. 12. Bill Clinton, “Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Chrétien,” November 23, 1997, www.clintonfoundation.org. 13. Milken Institute, “Global Overview.” 14. José Piñera, “The ‘Third Way’ Keeps Countries in the Third World,” prepared for the Cato Institute’s 16th Annual Monetary Conference co-sponsored with The Economist, Washington, DC, October 22, 1998; José Piñera, “The Fall of a Second Berlin Wall,” October 22, 1998, www.josepinera.com. 15. “U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Holds Hearing on the Role of the IMF in the Asian Financial Crisis,” February 12, 1998; “Text–Greenspan’s Speech to New York Economic Club,” Reuters News, December 3, 1997. 16. M. Perez and S. Tobarra, “Los países asiáticos tendrán que aceptar cierta flexi- bilidad que no era necesaria hasta ahora,” El País International Edition (Madrid), December 8, 1997; “IMF Chief Calls for Abandon of ‘Asian Model,’” Agence France-Presse, December 1, 1997. 17. Interview with Mahathir Mohamad conducted July 2, 2001, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 18. Interview with Stanley Fischer conducted May 9, 2001, for Commanding Heights, www.pbs.org. 19. Stephen Grenville, “The IMF and the Indonesian Crisis,” background paper, Independent Evaluation Office of the IMF, May 2004, page 8, www.imf.org. 20. Walden Bello, “The IMF’s Hidden Agenda,” The Nation (Bangkok), January 25, 1998. 21. Fischer, Commanding Heights; Joseph Kahn, “I.M.F.’s Hand Often Heavy, a Study Says,” New York Times, October 21, 2000. FOOTNOTE: Paul Blustein, The Chastening: Inside the Crisis That Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF (New York: PublicAffairs, 2001), 6–7. 22. The IMF agreement with South Korea explicitly demanded “easing restrictions in the labor market over redundancies (to enable businesses to move from one industry to another).” Cited in Martin Hart-Landsberg and Paul Burkett, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 600
600 NOTES TO PAGES 324–28
“Economic Crisis and Restructuring in South Korea: Beyond the Free Market- Statist Debate,” Critical Asian Studies 33, no. 3 (2001): 421; Alkman Granitsas and Dan Biers, “Economies: The Next Step: The IMF Has Stopped Asia’s Financial Panic,” Far Eastern Economic Review, April 23, 1998; Cindy Shiner, “Economic Crisis Clouds Indonesian’s Reforms,” Washington Post, September 10, 1998. 23. Soren Ambrose, “South Korean Union Sues the IMF,” Economic Justice News 2, no. 4, (January 2000). 24. Nicola Bullard, Taming the Tigers: The IMF and the Asian Crisis (London: Focus on the Global South, March 2, 1999), www.focusweb.org; Walden Bello, A Siamese Tragedy: The Collapse of Democracy in Thailand (London: Focus on the Global South, September 29, 2006), www.focusweb.org. 25. Jeffrey Sachs, “Power Unto Itself,” Financial Times (London), December 11, 1997. 26. Michael Lewis “The World’s Biggest Going-Out-of-Business Sale,” New York Times Magazine, May 31, 1998. 27. Ian Chalmers, “Tommy’s Toys Trashed,” Inside Indonesia 56, (October– December 1998). 28. Paul Blustein and Sandra Sugawara, “Rescue Plan for Indonesia in Jeopardy,” Washington Post, January 7, 1998; Grenville, “The IMF and the Indonesian Crisis,” 10. 29. McNally, “Globalization on Trial.” 30. “Magic Arts of Jakarta’s ‘Witch-Doctor,’” Financial Times (London), November 3, 1997. 31. Susan Sim, “Jakarta’s Technocrats vs. the Technologists,” Straits Times (Singapore), November 30, 1997; Kahn, “I.M.F.’s Hand Often Heavy, a Study Says.” 32. International Monetary Fund, The IMF’s Response to the Asian Crisis, January 1999, www.imf.org. 33. Paul Blustein, “At the IMF, a Struggle Shrouded in Secrecy,” Washington Post, March 30, 1998; Martin Feldstein, “Refocusing the IMF,” Foreign Affairs, March–April 1998; Jeffrey Sachs, “The IMF and the Asian Flu,” American Prospect, March–April 1998. 34. South Korea went from 2.6 to 7.6 percent, Indonesia from 4 to 12 percent. Similar patterns occurred in the other countries. International Labour Organization, “ILO Governing Body to Examine Response to Asia Crisis,” press release, March 16, 1999; Mary Jordan, “Middle Class Plunging Back to Poverty,” Washington Post, September 6, 1998; McNally, “Globalization on Trial”; Florence Lowe-Lee, “Where Is Korea’s Middle Class?” Korea Insight 2, no. 11, (November 2000): 1; James D. Wolfensohn, “Opening Address by the President of the World Bank Group,” Summary Proceedings of the Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors, (Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, October 6–8, 1998), 31, www.imf.org. 35. “Array of Crimes Linked to the Financial Crisis, Meeting Told,” New Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur), June 1, 1999; Nussara Sawatsawang, “Prostitution— Alarm Bells Sound Amid Child Sex Rise,” Bangkok Post, December 24, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 601
NOTES TO PAGES 328–32 601
1999; Luz Baguioro, “Child Labour Rampant in the Philippines,” Straits Times (Singapore), February 12, 2000; “Asian Financial Crisis Rapidly Creating Human Crisis: World Bank,” Agence France-Presse, September 29, 1998. 36. Laura Myers, “Albright Offers Thais Used F-16s, Presses Banking Reforms,” Associated Press, March 4, 1999. 37. Independent Evaluation Office of the IMF, The IMF and Recent Capital Account Crises: Indonesia, Korea, Brazil (Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, September 12, 2003): 42–43, www.imf.org; Grenville, “The IMF and the Indonesian Crisis,” 8. 38. Craig Mellow, “Treacherous Times,” Institutional Investor International Edition, May 1999. 39. Raghavan, “Wall Street Is Scavenging In Asia-Pacific.” 40. Rory McCarthy, “Merrill Lynch Buys Yamaichi Branches, Now Japan’s Biggest Foreign Broker,” Agence France-Presse, February 12, 1998; “Phatra Thanakit Announces Partnership with Merrill Lynch,” Merrill Lynch press release, June 4, 1998; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Investment Report 1998: Trends and Determinants, (New York: United Nations, 1998): 337; James Xiaoning Zhan and Terutomo Ozawa, Business Restructuring in Asia: Cross-Border M&As in the Crisis Period (Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 2001), 100; “Advisory Board for Salomon,” Financial Times (London), May 18, 1999; “Korea Ssangyong Sells Info Unit Shares to Carlyle,” Reuters News, January 2, 2001; “JP Morgan–Carlyle Consortium to Become Largest Shareholder of KorAm,” Korea Times (Seoul), September 9, 2000. 41. Nicholas D. Kristof, “Worsening Financial Flu in Asia Lowers Immunity to U.S. Business,” New York Times, February 1, 1998. 42. Lewis, “The World’s Biggest Going-Out-of-Business Sale”; Mark L. Clifford, “Invasion of the Bargain Snatchers,” Business Week, March 2, 1998. 43. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, World Investment Report 1998, 336; Zhan and Ozawa, Business Restructuring in Asia, 99; “Chronology–GM Takeover Talks with Daewoo Motor Creditors,” Reuters, April 30, 2002. 44. Zhan and Ozawa, Business Restructuring in Asia, 96–102; Clifford, “Invasion of the Bargain Snatchers.” 45. Alexandra Harney, “GM Close to Taking 67% Stake in Daewoo for $400M,” Financial Times (London), September 20, 2001; Stephanie Strom, “Korea to Sell Control of Banks to U.S. Investors,” New York Times, January 1, 1999. 46. Charlene Barshefsky, “Trade Issues with Asian Countries,” Testimony before the Subcommittee on Trade of the House Committee on Ways and Means, February 24, 1998. 47. “International Water—Ayala Consortium Wins Manila Water Privatization Contract,” Business Wire, January 23, 1997; “Bechtel Wins Contract to Build Oil Refinery in Indonesia,” Asia Pulse news agency, September 22, 1999; “Mergers of S. Korean Handset Makers with Foreign Cos on the Rise,” Asia Pulse news agency, November 1, 2004; United Nations Conference on Trade Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 602
602 NOTES TO PAGES 332–42
and Development, World Investment Report 1998, 337; Zhan and Ozawa, Business Restructuring in Asia, 96–99. 48. Zhan and Ozawa, Business Restructuring in Asia, 96–102; Robert Wade and Frank Veneroso, “The Asian Crisis: The High Debt Model Versus the Wall Street–Treasury–IMF Complex,” New Left Review 228 (March–April 1998). 49. “Milton Friedman Discusses the IMF,” CNN Moneyline with Lou Dobbs, January 22, 1998. 50. In 1995, the suicide rate was 11.8 per 100,000 people; in 2005 it was 26.1 per 100,000, an increase of 121 percent. World Factbook 1997 (Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency, 1997); World Factbook 2007, www.cia.gov; “S. Korea Has Top Suicide Rate among OECD Countries: Report,” Asia Pulse news agency, September 18, 2006; “S. Korean Police Confirm Actress Suicide,” Agence France-Presse, February 12, 2007. 51. United Nations Human Settlements Program, 2005 Annual Report (Nairobi: UN-HABITAT, 2006), 5–6, www.unchs.org; Rainer Maria Rilke, Duino Elegies and the Sonnets to Orpheus, trans. A. Poulin Jr. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977), 51. 52. “Indonesia Admits to Rapes during Riots,” Washington Post, December 22, 1998. 53. “The Weakest Link”; Thomas L. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree (New York: Farrar, Strauss Giroux, 1999), 452–53. 54. “The Critics of Capitalism,” Financial Times (London), November 27, 1999. 55. Fischer, Commanding Heights; Blustein, The Chastening, 6–7.
14. Shock Therapy in the U.S.A.: The Homeland Security Bubble
1 Tom Baldwin, “Revenge of the Battered Generals,” Times (London), April 18, 2006. 2. Reuters, “Britain’s Ranking on Surveillance Worries Privacy Advocate,” New York Times, November 3, 2006. 3. Daniel Gross, “The Homeland Security Bubble,” Slate.com, June 1, 2005. 4. Robert Burns, “Defense Chief Shuns Involvement in Weapons and Merger Decisions to Avoid Conflict of Interest,” Associated Press, August 23, 2001. 5. John Burgess, “Tuning in to a Trophy Technology,” Washington Post, March 24, 1992; “TIS Worldwide Announces the Appointment of the Honorable Donald Rumsfeld to its Board of Advisors,” PR Newswire, April 25, 2000; Geoffrey Lean and Jonathan Owen, “Donald Rumsfeld Makes $5M Killing on Bird Flu Drug,” Independent (London), March 12, 2006. 6. George W. Bush, “Bush Delivers Remarks with Rumsfeld, Gates,” CQ Transcripts Wire, November 8, 2006. 7. Joseph L.Galloway, “After Losing War Game, Rumsfeld Packed Up His Military and Went to War,” Knight-Ridder, April 26, 2006. 8. Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, “Mr. CEO Goes to Washington,” Fortune, March 19, 2001. 9. Donald H. Rumsfeld, “Secretary Rumsfeld’s Remarks to the Johns Hopkins, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies,” December 5, 2005, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 603
NOTES TO PAGES 343–51 603
www.defenselink.mil; Tom Peters, The Circle of Innovation (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997), 16. 10. Information on the next 2 pages is drawn from Donald H. Rumsfeld, “DoD Acquisition and Logistics Excellence Week Kickoff—Bureaucracy to Battlefield,” speech made at the Pentagon, September 10, 2001, www.defenselink.mil. 11. Carolyn Skorneck, “Senate Committee Approves New Base Closings, Cuts $1.3 Billion from Missile Defense,” Associated Press, September 7, 2001; Rumsfeld, “DoD Acquisition and Logistics Excellence Week Kickoff.” 12. Bill Hemmer and Jamie McIntyre, “Defense Secretary Declares War on the Pentagon’s Bureaucracy,” CNN Evening News, September 10, 2001. 13. Donald Rumsfeld, “Tribute to Milton Friedman,” Washington, DC, May 9, 2002, www.defenselink.mil; Milton Friedman and Rose D. Friedman, Two Lucky People: Memoirs (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 345. 14. Friedman and Friedman, Two Lucky People, 391. 15. William Gruber, “Rumsfeld Reflects on Politics, Business,” Chicago Tribune, October 20, 1993; Stephen J. Hedges, “Winter Comes for a Beltway Lion,” Chicago Tribune, November 12, 2006. 16. Greg Schneider, “Rumsfeld Shunning Weapons Decisions,” Washington Post, August 24, 2001; Andrew Cockburn, Rumsfeld: His Rise, Fall, and Catastrophic Legacy (New York: Scribner, 2007), 89–90; Randeep Ramesh, “The Two Faces of Rumsfeld,” Guardian (London), May 9, 2003; Richard Behar, “Rummy’s North Korea Connection,” Fortune, May 12, 2003. 17. Joe Palca, “Salk Polio Vaccine Conquered Terrifying Disease,” National Public Radio: Morning Edition, April 12, 2005; David M. Oshinsky, Polio: An American Story (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 210–11. FOOT- NOTE: Carly Weeks, “Tamiflu Linked to 10 Deaths,” Gazette (Montreal), November 30, 2006; Dorsey Griffith, “Psychiatric Warning Put on Flu Drug,” Sacramento Bee, November 14, 2006. 18. Knowledge Ecology International, “KEI Request for Investigation into Anticompetitive Aspects of Gilead Voluntary Licenses for Patents on Tenofivir and Emtricitabine,” February 12, 2007, www.keionline.org. 19. John Stanton, “Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate,” Roll Call, December 15, 2005. 20. Information in the next two paragraphs is drawn from T. Christian Miller, Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives and Corporate Greed in Iraq (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2006), 77-79. 21. Joan Didion, “Cheney: The Fatal Touch,” The New York Review of Books, October 5, 2006. 22. Dan Briody, Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2004), 198-99; David H. Hackworth, “Balkans Good for Texas-Based Business,” Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale), August 16, 2001. 23. Antonia Juhasz, Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time (New York: Regan Books, 2006), 120. 24. Jonathan D. Salant, “Cheney: I’ll Forfeit Options,” Associated Press, September 1, 2000. 25. “Lynne Cheney Resigns from Lockheed Martin Board,” Dow Jones News Service, January 5, 2001. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 604
604 NOTES TO PAGES 352–60
26. Tim Weiner, “Lockheed and the Future of Warfare,” New York Times, November 28, 2004. FOOTNOTE: Jeff McDonald, “City Looks at County’s Outsourcing as Blueprint,” San Diego Union-Tribune, July 23, 2006. 27. Sam Howe Verhovek, “Clinton Reining in Role for Business in Welfare Effort,” New York Times, May 11, 1997; Barbara Vobejda, “Privatization of Social Programs Curbed,” Washington Post, May 10, 1997. 28. Michelle Breyer and Mike Ward, “Running Prisons for a Profit,” Austin American-Statesman, September 4, 1994; Judith Greene, “Bailing Out Private Jails,” The American Prospect, September 10, 2001; Madeline Baro, “Tape Shows Inmates Bit by Dogs, Kicked, Stunned,” Associated Press, August 19, 1997. 29. Matt Moffett, “Pension Reform Pied Piper Loves Private Accounts,” Wall Street Journal, March 3, 2005. 30. “Governor George W. Bush Delivers Remarks on Government Reform,” FDCH Political Transcripts, Philadelphia, June 9, 2000. 31. Jon Elliston, “Disaster in the Making,” Tucson Weekly, September 23, 2004. 32. Joe M. Allbaugh, “Current FEMA Instructions & Manuals Numerical Index,” Testimony of Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Joe M. Allbaugh before the Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee, May 16, 2001. 33. John F. Harris and Dana Milbank, “For Bush, New Emergencies Ushered in a New Agenda,” Washington Post, September 22, 2001; United States General Accounting Office, Aviation Security: Long-Standing Problems Impair Airport Screeners’ Performance, June 2000, page 25, www.gao.gov. 34. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 2004, page 85, www.gpoaccess.gov. 35. Anita Manning, “Company Hopes to Restart Production of Anthrax Vaccine,” USA Today, November 5, 2001. 36. J. McLane, “Conference to Honor Milton Friedman on His Ninetieth Birthday,” Chicago Business, November 25, 2002, www.chibus.com. 37. Joan Ryan, “Home of the Brave,” San Francisco Chronicle, October 23, 2001; George W. Bush, “President Honors Public Servants,” Washington, DC, October 15, 2001. 38. George W. Bush, “President Discusses War on Terrorism,” Atlanta, Georgia, November 8, 2001. 39. Harris and Milbank, “For Bush, New Emergencies Ushered in a New Agenda.” 40. Andrew Bacevich, “Why Read Clausewitz When Shock and Awe Can Make a Clean Sweep of Things?,” London Review of Books, June 8, 2006. FOOT- NOTE: Scott Shane and Ron Nixon, “In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever,” New York Times, February 4, 2007. 41. Evan Ratliff, “Fear, Inc.,” Wired, December 2005. 42. Shane and Nixon, “In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever.” 43. Matt Richtel, “Tech Investors Cull Start-Ups for Pentagon,” Washington Post, May 7, 2007; Defense Venture Catalyst Initiative, “An Overview of the Defense Venture Catalyst Initiative,” devenci.dtic.mil.43. Ratliff, “Fear, Inc.” Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 605
NOTES TO PAGES 360–66 605
44. Ratliff, “Fear, Inc.” 45. Jason Vest, “Inheriting a Shambles at Defense” Texas Observer (Austin), December 1, 2006; Ratliff, “Fear, Inc.”; Paladin Capital Group, “Lt. General (Ret) USAF Kenneth A. Minihan,” Paladin Team, December 2, 2003, www.paladincapgroup.com. 46. Office of Homeland Security, National Strategy for Homeland Security, July 2002, page 1, www.whitehouse.gov; Ron Suskind, The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America’s Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006); “Terror Fight Spawns Startups,” Red Herring, December 5, 2005. 47. United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform—Minority Staff, Special Investigations Division, Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration, Prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman, June 2006, page 5, www.democrats.reform.house.gov; Tim Shorrock, “The Corporate Takeover of U.S. Intelligence, Salon, June 1, 2007, www.salon.com; Rachel Monahan and Elena Herrero Beaumont, “Big Time Security,” Forbes, August 3, 2006; Central Intelligence Agency, World Fact Book 2007, www.cia.gov; “US Government Spending in States Up 6 Pct in FY’03,” Reuters, October 7, 2004; Frank Rich, “The Road from K Street to Yusufiya,” New York Times, June 25, 2006. 48. Monahan and Herrero Beaumont, “Big Time Security”; Ratliff, “Fear, Inc.” 49. The figure comes from Roger Cressey, a former Bush counterterrorism official now President of Good Harbor Consulting. Rob Evans and Alexi Mostrous, “Britain’s Surveillance Future,” Guardian (London), November 2, 2006; Mark Johnson, “Video, Sound Advances Aimed at War on Terror,” Associated Press, August 2, 2006; Ellen McCarthy, “8 Firms Vie for Pieces of Air Force Contract,” Washington Post, September 14, 2004. 50. Brian Bergstein, “Attacks Spawned a Tech-Security Market That Remains Young Yet Rich,” Associated Press, September 4, 2006. 51. Mure Dickie, “Yahoo Backed on Helping China Trace Writer,” Financial Times (London), November 10, 2005; Leslie Cauley, “NSA Has Massive Database of Americans’ Phone Calls,” USA Today, May 11, 2006; “Boeing Team Awarded SBInet Contract by Department of Homeland Security,” press release, September 21, 2006, www.boeing.com. 52. Robert O’Harrow Jr., No Place to Hide (New York: Free Press, 2005). 53. “Terror Fight Spawns Startups.” 54. Justin Rood, “FBI Terror Watch List ‘Out of Control’,” The Blotter blog on ABC News, June 13, 2007, www.abcnews.com; Ed Pilkington, “Millions Assigned Terror Risk Score on Trips to the US,” Guardian (London), December 2, 2006. 55. Rick Anderson, “Flog Is My Co-Pilot,” Seattle Weekly, November 29, 2006; Jane Mayer, “The C.I.A.’s Travel Agent,” The New Yorker, October 30, 2006; Brian Knowlton, “Report Rejects European Denial of CIA Prisons,” New York Times, November 29, 2006; Mayer, “The C.I.A.’s Travel Agent”; Stephen Grey, Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Torture Program (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006), 80; Pat Milton, “ACLU Files Suit Against Boeing Subsidiary, Saying it Enabled Secret Overseas Torture,” Associated Press, May 31, 2007. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 606
606 NOTES TO PAGES 366–74
56. Andrew Buncombe, “New Maximum-Security Jail to Open at Guantanamo Bay,” Independent (London), July 30, 2006; Pratap Chatterjee, “Intelligence in Iraq: L-3 Supplies Spy Support,” CorpWatch, August 9, 2006, www.corpwatch.com. 57. Michelle Faul, “Guantanamo Prisoners for Sale,” Associated Press, May 31, 2005; John Simpson, “No Surprises in the War on Terror,” BBC News, February 13, 2006; John Mintz, “Detainees Say They Were Charity Workers,” Washington Post, May 26, 2002. 58. The prisoner in question was Adel Fattough Ali Algazzar. Dave Gilson, “Why Am I in Cuba?” Mother Jones, September–October 2006; Simpson, “No Surprises in the War on Terror”; Andrew O. Selsky, “AP: Some Gitmo Detainees Freed Elsewhere,” USA Today, December 15, 2006. 59. Gary Stoller, “Homeland Security Generates Multibillion Dollar Business,” USA Today, September 10, 2006. 60. Sarah Anderson, John Cavanagh, Chuck Collins and Eric Benjamin, “Executive Excess 2006: Defense and Oil Executives Cash in on Conflict,” August 30, 2006, page 1, www.faireconomy.org. 61. Ratliff, “Fear, Inc.” 62. O’Harrow, No Place to Hide, 9.
15. A Corporatist State: Removing the Revolving Door, Putting in an Archway
1. Jim Krane, “Former President Bush Battles Arab Critics of His Son,” Associated Press, November 21, 2006. 2. Scott Shane and Ron Nixon, “In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever,” New York Times, February 4, 2007. 3. Jane Mayer, “Contract Sport,” The New Yorker, February 16, 2004. 4. “HR 5122: John Warner National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2007 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate),” thomas.loc.gov. 5. “Remarks of Sen. Patrick Leahy on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, Conference Report, Congressional Record,” States News Service, September 29, 2006. 6. Gilead Sciences, “Stock Information: Historical Price Lookup,” www.gilead.com. 7. Interview with Stephen Kinzer, Democracy Now!, April 21, 2006, www.democracynow.org. 8. The phrase “interrelated and mutually reinforcing” comes from the historian James A. Bill. Stephen Kinzer, Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq (New York: Times Books, 2006), 122. 9. Robert Burns, “Defense Chief Shuns Involvement in Weapons and Merger Decisions to Avoid Conflict of Interest,” Associated Press, August 23, 2001; Matt Kelley, “Defense Secretary Sold Up to $91 Million in Assets to Comply with Ethics Rules, Complains about Disclosure Form,” Associated Press, June 18, 2002; Pauline Jelinek, “Rumsfeld Asks for Deadline Extension,” Associated Press, July 17, 2001. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 607
NOTES TO PAGES 374–81 607
10. John Stanton, “Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate,” Roll Call, December 15, 2005. 11. Rumsfeld’s 2005 disclosure report shows that he holds “shares worth up to $95.9m, from which he got an income of up to $13m, owned land worth up to $17m, and made $1m from renting it out.” Geoffrey Lean and Jonathan Owen, “Donald Rumsfeld Makes $5m Killing on Bird Flu Drug,” Independent (London), March 12, 2006; Kelley, “Defense Secretary Sold up to $91 Million in Assets . . .” 12. Burns, “Defense Chief Shuns Involvement . . .” 13. Stanton, “Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate.” 14. Nelson D. Schwartz, “Rumsfeld’s Growing Stake in Tamiflu,” Fortune, October 31, 2005. 15. Gilead Sciences, “Stock Information: Historical Price Lookup,” www.gilead.com. 16. Cassell Bryan-Low, “Cheney Cashed in Halliburton Options Worth $35 Million,” Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2000. 17. Ken Herman, “Cheneys Earn $8.8 Million to Bushes’ $735,000,” Austin American-Statesman, April 15, 2006; Halliburton, Investor Relations, “Historical Price Lookup,” www.halliburton.com. 18. Sarah Karush, “Once Privileged in Iraq, Russian Oil Companies Hope to Compete on Equal Footing After Saddam,” Associated Press, March 14, 2003; Saeed Shah, “Oil Giants Scramble for Iraqi Riches,” Independent (London), March 14, 2003. 19. “Waiting for the Green Light,” Petroleum Economist, October 1, 2006. 20. Lean and Owen, “Donald Rumsfeld Makes $5m Killing on Bird Flu Drug.” 21. Jonathan Weisman, “Embattled Rep. Ney Won’t Seek Reelection,” Washington Post, August 8, 2006; Sonya Geis and Charles R. Babcock, “Former GOP Lawmaker Gets 8 Years,” Washington Post, March 4, 2006; Judy Bachrach, “Washington Babylon,” Vanity Fair, August 1, 2006. 22. Eric Lipton, “Former Antiterror Officials Find Industry Pays Better,” New York Times, June 18, 2006. 23. Ellen Nakashima, “Ashcroft Finds Private-Sector Niche,” Washington Post, August 12, 2006; Lipton, “Former Antiterror Officials Find Industry Pays Better”; Good Harbor Consulting, LLC., www.goodharbor.net; Paladin Capital Group, “R. James Woolsey—VP,” Paladin Team, www.paladincapgroup.com; Booz Allen Hamilton, “R James Woolsey,” www.boozallen.com; Douglas Jehl, “Insiders’ New Firm Consults on Iraq,” New York Times, September 30, 2003; “Former FEMA Head to Start Consulting Business on Emergency Planning,” Associated Press, November 24, 2005. 24. “Former FEMA Head Discussed Wardrobe during Katrina Crisis,” Associated Press, November 3, 2005. 25. Seymour M. Hersh, “The Spoils of the Gulf War,” New Yorker, September 6, 1993. 26. Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball, “A Legal Counterattack,” Newsweek, April 16, 2003; John Council, “Baker Botts’ ‘Love Shack’ for Clients,” Texas Lawyer, March 6, 2006; Erin E. Arvedlund, “Russian Oil Politics in a Texas Court,” New York Times, February 15, 2005; Robert Bryce, “It’s a Baker Botts World,” The Nation, October 11, 2004. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 608
608 NOTES TO PAGES 381–87
27. Peter Smith and James Politi, “Record Pay-Outs from Carlyle and KKR,” Financial Times (London), October 20, 2004. 28. “Cutting James Baker’s Ties,” New York Times, December 12, 2003. 29. The information in the next two paragraphs is drawn from Naomi Klein, “James Baker’s Double Life: A Special Investigation,” The Nation, posted online October 12, 2004, www.thenation.com. 30. David Leigh, “Carlyle Pulls Out of Iraq Debt Recovery Consortium,” Guardian (London), October 15, 2004; United Nations Compensation Commission, “Payment of Compensation,” press releases, 2005–2006, www.unog.ch; Klein, “James Baker’s Double Life”; World Bank, “Data Sheet for Iraq,” October 23, 2006, www.worldbank.org. 31. Eric Schmitt, “New Group Will Lobby for Change in Iraqi Rule,” New York Times, November 15, 2002; George P. Shultz, “Act Now,” Washington Post, September 6, 2002; Harry Esteve, “Ex-Secretary Stumps for Gubernatorial Hopeful,” Oregonian (Portland), February 12, 2002; David R. Baker, “Bechtel Pulling Out after 3 Rough Years of Rebuilding Work,” San Francisco Chronicle, November 1, 2006. 32. Tim Weiner, “Lockheed and the Future of Warfare,” New York Times, November 28, 2004; Schmitt, “New Group Will Lobby for Change in Iraqi Rule”; John Laughland, “The Prague Racket,” Guardian (London), November 22, 2002; John B. Judis, “Minister without Portfolio,” The American Prospect, May 2003; Lockheed Martin, Investor Relations, “Stock Price Details,” www.lockheedmartin.com. 33. Bob Woodward, State of Denial (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006), 406–407. 34. James Dao, “Making a Return to the Political Stage,” New York Times, November 28, 2002; Leslie H. Gelb, “Kissinger Means Business,” New York Times, April 20, 1986; Jeff Gerth, “Ethics Disclosure Filed with Panel,” New York Times, March 9, 1989. 35. James Harding, “Kissinger Second Take,” Financial Times (London), December 14, 2002. 36. Seymour M. Hersh, “Lunch with the Chairman,” The New Yorker, March 17, 2003. 37. Ibid.; Thomas Donnelly and Richard Perle, “Gas Stations in the Sky,” Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2003. FOOTNOTE: R. Jeffrey Smith, “Tanker Inquiry Finds Rumsfeld’s Attention Was Elsewhere,” Washington Post, June 20, 2006; Tony Capaccio, “Boeing Proposes Bonds for 767 Lease Deal,” Seattle Times, March 4, 2003. 38. Hersh, “Lunch with the Chairman”; Tom Hamburger and Dennis Berman, “U.S. Adviser Perle Resigns as Head of Defense Board,” Wall Street Journal, March 28, 2003. 39. Interview with Richard Perle, CNN: Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, March 9, 2003. 40. Judis, “Minister without Portfolio”; David S. Hilzenrath, “Richard N. Perle’s Many Business Ventures Followed His Years as a Defense Official,” Washington Post, May 24, 2004; Hersh, “Lunch with the Chairman”; T. Christian Miller, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 609
NOTES TO PAGES 391–402 609
Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives and Corporate Greed in Iraq (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2006), 73.
16. Erasing Iraq: In Search of a “Model” for the Middle East
1. Andrew M. Wyllie, “Convulsion Therapy of the Psychoses,” Journal of Mental Science 86 (March 1940): 248. 2. Richard Cohen, “The Lingo of Vietnam,” Washington Post, November 21, 2006. 3. “Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Sam Tannenhaus, Vanity Fair,” News Transcript, May 9, 2003, www.defenselink.mil. 4. FOOTNOTE: 2007 Index of Economic Freedom (Washington, DC: Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal, 2007), 326, www.heritage.org. 5. Thomas L. Friedman, “The Long Bomb,” New York Times, March 2, 2003; Joshua Muravchik, “Democracy’s Quiet Victory,” New York Times, August 19, 2002; Robert Dreyfuss, “Just the Beginning,” American Prospect, April 1, 2003. FOOTNOTE: John Norris, Collision Course: NATO, Russia, and Kosovo (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005), xxii–xxiii. 6. George W. Bush, “President Discusses Education, Entrepreneurship & Home Ownership at Indiana Black Expo,” Indianapolis, Indiana, July 14, 2005. 7. Edwin Chen and Maura Reynolds, “Bush Seeks U.S.-Mideast Trade Zone to Bring Peace, Prosperity to Region,” Los Angeles Times, May 10, 2003. 8. Harlan Ullman, “‘Shock and Awe’ Misunderstood,” USA Today, April 8, 2003. 9. Peter Johnson, “Media’s War Footing Looks Solid,” USA Today, February 17, 2003. 10. Thomas L. Friedman, “What Were They Thinking?” New York Times, October 7, 2005. 11. United States Department of State, “Memoranda of Conversation,” June 10, 1976, declassified, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 12. George W. Bush, speech made at 2005 Inauguration, January 20, 2005. 13. Norman Friedman, Desert Victory: The War for Kuwait (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1991), 185; Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor, Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq (New York: Pantheon Books, 2006), 551. 14. Anthony Shadid, Night Draws Near: Iraq’s People in the Shadow of America’s War (New York: Henry Holt, 2005), galley, 95. Quoted with the author’s permission. 15. Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade, Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance (Washington, DC: NDU Press Book, 1996), 55; Ron Suskind, The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America’s Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006), 123, 214. 16. Ullman and Wade, “Shock and Awe,” xxv, 17, 23, 29. 17. Maher Arar, “‘I Am Not a Terrorist—I Am Not a Member of Al-Qaida,’” Vancouver Sun, November 5, 2003. 18. “Iraq Faces Massive U.S. Missile Barrage,” CBS News, January 24, 2003. 19. “U.S. Tests Massive Bomb,” CNN: Wolf Blitzer Reports, March 11, 2003. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 610
610 NOTES TO PAGES 403–10
20. Ibid. 21. Rajiv Chandrasekaran and Peter Baker, “Allies Struggle for Supply Lines,” Washington Post, March 30, 2003; Jon Lee Anderson, The Fall of Baghdad (New York: Penguin Press, 2004), 199; Gordon and Trainor, Cobra II, 465. FOOTNOTE: Charles Duelfer, Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD, vol. 1, September 30, 2004, 11, www.cia.gov. 22. Shadid, Night Draws Near, 71. 23. Suzanne Goldenberg, “War in the Gulf: In an Instant We Were Plunged into Endless Night,” Guardian (London), April 4, 2003. 24. “Restoring a Treasured Past,” Los Angeles Times, April 17, 2003. 25. Charles J. Hanley, “Looters Ransack Iraq’s National Library,” Associated Press, April 15, 2003. 26. Michael D. Lemonick, “Lost to the Ages,” Time, April 28, 2003; Louise Witt, “The End of Civilization,” Salon, April 17, 2003, www.salon.com. 27. Thomas E. Ricks and Anthony Shadid, “A Tale of Two Baghdads,” Washington Post, June 2, 2003. 28. Frank Rich, “And Now: ‘Operation Iraqi Looting,’” New York Times, April 27, 2003. 29. Donald H. Rumsfeld, “DoD News Briefing—Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers,” April 11, 2003, www.defenselink.mil; Simon Robinson, “Grounding Planes the Wrong Way,” Time, July 14, 2003. 30. Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006), 119–20. 31. Ibid., 165–66. 32. World Bank, World Development Report 1990 (Oxford: World Bank, 1990), 178–79; New Mexico Coalition for Literacy, New Mexico Literacy Profile, 2005–2006 Programs, www.nmcl.org. FOOTNOTE: Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City, 5. 33. Shafiq Rasul, Asif Iqbal and Rhuhel Ahmed, Composite Statement: Detention in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay (New York: Center for Constitutional Rights, July 26, 2004), 96, 99, www.ccr-ny.org. 34. Ibid., 9, 10, 21, 26, 72. 35. John F. Burns, “Looking Beyond His Critics, Bremer Sees Reason for Both Hope and Caution,” New York Times, June 29, 2004; Steve Kirby, “Bremer Says Iraq Open for Business,” Agence France-Presse, May 25, 2003. 36. Thomas B. Edsall and Juliet Eilperin, “Lobbyists Set Sights on Money-Making Opportunities in Iraq,” Washington Post, October 2, 2003.
17. Ideological Blowback: A Very Capitalist Disaster
1. According to Jeffrey Goldberg, Rice made the comment at a dinner in a Georgetown restaurant. He writes, “The remark stunned the other guests. [Brent] Scowcroft, as he later told friends, was flummoxed by Rice’s ‘evangelical tone.’” Jeffrey Goldberg, “Breaking Ranks,” The New Yorker, October 31, 2005. 2 Fareed Zakaria, “What Bush Got Right,” Newsweek, March 14, 2005. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 611
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3. Phillip Kurata, “Eastern Europeans Urge Iraq to Adopt Rapid Market Reforms,” Washington File, Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State, September 26, 2003, usinfo.state.gov; “Iraq Poll Finds Poverty Main Worry, Sadr Popular,” Reuters, May 20, 2004. 4. Joseph Stiglitz, “Shock without the Therapy,” Business Day (Johannesburg), February 20, 2004; Jim Krane, “U.S. Aims to Keep Iraq Military Control,” Associated Press, March 13, 2004. 5. Interview with Richard Perle, CNN: Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees, November 6, 2006; Interview with David Frum, CNN: Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, November 19, 2006. 6. L. Paul Bremer III, My Year in Iraq: The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006), 21. 7. Interview with Paul Bremer, PBS: The Charlie Rose Show, January 11, 2006. 8. Noelle Knox, “Companies Rush to Account for Staff,” USA Today, September 13, 2001; Harlan S. Byrne, “Disaster Relief: Insurance Brokers AON, Marsh Look to Recover, Even Benefit Post-September 11,” Barron’s, November 19, 2001. 9. General Garner’s plan for Iraq was straightforward enough: fix the infrastruc- ture, hold quick and dirty elections, leave the shock therapy to the International Monetary Fund and concentrate on securing U.S. military bases on the model of the Philippines. “I think we should look right now at Iraq as our coaling sta- tion in the Middle East,” he told the BBC. Interview with General Jay Garner, conducted by Greg Palast, “Iraq for Sale,” BBC TV, March 19, 2004, www.gregpalast.com; Thomas Crampton, “Iraq Official Warns on Fast Economic Shift,” International Herald Tribune (Paris), October 14, 2003; Rajiv Chandrasekaran, “Attacks Force Retreat from Wide-Ranging Plans for Iraq,” Washington Post, December 28, 2003. 10. “Let’s All Go to the Yard Sale,” The Economist, September 27, 2003. 11. Coalition Provisional Authority, Order Number 37 Tax Strategy for 2003, September 19, 2003, www.iraqcoalition.org; Coalition Provisional Authority, Order Number 39 Foreign Investment, December 20, 2003, www.iraqcoalition.org; Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus, “U.S. Administrator Imposes Flat Tax System on Iraq,” Washington Post, November 2, 2003; Rajiv Chandrasekaran, “U.S. Funds for Iraq Are Largely Unspent,” Washington Post, July 4, 2004. FOOTNOTE: Mark Gregory, “Baghdad’s ‘Missing Billions,’” BBC News, November 9, 2006; David Pallister, “How the US Sent $12bn in Cash to Iraq. And Watched it Vanish,” Guardian (London), February 8, 2007. 12. Central Bank of Iraq and the Coalition Provisional Authority, “Saddam-Free Dinar Becomes Iraq’s Official Currency,” January 15, 2004, www.cpa-iraq.org; “Half of Iraqis Lack Drinking Water—Minister,” Agence France-Presse, November 4, 2003; Charles Clover and Peter Spiegel, “Petrol Queues Block Baghdad as Black Market Drains Off,” Financial Times (London), December 9, 2003. 13. Donald H. Rumsfeld, “Prepared Statement for the Senate Appropriations Committee,” Washington, DC, September 24, 2003, www.defenselink.mil; Borzou Daragahi, “Iraq’s Ailing Banking Industry Is Slowly Reviving,” New York Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 612
612 NOTES TO PAGES 417–22
Times, December 30, 2004; Laura MacInnis, “Citigroup, U.S. to Propose Backing Iraqi Imports,” Reuters, February 17, 2004; Justin Blum, “Big Oil Companies Train Iraqi Workers Free,” Washington Post, November 6, 2004. 14. Congressional Budget Office, Paying for Iraq’s Reconstruction: An Update, December, 2006, page 15, www.cbo.gov; Chandrasekaran, “U.S. Funds for Iraq Are Largely Unspent.” 15. George W. Bush, “President Bush Addresses United Nations General Assembly,” New York City, September 23, 2003; George W. Bush, “President Addresses the Nation,” September 7, 2003. 16. James Glanz, “Violence in Iraq Curbs Work of 2 Big Contractors,” New York Times, April 22, 2004. 17. Rajiv Chandrasekaran, “Best-Connected Were Sent to Rebuild Iraq,” Washington Post, September 17, 2006; Holly Yeager, “Halliburton’s Iraq Army Contract to End,” Financial Times (London), July 13, 2006. 18. Office of Inspector General, USAID, Audit of USAID/Iraq’s Economic Reform Program, Audit Report Number E-266–04–004-P, September 20, 2004, pages 5–6, www.usaid.gov; USAID, “Award/ Contract,” RAN-C-00–03–00043–00, www.usaid.gov; Mark Brunswick, “Opening of Schools to Test Iraqis’ Confidence,” Star Tribune (Minneapolis), September 17, 2006. FOOT- NOTE: James Rupert, “Schools a Bright Spot in Iraq,” Seattle Times, June 30, 2004. 19. Ron Wyden, “Dorgan, Wyden, Waxman, Dingell Call to End Outsourcing of Oversight for Iraq Reconstruction,” press release, May 5, 2004, wyden.senate.gov; “Carolinas Companies Find Profits in Iraq,” Associated Press, May 2, 2004; James Mayfield, “Understanding Islam and Terrorism— 9/11,” August 6, 2002, was at www.texashoustonmission.org, accessed January 7, 2005; Sis Mayfield, “Letters from President Mayfield,” February 27, 2004, was at www.texashoustonmission.org, accessed January 7, 2005. 20. Rajiv Chandrasekaran, “Defense Skirts State in Reviving Iraqi Industry,” Washington Post, May 14, 2007. 21. This account of Gaidar’s comments comes from Mark Masarskii, an adviser on entrepreneurship to the Moscow government. Jim Krane, “Iraq’s Fast Track to Capitalism Scares Baghdad’s Businessmen,” Associated Press, December 3, 2003; Lynn D. Nelson and Irina Y. Kuzes, “Privatization and the New Business Class,” in Russia in Transition: Politics, Privatization, and Inequality, ed. David Lane, (London: Longman, 1995), 129. FOOTNOTE: Kevin Begos, “Good Intentions Meet Harsh Reality,” Winston-Salem Journal, December 19, 2004. 22. Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily, “U.S. Resorting to ‘Collective Punishment,’” Inter Press Service, September 18, 2006. 23. Gilbert Burnham, et al., “Mortality after the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: A Cross- Sectional Cluster Sample Survey,” Lancet 368 (October 12, 2006): 1421–28. 24. Ralph Peters, “Last Gasps in Iraq,” USA Today, November 2, 2006. 25. Oxford Research International, National Survey of Iraq, February 2004, page 20, news.bbc.co.uk; Donald MacIntyre, “Sistani Most Popular Iraqi Leader, US Pollsters Find,” Independent (London), August 31, 2004. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 613
NOTES TO PAGES 423–32 613
26. Bremer, My Year in Iraq, 71. 27. “The Lost Year in Iraq,” PBS Frontline, October 17, 2006. 28. Patrick Graham, “Beyond Fallujah: A Year with the Iraqi Resistance,” Harper’s, June 1, 2004. 29. Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City: Inside Iraq’s Green Zone (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006), 118. 30. Alan Wolfe, “Why Conservatives Can’t Govern,” Washington Monthly, July/August 2006. 31. Ariana Eunjung Cha, “In Iraq, the Job Opportunity of a Lifetime,” Washington Post, May 23, 2004. 32. Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City, 214–18; T. Christian Miller, “U.S. Priorities Set Back Its Healthcare Goals in Iraq,” Los Angeles Times, October 30, 2005. 33. Jim Krane, “Iraqi Businessmen Now Face Competition,” Associated Press, December 3, 2003. 34. Chandrasekaran, Imperial Life in the Emerald City, 288. 35. “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007,” Congressional Record—Senate, June 14, 2006, page S5855. 36. Griff Witte, “Despite Billions Spent, Rebuilding Incomplete,” Washington Post, November 12, 2006; Dan Murphy, “Quick School Fixes Won Few Iraqi Hearts,” Christian Science Monitor, June 28, 2004. 37. Griff Witte, “Contractors Rarely Held Responsible for Misdeeds in Iraq,” Washington Post, November 4, 2006; T. Christian Miller, “Contractor’s Plans Lie Among Ruins of Iraq,” Los Angeles Times, April 29, 2006; James Glanz, “Inspectors Find Rebuilt Projects Crumbling in Iraq,” New York Times, April 29, 2007; James Glanz, “Billions in Oil Missing in Iraq, U.S. Study Says,” New York Times, May 12, 2007. 38. Email interview with Kristine Belisle, deputy assistant inspector general for Congressional & Public Affairs, special inspector general for Iraq reconstruc- tion, December 15, 2006. 39. Michael Hirsh, “Follow the Money,” Newsweek, April 4, 2005. 40. Griff Witte, “Invoices Detail Fairfax Firm’s Billing for Iraq Work,” Washington Post, May 11, 2005; Charles R. Babcock, “Contractor Bilked U.S. on Iraq Work, Federal Jury Rules,” Washington Post, March 10, 2006; Erik Eckholm, “Lawsuit Accuses a Contractor of Defrauding U.S. Over Work in Iraq,” New York Times, October 9, 2004. 41. Renae Merle, “Verdict against Iraq Contractor Overturned,” Washington Post, August 19, 2006; Erik Eckholm, “On Technical Grounds, Judge Sets Aside Verdict of Billing Fraud in Iraq Rebuilding,” New York Times, August 19, 2006. 42. Dahr Jamail and Ali al-Fadhily, “Bechtel Departure Removes More Illusions,” Inter Press Service, November 9, 2006; Witte, “Despite Billions Spent, Rebuilding Incomplete.” 43. Anthony Shadid, Night Draws Near: Iraq’s People in the Shadow of America’s War (New York: Henry Holt, 2005), 173, 175. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 614
614 NOTES TO PAGES 434–43
18. Full Circle: From Blank Slate to Scorched Earth
1. Bertolt Brecht, “The Solution,” Poems, 1913–1956, ed. John Willett and Ralph Manheim (1976, repr. New York: Methuen, 1979), 440. 2. Sylvia Pfeifer, “Where Majors Fear to Tread,” Sunday Telegraph (London), January 7, 2007. 3. L. Paul Bremer III, “New Risks in International Business,” Viewpoint, November 2, 2001, was at www.mmc.com, accessed May 26, 2003. 4. Maxine McKew, “Confessions of an American Hawk,” The Diplomat, October–November 2005. 5. L. Paul Bremer III, My Year in Iraq: The Struggle to Build a Future of Hope (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006), 93. 6. Interview with Paul Bremer conducted June 26, 2006, and August 18, 2006, for “The Lost Year in Iraq,” PBS Frontline, October 17, 2006. 7. William Booth and Rajiv Chandrasekaran, “Occupation Forces Halting Elections Throughout Iraq,” Washington Post, June 28, 2003; Michael R. Gordon and Bernard E. Trainor, Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and the Occupation of Iraq (New York: Pantheon Books, 2006), 490; William Booth, “In Najaf, New Mayor Is Outsider Viewed with Suspicion,” Washington Post, May 14, 2003. 8. Ariana Eunjung Cha, “Hope and Confusion Mark Iraq’s Democracy Lessons,” Washington Post, November 24, 2003; Booth and Chandrasekaran, “Occupation Forces Halting Elections Throughout Iraq.” 9. Christopher Foote, William Block, Keith Crane, and Simon Gray, Economic Policy and Prospects in Iraq, Public Policy Discussion Papers, no. 04–1 (Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, May 4, 2004), page 37, www.bosfed.org. 10. Salim Lone, “Iraq: This Election Is a Sham,” International Herald Tribune (Paris), January 28, 2005. 11. “Al-Sistani’s Representatives Threaten Demonstrations, Clashes in Iraq,” BBC Monitoring International Reports, report by Lebanese Hezbollah TV Al-Manar, January 16, 2004; Nadia Abou El-Magd, “U.S. Commander Urges Saddam Holdouts to Surrender,” Associated Press, January 16, 2004. 12. Michael Moss, “Iraq’s Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War,” New York Times, December 17, 2006; Chris Kraul, “War Funding Feud Has Iraqis Uneasy,” Los Angeles Times, April 28, 2007. 13. Gordon and Trainor, Cobra II, 4, 555; Julian Borger, “Knives Come Out for Rumsfeld as the Generals Fight Back,” Guardian (London), March 31, 2003. 14. Jeremy Scahill, Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army (New York: Nation Books, 2007), 199. 15. Peter Maass, “The Way of the Commandos,” New York Times, May 1, 2005; “Jim Steele Bio,” Premiere Speakers Bureau, www.premierespeakers.com; Michael Hirsh and John Barry, “‘The Salvador Option,’” Newsweek, January 8, 2005. 16. “Email from Cpt. William Ponce,” PBS Frontline: The Torture Question, August 2003, www.pbs.org; Josh White, “Soldiers’ ‘Wish Lists’ of Detainee Tactics Cited,” Washington Post, April 19, 2005. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 615
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17. Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, commander in charge of Abu Ghraib, says Miller said this to her. Scott Wilson and Sewell Chan, “As Insurgency Grew, So Did Prison Abuse,” Washington Post, May 10, 2004. 18. One month later, Sanchez sent another memo clarifying and somewhat tem- pering the earlier memo but creating much confusion in the field about which procedures applied. Ricardo S. Sanchez, Memorandum, Subject: CJTF-7 Interrogation and Counter-Resistance Policy, September 14, 2003, www.aclu.org. 19. The information in the next three paragraphs is drawn from Human Rights Watch, No Blood, No Foul: Soldiers’ Accounts of Detainee Abuse in Iraq, July 2006, pages 6-14, www.hrw.org. 20. Ibid., 26, 28. 21. Richard P. Formica, “Article 15–6 Investigation of CJSOTF–AP and 5th SF Group Detention Operations,” finalized on November 8, 2004, declassified, www.aclu.org. 22. USMC Alleged Detainee Abuse Cases Since 11 Sep 01, unclassified, July 8, 2004, www.aclu.org. 23. “Web Magazine Raises Doubts Over a Symbol of Abu Ghraib,” New York Times, March 14, 2006; Interview with Haj Ali, “Few Bad Men?” PBS Now, April 29, 2005. 24. “Haj Ali’s Story,” PBS Now website, www.pbs.org; Chris Kraul, “War Funding Feud Has Iraqis Uneasy,” Los Angeles Times, April 28, 2007. 25. Human Rights Watch, Leadership Failure: Firsthand Accounts of Torture of Iraqi Detainees by the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, September 2005, pages 9, 12, www.hrw.org. 26. Human Rights Watch, The New Iraq? Torture and Ill-Treatment of Detainees in Iraqi Custody, January 2005, pages 2, 4, www.hrw.org; Bradley Graham, “Army Warns Iraqi Forces on Abuse of Detainees,” Washington Post, May 20, 2005; Moss, “Iraq’s Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War.” 27. Maass, “The Way of the Commandos.” 28. Interview with Allan Nairn, Democracy Now!, January 10, 2005, www.democracynow.org; Solomon Moore, “Killings Linked to Shiite Squads in Iraqi Police Force,” Los Angeles Times, November 29, 2005. 29. Moss, “Iraq’s Legal System Staggers Beneath the Weight of War”; Thanassis Cambanis, “Confessions Rivet Iraqis,” Boston Globe, March 18, 2005; Maass, “The Way of the Commandos.” 30. Ibid; John F. Burns, “Torture Alleged at Ministry Site Outside Baghdad,” New York Times, November 16, 2005; Moore, “Killings Linked to Shiite Squads in Iraqi Police Force.” 31. Anne Collins, In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada (Toronto: Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1988), 174. 32. Maxine McKew, “Confessions of an American Hawk,” The Diplomat, October–November 2005. 33. Charles Krauthammer, “In Baker’s Blunder, a Chance for Bush,” Washington Post, December 15, 2006; Frederick W. Kagan, Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq, Phase I Report, January 4, 2007, page 34, www.aei.org. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 616
616 NOTES TO PAGES 450–55
34. Dahr Jamail and Ali Al-Fadhily, “Iraq: Schools Crumbling Along with Iraqi Society,” Inter Press Service, December 18, 2006; Charles Crain, “Professor Says Approximately 300 Academics Have Been Assassinated,” USA Today, January 17, 2005; Michael E. O’Hanlon and Jason H. Campbell, Brookings Institution, Iraq Index: Tracking Variables of Reconstruction & Security in Post-Saddam Iraq, February 22, 2007, page 35, www.brookings.edu; Ron Redmond, “Iraq Displacement,” press briefing, Geneva, November 3, 2006, www.unhcr.org; “Iraq’s Refugees Must Be Saved from Disaster,” Financial Times (London), April 19, 2007. 35. “Nearly 20,000 People Kidnapped in Iraq This Year: Survey,” Agence France- Presse, April 19, 2006; Human Rights Watch, The New Iraq?, 32, 54, www.hrw.org. 36. HSBC was originally supposed to open branches across Iraq. Instead it bought a 79 percent stake in Iraq’s Dar es-Salaam bank. John M. Broder and James Risen, “Contractor Deaths in Iraq Soar to Record,” New York Times, May 19, 2007; Paul Richter, “New Iraq Not Tempting to Corporations,” Los Angeles Times, July 1, 2004; Yochi J. Dreazen, “An Iraqi’s Western Dream,” Wall Street Journal, March 14, 2005; “Syria and Iraq: Unbanked and Unstable,” Euromoney, September 2006; Ariana Eunjung Cha and Jackie Spinner, “U.S. Companies Put Little Capital into Iraq,” Washington Post, May 15, 2004. 37. Andy Mosher and Griff Witte, “Much Undone in Rebuilding Iraq, Audit Says,” Washington Post, August 2, 2006; Julian Borger, “Brutal Killing of Americans in Iraq Raises Questions over Security Firms,” Guardian (London), April 2, 2004; Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Review of Administrative Task Orders for Iraq Reconstruction Contracts, October 23, 2006, page 11, www.sigir.mil. 38. Griff Witte, “Despite Billions Spent, Rebuilding Incomplete,” Washington Post, November 12, 2006. 39. Aqeel Hussein and Colin Freeman, “US to Reopen Iraq’s Factories in $10m U-turn,” Sunday Telegraph (London), January 29, 2007. 40. Josh White and Griff Witte, “To Stem Iraqi Violence, U.S. Looks to Factories,” Washington Post, December 12, 2006. 41. James A. Baker III, Lee H. Hamilton, Lawrence S. Eagleburger, et al., Iraq Study Group Report, December 2006, page 57, www.usip.org. 42. Pfeifer, “Where Majors Fear to Tread.” 43. “Iraq’s Refugee Crisis Is Nearing Catastrophe,” Financial Times (London), February 8, 2007; Joshua Gallu, “Will Iraq’s Oil Blessing Become a Curse?” Der Spiegel, December 22, 2006; Danny Fortson, Andrew Murray-Watson and Tim Webb, “Future of Iraq: The Spoils of War,” Independent (London), January 7, 2007. 44. Iraqi Labor Union Leadership, “Iraqi Trade Union Statement on the Oil Law,” December 10–14, 2006, www.carbonweb.org. 45. Edward Wong, “Iraqi Cabinet Approves Draft of Oil Law,” New York Times, February 26, 2007. 46. Steven L. Schooner, “Contractor Atrocities at Abu Ghraib: Compromised Accountability in a Streamlined Outsourced Government,” Stanford Law & Policy Review 16, no. 2 (2005): 552. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 617
NOTES TO PAGES 456–60 617
47. Jeremy Scahill, Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army (New York: Nation Books, 2007), 123. 48. Jim Krane, “A Private Army Grows Around the U.S. Mission in Iraq and Around the World,” Associated Press, October 30, 2003; Jeremy Scahill, “Mercenary Jackpot,” The Nation, August 28, 2006; Jeremy Scahill, “Exile on K Street,” The Nation, February 20, 2006; Mark Hemingway, “Warriors for Hire,” Weekly Standard, December 18, 2006. 49. Griff Witte, “Contractors Were Poorly Monitored, GAO Says,” Washington Post, April 30, 2005. 50. T. Christian Miller, Blood Money: Wasted Billions, Lost Lives, and Corporate Greed in Iraq (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2006), 87. FOOT- NOTE: George R. Fay, AR 15–6 Investigation of the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility and 205th Military Intelligence Brigade, pages 19, 50, 52, www4.army.mil. 51. Renae Merle, “Army Tries Private Pitch for Recruits,” Washington Post, September 6, 2006. 52. Andrew Taylor, “Defense Contractor CEOs See Pay Double Since 9/11 Attacks,” Associated Press, August 29, 2006; Steve Vogel and Renae Merle, “Privatized Walter Reed Workforce Gets Scrutiny,” Washington Post, March 10, 2007; Donna Borak, “Walter Reed Deal Hindered by Disputes,” Associated Press, March 19, 2007. 53. According to Thomas Ricks, “When the U.S. troop level was about 150,000, and the allied troop contributions totaled 25,000, there were about 60,000 addi- tional civilian contractors supporting the effort.” That means there were 175,000 coalition soldiers to 60,000 contractors, a ratio of 1 contractor to for every 2.9 soldiers. Nelson D. Schwartz, “The Pentagon’s Private Army,” Fortune, March 17, 2003; Thomas E. Ricks, Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (New York: Penguin, 2006), 37; Renae Merle, “Census Counts 100,000 Contractors in Iraq,” Washington Post, December 5, 2006. 54. Ian Bruce, “Soldier of Fortune Deaths Go Missing in Iraq,” Herald (Glasgow), January 13, 2007; Brian Brady, “Mercenaries to Fill Iraq Troop Gap,” Scotland on Sunday (Edinburgh), February 25, 2007; Michelle Roberts, “Iraq War Exacts Toll on Contractors,” Associated Press, February 24, 2007. 55. United Nations Department of Public Information, “Background Note: 31 December 2006,” United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, www.un.org; James Glanz and Floyd Norris, “Report Says Iraq Contractor Is Hiding Data from U.S.,” New York Times, October 28, 2006; Brady, “Mercenaries to Fill Iraq Troop Gap.” 56. FOOTNOTE: James Boxell, “Man of Arms Explores New Areas of Combat,” Financial Times (London), March 11, 2007. 57. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Iraq Reconstruction: Lessons in Contracting and Procurement, July 2006, pages 98–99, www.sigir.mil; George W. Bush, State of the Union Address, Washington, DC, January 23, 2007. 58. Guy Dinmore, “US Prepares List of Unstable Nations,” Financial Times (London), March 29, 2005. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 618
618 NOTES TO PAGES 463–76
19. Blanking the Beach: “The Second Tsunami”
1. Seth Mydans, “Builders Swoop in, Angering Thai Survivors,” International Herald Tribune (Paris), March 10, 2005. 2. ActionAid International et al., Tsunami Response: A Human Rights Assessment, January 2006, page 13, www.actionaidusa.org. 3. Sri Lanka: A Travel Survival Kit (Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet, 2005), 267. 4. John Lancaster, “After Tsunami, Sri Lankans Fear Paving of Paradise,” Washington Post, June 5, 2005. 5. National Physical Planning Department, Arugam Bay Resource Development Plan: Reconstruction Towards Prosperity, Final Report, pages 4, 5, 7, 18, 33, April 25, 2005; Lancaster, “After Tsunami, Sri Lankans Fear Paving of Paradise.” 6. “South Asians Mark Tsunami Anniversary,” United Press International, June 26, 2005. 7. USAID/Sri Lanka, “USAID Elicits ‘Real Reform’ of Tourism,” January 2006, www.usaid.gov. 8. Ibid. 9. Email interview with Karen Preston, public relations manager, Leading Hotels of the World, August 16, 2006; Ajay Kapur, Niall Macleod, and Narendra Singh, “Plutonomy: Buying Luxury, Explaining Global Imbalances,” Citigroup: Industry Note, Equity Strategy, October 16, 2005, pages 27, 30. 10. United Nations Environment Programme, “Sri Lanka Environment Profile,” National Environment Outlook, www.unep.net. 11. Tittawella was director general of the Public Enterprises Reform Commission of Sri Lanka from 1997 to 2001, during which time he oversaw the privatization of Sri Lanka Telecom (August 1997) and Sri Lankan Air Lines (March 1998). After the 2004 elections, he was named chairman and CEO of the government-run Strategic Enterprises Management Agency, which continued the project of pri- vatization under the updated language of “public-private partnerships.” Public Enterprises Reform Commission of Sri Lanka, “Past Divestitures,” 2005, www.perc.gov.lk; “SEMA to Rejuvenate Key State Enterprises,” June 15, 2004, www.priu.gov.lk. 12. Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform, Sri Lanka, A Proposal for a People’s Planning Commission for Recovery After Tsunami, www.monlar.org. 13. “Privatizations in Sri Lanka Likely to Slow Because of Election Results,” Associated Press, April 5, 2004. 14. “Sri Lanka Begins Tsunami Rebuilding Amid Fresh Peace Moves,” Agence France-Presse, January 19, 2005. 15. Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform, Sri Lanka, A Proposal for a People’s Planning Commission For Recovery After Tsunami, www.monlar.org; “Sri Lanka Raises Fuel Prices Amid Worsening Economic Crisis,” Agence France-Presse, June 5, 2005; “Panic Buying Grips Sri Lanka Amid Oil Strike Fears,” Agence France-Presse, March 28, 2005. 16. James Wilson and Richard Lapper, “Honduras May Speed Sell-Offs After Storm,” Financial Times (London), November 11, 1998; Organization of Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 619
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American States, “Honduras,” 1999 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers, page 165, www.sice.oas.org; Sandra Cuffe, Rights Action, A Backwards, Upside-Down Kind of Development: Global Actors, Mining and Community-Based Resistance in Honduras and Guatemala, February 2005, www.rightsaction.org. 17. Mexico’s Telmex Unveils Guatemala Telecom Alliance,” Reuters, October 29, 1998; Consultative Group for the Reconstruction and Transformation of Central America, Inter-American Development Bank, “Nicaragua,” Central America After Hurricane Mitch: The Challenge of Turning a Disaster into an Opportunity, May 2000, www.iadb.org; Pamela Druckerman, “No Sale: Do You Want to Buy a Phone Company?” Wall Street Journal, July 14, 1999. 18. “Mexico’s Telmex Unveils Guatemala Telecom Alliance”; “Spain’s Fenosa Buys Nicaragua Energy Distributors,” Reuters, September 12, 2000; “San Francisco Group Wins Honduras Airport Deal,” Reuters, March 9, 2000; “CEO–Govt. to Sell Remaining Enitel Stake This Year,” Business News Americas, February 14, 2003. 19. Quotation from Eduardo Stein Barillas. “Central America After Hurricane Mitch,” World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, January 30, 1999. 20. Alison Rice, Tsunami Concern, Post-Tsunami Tourism and Reconstruction: A Second Disaster? October 2005, page 11, www.tourismconcern.org.uk. 21. TAFREN, “An Agenda for Sri Lanka's Post-Tsunami Recovery,” Progress & News, July 2005, page 2. 22. USAID Sri Lanka, “Fishermen and Tradesmen to Benefit from U.S. Funded $33 Million Contract for Post-Tsunami Infrastructure Projects,” press release, September 8, 2005, www.usaid.gov; United States Government Accountability Office, USAID Signature Tsunami Reconstruction Efforts in Indonesia and Sri Lanka Exceed Initial Cost and Schedule Estimates, and Face Further Risks, Report to Congressional Committee, GAO-07-357, February 2007; National Physical Planning Department, Arugam Bay Resource Development Plan: Reconstruction Towards Prosperity, Final Report, April 25, 2005, page 18. 23. United States Embassy, “U.S. Provides $1 Million to Maintain Tsunami Shelter Communities,” May 18, 2006, www.usaid.gov. 24. Randeep Ramesh, “Indian Tsunami Victims Sold Their Kidneys to Survive,” Guardian (London), January 18, 2007; ActionAid International et al., Tsunami Response, 17; Nick Meo, “Thousands of Indonesians Still in Tents,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), December 27, 2005. 25. ActionAid International et al., Tsunami Response, 9. 26. Central Intelligence Agency, “Maldives,” The World Factbook 2007, www.cia.gov. 27. Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu, www.cocopalm.com; Four Seasons Resort, Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru, www.fourseasons.com; Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa, Rangali Island, www.hilton.com; “Dhoni Mighili Island,” Private Islands Online, www.privateislandsonline.com. 28. Roland Buerck, “Maldives Opposition Plan Protest,” BBC News, April 20, 2007; Asian Human Rights Commission, “Extrajudicial Killings, Disappearances, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 620
620 NOTES TO PAGES 482–92
Torture and Other Forms of Gross Human Rights Violations Still Engulf Asia’s Nations,” December 8, 2006, www.ahrchk.net; Amnesty International, “Republic of Maldives: Repression of Peaceful Political Opposition,” July 30, 2003, www.amnesty.org. 29. Ashok Sharma, “Maldives to Develop ‘Safe’ Islands for Tsunami-Hit People,” Associated Press, January 19, 2005. 30. Ministry of Planning and National Development, Republic of Maldives, National Recovery and Reconstruction Plan, Second printing, March 2005, page 29, www.tsunamimaldives.mv. 31. Ibid.; ActionAid International et al., Tsunami Response, 18. 32. The leases are for twenty-five years, but the fine print of the bids allows them to be extended to fifty under certain ownership structures. Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, Bidding Documents: For Lease of New Islands to Develop as Tourist Resorts, (Malé: Republic of Maldives, July 16, 2006), 4, www.tourism.gov.mv. 33. Penchan Charoensuthipan, “Survivors Fighting for Land Rights,” Bangkok Post, December 14, 2005; Mydans, “Builders Swoop in, Angering Thai Survivors.” 34. Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, “The Tsunami in Thailand: January–March 2005,” www.achr.net. 35. Shimali Senanayake and Somini Sengupta, “Monitors Say Troops Killed Aid Workers in Sri Lanka,” New York Times, August 31, 2006; Amantha Perera, “Tsunami Recovery Skewed by Sectarian Strife,” Inter Press Service, January 3, 2007. 36. Shimali Senanayake, “An Ethnic War Slows Tsunami Recovery in Sri Lanka,” New York Times, October 19, 2006. 37. Roland Paris, At War’s End: Building Peace After Civil Conflict (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 200.
20. Disaster Apartheid: A World of Green Zones and Red Zones
1. Hein Marais, “A Plague of Inequality,” Mail & Guardian (Johannesburg), May 19, 2006. 2. “Names and Faces,” Washington Post, September 19, 2005. 3. Adolph Reed, Jr., “Undone by Neoliberalism,” The Nation, September 18, 2006. 4. Jon Elliston, “Disaster in the Making,” Tucson Weekly, September 23, 2004; Innovative Emergency Management, “IEM Team to Develop Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans & Southeast Louisiana,” press release, June 3, 2004, www.ieminc.com. 5. Ron Fournier and Ted Bridis, “Hurricane Simulation Predicted 61,290 Dead,” Associated Press, September 9, 2005. 6. Paul Krugman, “A Can’t Do Government,” New York Times, September 2, 2005; Martin Kelly, “Neoconservatism’s Berlin Wall,” The G-Gnome Rides Out blog, September 1, 2005, www.theggnomeridesout.blogspot.com; Jonah Goldberg, “The Feds,” the Corner blog on the National Review Online, August 31, 2005, www.nationalreview.com. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 621
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7. Milton Friedman, “The Promise of Vouchers,” Wall Street Journal, December 5, 2005; John R. Wilke and Brody Mullins, “After Katrina, Republicans Back a Sea of Conservative Ideas,” Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2005; Paul S. Teller, deputy director, House Republican Study Committee, “Pro-Free- Market Ideas for Responding to Hurricane Katrina and High Gas Prices,” email sent on September 13, 2005. 8 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, Summary for Policymakers, February 2007, page 16, www.ipcc.ch. 9. Teller, “Pro-Free-Market Ideas for Responding to Hurricane Katrina and High Gas Prices.” 10. Eric Lipton and Ron Nixon, “Many Contracts for Storm Work Raise Questions,” New York Times, September 26, 2005; Anita Kumar, “Speedy Relief Effort Opens Door to Fraud,” St. Petersburg Times, September 18, 2005; Jeremy Scahill, “In the Black(water),” The Nation, June 5, 2006; Spencer S. Hsu, “$400 Million FEMA Contracts Now Total $3.4 Billion,” Washington Post, August 9, 2006. 11. Shaw Group, “Shaw Announces Charles M. Hess to Head Shaw’s FEMA Hurricane Recovery Program,” press release, September 21, 2005, www.shawgrp.com; “Fluor’s Slowed Iraq Work Frees It for Gulf Coast,” Reuters, September 9, 2005; Thomas B. Edsall, “Former FEMA Chief Is at Work on Gulf Coast,” Washington Post, September 8, 2005; David Enders, “Surviving New Orleans,” Mother Jones, September 7, 2005, www.motherjones.com. 12. United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform— Minority Staff, Special Investigations Division, Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Hurricane Katrina Contracts, August 2006, page i, www.oversight.house.gov. 13. Rita J. King, CorpWatch, Big, Easy Money: Disaster Profiteering on the American Gulf Coast, August 2006, www.corpwatch.org; Dan Barry, “A City’s Future, and a Dead Man’s Past,” New York Times, August 27, 2006. 14. Patrick Danner, “AshBritt Cleans Up in Wake of Storms,” Miami Herald, December 5, 2005. 15. “Private Companies Rebuild Gulf,” PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, October 4, 2005. 16. Scott Shane and Ron Nixon, “In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever,” New York Times, February 4, 2007. 17. Mike Davis, “Who Is Killing New Orleans?” The Nation, April 10, 2006. 18. Leslie Eaton, “Immigrants Hired After Storm Sue New Orleans Hotel Executive,” New York Times, August 17, 2006; King, CorpWatch, Big, Easy Money; Gary Stoller, “Security Generates Multibillion Business,” USA Today, September 11, 2006. FOOTNOTE: Judith Browne-Dianis, Jennifer Lai, Marielena Hincapie et al., And Injustice for All: Workers Lives in the Reconstruction of New Orleans, Advancement Project, July 6, 2006, page 29, www.advancementproject.org. 19. Rick Klein, “Senate Votes to Extend Patriot Act for 6 Months,” Boston Globe, December 22, 2005. 20. Jeff Duncan, “The Unkindest Cut,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans), March 28, 2006; Paul Nussbaum, “City at a Crossroads,” Philadelphia Inquirer, August 29, 2006. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 622
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21. Ed Anderson, “Federal Money for Entergy Approved,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans), December 5, 2006; Frank Donze, “146 N.O. Transit Layoffs Planned,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans), August 25, 2006; Bill Quigley, “Robin Hood in Reverse: The Looting of the Gulf Coast,” justiceforneworleans.org, November 14, 2006. 22. Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, “Mr. Endesha Juakali,” www.achr.net. 23. Bob Herbert, “Our Crumbling Foundation,” New York Times, April 5, 2007. 24. Help Jet, www.helpjet.us. 25. Seth Borenstein, “Private Industry Responding to Hurricanes,” Associated Press, April 15, 2006. 26. James Glanz, “Idle Contractors Add Millions to Iraq Rebuilding,” New York Times, October 25, 2006. 27. Mark Hemingway, “Warriors for Hire,” Weekly Standard, December 18, 2006. FOOTNOTE: Jeremy Scahill, “Blackwater Down,” The Nation, October 10, 2005; Center for Responsive Politics, “Oil & Gas: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates and Parties,” Election Cycle 2004, www.opensecrets.org; Center for Responsive Politics, “Construction: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates and Parties,” Election Cycle 2004, www.opensecrets.org. 28. Josh Manchester, “Al Qaeda for the Good Guys: The Road to Anti-Qaeda,” TCSDaily, December 19, 2006, www.tcsdaily.com. 29. Bill Sizemore and Joanne Kimberlin, “Profitable Patriotism,” The Virginian- Pilot (Norfolk), July 24, 2006. 30. King, CorpWatch, Big, Easy Money; Leslie Wayne, “America’s For-Profit Secret Army,” New York Times, October 13, 2002; Greg Miller, “Spy Agencies Outsourcing to Fill Key Jobs,” Los Angeles Times, September 17, 2006; Shane and Nixon, “In Washington, Contractors Take on Biggest Role Ever.” 31. The corporations on the advisory committee include Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Booz Allen. Stephen E. Flynn and Daniel B. Prieto, Council on Foreign Relations, Neglected Defense: Mobilizing the Private Sector to Support Homeland Security, CSR No. 13, March 2006, page 26, www.cfr.org. 32. Mindy Fetterman, “Strategizing on Disaster Relief,” USA Today, October 12, 2006; Frank Langfitt, “Private Military Firm Pitches Its Services in Darfur,” National Public Radio: All Things Considered, May 26, 2006. 33. Peter Pae, “Defense Companies Bracing for Slowdown,” Los Angeles Times, October 2, 2006. 34. Johanna Neuman and Peter Spiegel, “Pay-as-You-Go Evacuation Roils Capitol Hill,” Los Angeles Times, July 19, 2006. 35. Tim Weiner, “Lockheed and the Future of Warfare,” New York Times, November 28, 2004. 36. Information in the next two paragraphs is drawn from John Robb, “Security: Power to the People,” Fast Company, March 2006. 37. Juvenile, “Got Ya Hustle On,” on the album Reality Check, Atlanta/Wea label, 2006. 38. Bill Quigley, “Ten Months After Katrina: Gutting New Orleans,” CommonDreams.org, June 29, 2006, www.commondreams.org. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 623
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39. Doug Nurse, “New City Bets Millions on Privatization,” Atlanta Journal- Constitution, November 12, 2005. 40. Annie Gentile, “Fewer Cities Increase Outsourced Services,” American City & County, September 1, 2006; Nurse, “New City Bets Millions on Privatization.” 41. Doug Nurse, “City Hall Inc. a Growing Business in North Fulton,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, September 6, 2006; Doug Gross, “Proposal to Split Georgia County Drawing Cries of Racism,” Seattle Times, January 24, 2007. 42. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, “Human- itarian Situation Report—Sri Lanka,” September 2–8, 2005, www.reliefweb.int.
21. Losing the Peace Incentive: Israel as Warning
1. Christopher Caldwell, “The Walls That Work Too Well,” Financial Times (London), November 18, 2006. 2. Martin Wolf, “A Divided World of Economic Success And Political Turmoil,” Financial Times (London), January 31, 2007; “Ex-Treasury Chief Summers Warns on Market Risks,” Reuters, March 20, 2007. 3. Richard Aboulafia, Teal Group, “Guns-to-Caviar Index,” 2007. 4. United States House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform—Minority Staff, Special Investigations Division, Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration, Prepared for Rep. Henry A. Waxman, June 2006, page 6, www.oversight.house.gov; Tim Weiner, “Lockheed and the Future of Warfare,” New York Times, November 28, 2004; Matthew Swibel, “Defensive Play,” Forbes, June 5, 2006. 5. Dow Jones U.S. Heavy Construction Index closed at $143.34 on September 10, 2001, and closed at 507.43 on June 4, 2007. DJ_2357, “Historical Quotes,” money.cnn.com; James Glanz, “Iraq Reconstruction Running Low on Funds,” International Herald Tribune (Paris), October 31, 2005; Ellen Nakashima, “A Wave of Memories,” Washington Post, December 26, 2005; Ann M. Simmons, Richard Fausset and Stephen Braun, “Katrina Aid Far from Flowing,” Los Angeles Times, August 27, 2006; Helene Cooper, “Aid Conference Raises $7.6 Billion for Lebanese Government,” New York Times, January 26, 2007. 6. Shawn McCarthy, “Exxon’s ‘Outlandish’ Earnings Spark Furor,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), February 2, 2007. 7. Jonathan Curiel, “The Conspiracy to Rewrite 9/11,” San Francisco Chronicle, September 3, 2006; Jim Wooten, “Public Figures’ Rants Widen Racial Chasm,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, January 22, 2006. 8. EM-DAT, The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database, “2006 Disasters in Numbers,” www.em-dat.net; Peter Bergen and Paul Cruickshank, “The Iraq Effect: War Has Increased Terrorism Sevenfold Worldwide,” Mother Jones, March–April, 2007. 9. McCarthy, “Exxon’s ‘Outlandish’ Earnings Spark Furor”; William Hartung and Michelle Ciarrocca, “The Military-Industrial–Think Tank Complex,” Multinational Monitor, January–February 2003; Robert O'Harrow, Jr., Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 624
624 NOTES TO PAGES 515–23
“LexisNexis to Buy Seisint for $775 Million,” Washington Post, July 15, 2004; Rachel Monahan and Elena Herrero Beaumont, “Big Time Security,” Forbes, August 3, 2006. 10. “Recap of Saturday, July 9, 2005,” Fox News: The Cost of Freedom, www.foxnews.com. 11. Dan Gillerman, “The Economic Opportunities of Peace,” press statement, Chambers of Commerce, September 6, 1993, cited in Guy Ben-Porat, “A New Middle East?: Globalization, Peace and the ‘Double Movement’,” International Relations 19, no. 1 (2005), 50. 12. Efraim Davidi, “Globalization and Economy in the Middle East—A Peace of Markets or a Peace of Flags?” Palestine-Israel Journal 7, no. 1 and 2 (2000): 33. 13. Shlomo Ben-Ami, A Place for All (Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 1998), 113, cited in Davidi, “Globalization and Economy in the Middle East,” 38. 14. Americans for Peace Now, “The Russians,” Settlements in Focus 1, no. 16 (December 23, 2005), www.peacenow.org. 15. Gerald Nadler, “Exodus or Renaissance?” Washington Times, January 19, 1992; Peter Ford, “Welcome and Woes Await Soviet Jews in Israel,” Christian Science Monitor, July 25, 1991; Lisa Talesnick, “Unrest Will Spur Russian Jews to Israel, Official Says,” Associated Press, October 5, 1993. “Israel’s Alienated Russian Voters Cry Betrayal,” Agence France-Presse, May 8, 2006. 16. Greg Myre, “Israel Economy Hums Despite Annual Tumult,” International Herald Tribune (Paris), December 31, 2006; “Israel Reopens Gaza Strip,” United Press International, March 22, 1992. 17. Peter Hirschberg, “Barak Settlement Policy Remains Virtually the Same as Netanyahu’s,” Jerusalem Report, December 4, 2000. 18. Americans for Peace Now, “The Russians.” 19. David Simons, “Cold Calculation Of Terror,” Forbes, May 28, 2002; Zeev Klein, “January–May Trade Deficit Shoots up 16% to $3.59 Billion,” Globes (Tel Aviv), June 12, 2001; Neal Sandler, “As If the Intifada Weren’t Enough,” Business Week, June 18, 2001. 20. “Rocket fuel” quote is from Shlomo Maital, a professor at Israel’s Technion Institute of Management. Nelson D. Schwartz, “Prosperity without Peace,” Fortune, June 13, 2005; Shlomo Ben-Ami, Scars of War, Wounds of Peace: The Israeli-Arab Tragedy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 230. 21. United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories, Quarterly Report on Economic and Social Conditions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, April 1, 1997; Ben-Ami, Scars of War, Wounds of Peace, 231; Sara Roy, “Why Peace Failed: An Oslo Autopsy,” Current History 101, no. 651 (January 2002): 13. 22. Chris McGreal, “Deadly Thirst,” Guardian (London), January 13, 2004. 23. “Norman Finkelstein & Former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami Debate,” Democracy Now!, February 14, 2006, www.democracynow.org. 24. According to the Israeli business newspaper Globes, between 2001 to 2003 Israel was looking at “a cumulative 8.5 per cent drop in per capita growth,” a stunning decline. Zeev Klein, “2002 Worst Year for Israeli Economy Since 1953,” Globes (Tel Aviv), December 31, 2002; Sandler, “As If the Intifada Weren’t Enough.” Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 625
NOTES TO PAGES 524–28 625
25. Aron Heller and James Bagnall, “After the Intifada: Why Israel’s Tech Titans Are Challenging Canadian Entrepreneurs as a Global Force,” Ottawa Citizen, April 28, 2005; Schwartz, “Prosperity without Peace.” 26. Susan Karlin, “Get Smart,” Forbes, December 12, 2005. 27. Ran Dagoni, “O’seas Cos, Gov’ts to Inspect Israeli Anti-Terror Methods,” Globes (Tel Aviv), January 22, 2006; Ben Winograd, “U.S. Airport Directors Study Tough Israeli Security Measures Ahead of Summer Travel,” Associated Press, May 8, 2007; State of Israel, Ministry of Public Security, “International Homeland Security Conference, 2006,” March 19, 2006, www.mops.gov.il. 28. Heller and Bagnall, “After the Intifada”; Yaakov Katz, “Defense Officials Aim High at Paris Show,” Jerusalem Post, June 10, 2007; Hadas Manor, “Israel in Fourth Place among Defense Exporters,” Globes (Tel Aviv), June 10, 2007; Steve Rodan and Jose Rosenfeld “Discount Dealers,” Jerusalem Post, September, 2, 1994; Gary Dorsch, “The Incredible Israeli Shekel, as Israel’s Economy Continues to Boom,” The Market Oracle, May 8, 2007, www.marketoracle.co.uk. 29. Schwartz, “Prosperity without Peace.” 30. Ibid.; Nice Systems, “Nice Digital Video Surveillance Solution Selected by Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport,” press release, January 29, 2007, www.nice.com; Nice Systems, “Time Warner (Charlotte),” Success Stories, www.nice.com. 31. James Bagnall, “A World of Risk: Israel’s Tech Sector Offers Lessons on Doing Business in the New Age of Terror,” Ottawa Citizen, August 31, 2006; Electa Draper, “Durango Office Keeps Watch in War on Terror,” Denver Post, August 14, 2005. 32. SuperCom, “SuperCom Signs $50m National Multi Id Agreement with a European Country,” press release, September 19, 2006; SuperCom, “City of Los Angeles to Deploy Supercom’s IRMS Mobile Credentialing and Handheld Verification System,” press release, November 29, 2006; SuperCom, “SuperCom Signs $1.5m ePassport Pilot Agreement with European Country,” press release, August 14, 2006, www.supercomgroup.com. 33. Check Point, “Facts at a Glance,” www.checkpoint.com. 34. David Machlis, “US Gets Israeli Security for Super Bowl,” Jerusalem Post, February 4, 2007; New Age Security Solutions, “Partial Client List,” www.nasscorp.com. 35. Kevin Johnson, “Mansions Spared on Uptown’s High Ground,” USA Today, September 12, 2005. 36. International Security Instructors, “About” and “Clients,” www.isiusa.us. 37. “Golan Group Launches Rigorous VIP Protection Classes,” press release, April 2007; Golan Group, “Clients,” www.golangroup.com. 38. Schwartz, “Prosperity without Peace”; Neil Sandler, “Israeli Security Barrier Provides High-Tech Niche,” Engineering News-Record, May 31, 2004. 39. David Hubler, “SBInet Trawls for Small-Business Partners,” Federal Computer Week, October 2, 2006; Sandler, “Israeli Security Barrier Provides High-Tech Niche.” 40. Schwartz, “Prosperity without Peace.” 41. Elbit Systems Ltd. and Magal Security Systems Ltd, “Historical Prices,” Yahoo! Finance, finance.yahoo.com; Barbara Wall, “Fear Factor,” International Herald Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 626
626 NOTES TO PAGES 529–35
Tribune (Paris), January 28, 2006; Electa Draper, “Verint Systems Emerges as Leader in Video Surveillance Market.” 42. Thomas L. Friedman, “Outsource the Cabinet?” New York Times, February 28, 2007; Ruth Eglash, “Report Paints Gloomy Picture of Life for Israeli Children,” Jerusalem Post, December 28, 2006. 43. Karen Katzman, “Some Stories You May Not Have Heard,” report to the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, www.shalomdc.org; Yitzhak Laor, “You Are Terrorists, We Are Virtuous,” London Review of Books, August 17, 2006. 44. Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Ltd, TASE Main Indicators, August 31, 2006, www.tase.co.il; Friedman, “Outsource the Cabinet?”; Reuters, “GDP Growth Figure Slashed,” Los Angeles Times, March 1, 2007; Greg Myre, “Amid Political Upheaval, Israeli Economy Stays Healthy,” New York Times, December 31, 2006; World Bank Group, West Bank and Gaza Update, September 2006, www.worldbank.org. 45. Susan Lerner, “Israeli Companies Shine in Big Apple,” Jerusalem Post, September 17, 2006; Osama Habib, “Labor Minister Says War Led to Huge Jump in Number of Unemployed,” Daily Star (Beirut), October 21, 2006. 46. Interview with Dan Gillerman, CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight, July 14, 2006. 47. Karin Brulliard, “‘Gated Communities’ for the War-Ravaged,” Washington Post, April 23, 2007; Dean Yates, “Baghdad Wall Sparks Confusion, Divisions in Iraq,” Reuters, April 23, 2007. 48. Rory McCarthy, “Occupied Gaza like Apartheid South Africa, Says UN Report,” Guardian (London), February 23, 2007. 49. Michael Wines, “Shantytown Dwellers in South Africa Protest the Sluggish Pace of Change,” New York Times, December 25, 2005.
Conclusion: Shock Wears Off: The Rise of People’s Reconstruction
1. Juan Forero, “Bolivia Indians Hail the Swearing in of One of Their Own as President,” New York Times, January 23, 2006. 2. Tom Kerr, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, “People’s Leadership in Disaster Recovery: Rights, Resilience and Empowerment,” Phuket disaster seminar, October 30–November 3, 2006, Phuket City, www.achr.net. 3. Antillano belongs to the Land Committee of La Vega, Caracas. Hablemos del Poder / Talking of Power, documentary directed by Nina López, produced by Global Women’s Strike, 2005, www.globalwomenstrike.net. 4. Terence Corcoran, “Free Markets Lose Their Last Lion,” National Post (Toronto), November 17, 2006. 5. Jim Webb, “Class Struggle,” Wall Street Journal, November 15, 2006. 6. Geoffrey York, “Beijing to Target Rural Poverty,” Globe and Mail (Toronto), March 6, 2006; Larry Rohter, “A Widening Gap Erodes Argentina’s Egalitarian Image,” New York Times, December 25, 2006; World Institute for Development Economics Research, “Pioneering Study Shows Richest Two Percent Own Half World Wealth,” press release, December 5, 2006, www.wider.unu.edu; Sarah Anderson et al., Executive Excess 2006: Defense and Oil Executives Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 627
NOTES TO PAGES 536–44 627
Cash in on Conflict, August 30, 2006, page 1, www.faireconomy.org; Webb, “Class Struggle.” 7. Raul Garces, “Former Uruguayan Dictator Arrested,” Associated Press, November 17, 2006; “Argentine Judge Paves Way for New Trial of Ex-Dictator Videla,” Agence France-Presse, September 5, 2006; “Former Argentine Leader Indicted for 2001 Bond Swap,” MercoPress, September 29, 2006, www.mercopress.com. 8. “Former Latin American Leaders Facing Legal Troubles,” Miami Herald, January 18, 2007. 9. Andrew Osborn, “The A–Z of Oligarchs,” Independent (London), May 26, 2006. 10. Paul Waldie, “Hollinger: Publisher or ‘Bank of Conrad Black’?” Globe and Mail (Toronto), February 7, 2007; “Political Activist Grover Norquist,” National Public Radio Morning Edition, May 25, 2001; Jonathan Weisman,“Powerful GOP Activist Sees His Influence Slip Over Abramoff Dealings,” Washington Post, July 9, 2006. 11. George W. Bush, The National Security Strategy of the United States, September 2002, www.whitehouse.gov. 12. Jane Bussey, “Democrats Won Big by Opposing Free-Trade Agreements,” Miami Herald, November 20, 2006; Robin Toner and Janet Elder, “Most Support U.S. Guarantee of Health Care,” New York Times, March 2, 2007. 13. Corporación Latinobarómetro, Latinobarómetro Report 2006, www.latinobarometro.org. 14. Susan George and Erik Wesselius, “Why French and Dutch Citizens Are Saying NO,” Transnational Institute, May 21, 2005, www.tni.org. 15. Lou Dobbs, CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight, April 14, 2005; Lou Dobbs, CNN: Lou Dobbs Tonight, June 23, 2006. 16. Martin Arnold, “Polish Plumber Symbolic of all French Fear about Constitution,” Financial Times (London), May 28, 2005. 17. Andrew Curry, “The Case Against Poland’s New President,” New Republic, November 17, 2005; Fred Halliday, “Warsaw’s Populist Twins,” openDemocracy, September 1, 2006, www.opendemocracy.net; Ian Traynor, “After Communism: Ambitious, Eccentric—Polish Twins Prescribe a Dose of Harsh Reality,” Guardian (London), September 1, 2006. FOOTNOTE: Ken Livingstone, “Facing Phobias,” Guardian (London), March 2, 2007. 18. Perry Anderson, “Russia’s Managed Democracy,” London Review of Books, January 25, 2007. 19. Vladimir Radyuhin, “Racial Tension on the Rise in Russia,” The Hindu, September 16, 2006; Amnesty International, Russian Federation: Violent Racism Out of Control, May 4, 2006, www.amnesty.org. 20. Helen Womack, “No Hiding Place for Scared Foreigners in Racist Russia,” Sydney Morning Herald, May 6, 2006. 21. Henry A. Kissinger, Memorandum to the President, Subject: NSC Meeting, November 6—Chile, November 5, 1970, declassified, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 22. Jack Chang, “Fear of Privatization Gives Brazilian President a Lead in Runoff,” Knight Ridder, October 26, 2006; Hector Tobar, “Nicaragua Sees Red Over Blackouts,” Los Angeles Times, October 30, 2006. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 628
628 NOTES TO PAGES 544–53
23. Nikolas Kozloff, “The Rise of Rafael Correa,” CounterPunch, November 26, 2007; Simon Romero, “Leftist Candidate in Ecuador Is Ahead in Vote, Exit Polls Show,” New York Times, November 27, 2006. 24. “Argentine President Marks Third Year in Office with Campaign-Style Rally,” BBC Monitoring International Reports, May 26, 2006. 25. Dan Keane, “South American Leaders Dream of Integration, Continental Parliament,” Associated Press, December 9, 2006. 26. Duncan Campbell, “Argentina and Uruguay Shun US Military Academy,” Guardian (London), April 6, 2006; “Costa Rica Quits US Training at Ex- School of the Americas,” Agence France-Press, May 19, 2007. 27. Roger Burbach, “Ecuador’s Government Cautiously Takes Its First Steps,” NACLA News, February 19, 2007, www.nacla.org. 28. Chris Kraul, “Big Cooperative Push in Venezuela,” Los Angeles Times, August 21, 2006. 29. Emir Sader, “Latin American Dossier: Free Trade in Reciprocity,” Le Monde Diplomatique, February 2006. 30. George W. Bush, The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, March 2006, page 30, www.whitehouse.gov; interview with Stanley Fischer conducted May 9, 2001, for Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy, www.pbs.org. 31. Jorge Rueda, “Chavez Says Venezuela Will Pull out of the IMF, World Bank,” Associated Press, May 1, 2007; Fiona Ortiz, “Argentina’s Kirchner Says No New IMF Program,” Reuters, March 1, 2007; Christopher Swann, Bloomberg News, “Hugo Chávez Exploits Oil Wealth to Push IMF Aside,” International Herald Tribune (Paris), March 1, 2007. 32. Ibid.; “Ecuador Expels World Bank Representative,” Agence France-Press, April 27, 2007; Reuters, “Latin Leftists Mull Quitting World Bank Arbitrator,” Washington Post, April 29, 2007; Eoin Callan and Krishna Guha, “Scandal Threatens World Bank’s Role,” Financial Times (London), April 23, 2007. 33. Michael Wines, “Shantytown Dwellers in South Africa Protest the Sluggish Pace of Change,” New York Times, December 25, 2005; Brendan Smith et al., “China’s Emerging Labor Movement,” Commondreams.org, October 5, 2006, www.commondreams.org. FOOTNOTE: Ibid. 34. Jean Baudrillard, Power Inferno (Paris: Galilée, 2002), 83. 35. Central Intelligence Agency, Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual—1983, www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv. 36. Andrew England, “Siniora Flies to Paris as Lebanon Protests Called Off,” Financial Times (London), January 23, 2007; Kim Ghattas, “Pressure Builds for Lebanon Reform,” BBC News, January 22, 2007; Lysandra Ohrstrom, “Reconstruction Chief Says He’s Stepping Down,” Daily Star (Beirut), August 24, 2006. 37. Helene Cooper, “Aid Conference Raises $7.6 Billion for Lebanese Government,” New York Times, January 26, 2007; Osama Habib, “Siniora Unveils Reform Plan Aimed at Impressing Paris III Donors,” Daily Star (Beirut), January 3, 2007; Osama Habib, “Plans for Telecom Sale Move Ahead,” Daily Star (Beirut), September 30, 2006. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 629
NOTES TO PAGES 554–61 629
38. Mohamad Bazzi, “People’s Revolt in Lebanon,” The Nation, January 8, 2007; Trish Schuh, “On the Edge of Civil War: The Cedar Revolution Goes South,” CounterPunch, January 23, 2007, www.counterpunch.org. 39. Mary Hennock, “Lebanon’s Economic Champion,” BBC News, February 14, 2005; Randy Gragg, “Beirut,” Metropolis, November 1995, pages 21, 26; “A Bombed-Out Beirut Is Being Born Again—Fitfully,” Architectural Record 188, no. 4 (April 2000). 40. Bazzi, “People’s Revolt in Lebanon.” 41. Ana Nogueira and Saseen Kawzally, “Lebanon Rebuilds (Again),” Indypendent, August 31, 2006, www.indypendent.org; Kambiz Foroohar, “Hezbollah, with $100 Bills, Struggles to Repair Lebanon Damage,” Bloomberg News, September 28, 2006; Omayma Abdel-Latif, “Rising From the Ashes,” Al-Ahram Weekly, August 31, 2006. 42. David Frum, “Counterfeit News,” National Post (Toronto), August 26, 2006. 43. “Spain’s Aznar Rules Out Talks with Basque Group ETA,” Associated Press, March 11, 2004. 44. Elaine Sciolino, “In Spain’s Vote, a Shock from Democracy (and the Past),” New York Times, March 21, 2004. 45. Santisuda Ekachai, “This Land Is Our Land,” Bangkok Post, March 2, 2005. 46. Tom Kerr, Asian Coalition for Housing Rights, “New Orleans Visits Asian Tsunami Areas—September 9–17, 2006,” www.achr.net. 47. Ibid. 48. Kerr, “People’s Leadership in Disaster Recovery: Rights, Resilience and Empowerment.” 49. Kerr, “New Orleans Visits Asian Tsunami Areas.” 50. Richard A. Webster, “N.O. Survivors Learn Lessons from Tsunami Rebuilders,” New Orleans Business, November 13, 2006. 51. Residents of Public Housing, “Public Housing Residents Take Back Their Homes,” press release, February 11, 2007, www.peoplesorganizing.org. 52. Quote from Joseph Recasner. Steve Ritea, “The Dream Team,” Times-Picayune (New Orleans), August 1, 2006. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 630
I think there may be some literary rule against dedicating two books to the same person. I need to break that rule for this book. This project would simply not have been physically, intellectually or emotionally possible without my husband, Avi Lewis. He is my collaborator in all things: editor, travel partner (to Sri Lanka, South Africa, New Orleans), life enhancer. We did this together. The task would also have defeated me without the extraordinary work of my research assistant, Debra Levy. Debra gave her life over to this book for three years, pausing only to have a child. Her daz- zling research skills have left their mark on every page. She unearthed new and exciting information, managed and organized unwieldy sources, conducted several interviews, then fact-checked the entire manuscript. I am so unspeakably grateful to have been joined at every stage by such a dedicated and talented colleague. Debra extends her love and appreciation to Kyle Yamada and Ari Yamada-Levy, as do I. Two editors, working in an unusually collaborative and rewarding editorial relationship, shaped this manuscript in ways too profound to describe: Louise Dennys at Knopf Canada and Frances Coady for Metropolitan Books. Louise and Frances, who are also my close friends and mentors, pushed me to take the thesis into entirely new areas and granted me the months of necessary time to follow through on their rigorous challenges. Louise has been my faithful editor and fierce defender since No Logo, and I remain in awe of Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 631
her ability to tone me down and toughen me up simultaneously. When I handed in the revised and much expanded draft, Frances restructured and refined it with stunning commitment at every stage. The fact that the publishing world still has space for intellectual titans like these two women gives me hope for the future of books. The manuscript was further sharpened thanks to incisive feed- back from Helen Conford at Penguin U.K., who worked closely with us from the earliest days. Alison Reid’s boundless passion for this project, as well as her attentiveness to polishing the text, make the title copyeditor wholly inadequate. I am in her debt. My brilliant agent, Amanda Urban, believed in this book when it was supposed to be only about Iraq, and her faith and loyalty grew through each missed deadline and every revised and expanded out- line. She also happens to have the sharpest, coolest team going: Margaret Halton, Kate Jones, Elizabeth Iveson, Karolina Sutton and Liz Farrell. Surrounded by the women of ICM Books, one feels ready for anything. We are all grateful for the groundwork laid by Nicole Winstanley and Bruce Westwood. Jackie Joiner is the office manager for Klein Lewis Productions. For two years she acted as human shield, keeping the world at bay so I could focus. Then, when the draft was complete, Jackie set us all in motion like a magnificent orchestra conductor. To say more about Jackie’s daily feats of creative administration would invite envy, so I will leave it there. The ICM team found perfect publishing homes for this book around the world, thereby giving me the luxury to put together an international team of researchers and fact-checkers, without whom Debra and I could never have completed a project of this scope. Each researcher took on crucial pieces of the puzzle, drawing on his or her own specialized skills and areas of expertise. My dear friend Andréa Schmidt, with whom I travelled in Iraq, was a constant intellectual companion, not just supplying me with fat binders of hyperorganized readings on the grimmest of subjects but educating me and pushing me to go further and deeper into the horror. The sections on torture in particular are very much the Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 632
product of our never-ending conversation. She also read drafts of the manuscript and gave me some of the most important feedback. Aaron Maté was my primary researcher in 2003–2005, when my journalism focused almost exclusively on Iraq’s economic transfor- mation. It was a blessing to work with Aaron, a great intellect and terrific journalist. Aaron’s imprint is unmistakable in the chapters on Iraq, as well as on Israel/Palestine. Fernando Rouaux and Shana Yael Shubs, both up-and-coming Latin American studies scholars, uncovered a largely unexplored cache of economic writings on the interrelationship between crisis and neo-liberal reforms. It was this material that revealed to me the centrality of the shock doctrine at the highest reaches of the inter- national financial institutions. Fernando conducted several back- ground interviews for me in Buenos Aires, and Shana translated dozens of documents and articles from Spanish to English. They also rigorously fact-checked the chapters of the book on Argentina. The wonderful Amanda Alexander was my primary researcher on the South Africa chapter, fact-finding, fact-checking and transcribing interview tapes with the enormously helpful Audrey Sasson. Amanda also conducted key research on China’s shock therapy period. Several other researchers joined the team at various points: Bruno Anili, Emily Lodish (particularly on Russia), Hannah Holleman (the Asian financial crisis), Wes Enzinna (including last-minute inter- views in Bolivia), Emma Ruby-Sachs, Grace Wu and Nepomuceno Malaluan. Debra Levy, a librarian herself, wishes to thank her personal back-office: the patient and resourceful staffs of the University of Oregon libraries, Corvallis-Benton County Public Library and the Eugene Public Library. My reporting in the field also relied on many researchers, transla- tors, fixers and friends—too many to mention, but here is a start. In Iraq: Salam Onibi, Linda Albermani and Khalid al-Ansary, one of the best journalists in Baghdad, as well as my friend and fellow traveller, Andrew Stern. In South Africa: Patrick Bond, Heinrich Bohmke, Richard Pithouse, Raj Patel and, as always, the brilliant Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 633
and unstoppable Ashwin Desai. Special thanks to Ben Cashdan and his crew for sharing their interviews with Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and for much else. In New Orleans: Jordan Flaherty, Jacquie Soohen and Buddy and Annie Spell. In Sri Lanka: Kumari and Dileepa Witharana were my and Avi’s spiritual and intellectual guides, not to mention translators. Sarath Fernando, Kath Noble and the rest of the team at MONLAR were our home base and the reason we made the trip in the first place. When I returned to Canada, Stuart Laidlaw transcribed hours of interviews, and Loganathan Sellathurai and Anusha Kathiravelu transcribed and translated from Tamil and Sinhala. Boris Kagarlitsky helped with the Russia chapter. Przemyslaw Wielgosz, Marcin Starnawski and Tadeusz Kowalik all spent time educating me about Poland’s transition. Marcela Oliviera linked me up with participants in Bolivia anti–shock therapy movements. Tom Kerr at the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights was our bridge to tsunami reconstruction in Thailand. The genesis of this book was a year spent living in Argentina, where a group of newfound friends taught me about the bloody roots of the Chicago School project, often by sharing their own wrenching stories and family histories. Those patient teachers are, among others, Marta Dillon, Claudia Acuña, Sergio Ciancaglini, Nora Strejilevich, Silvia Delfino, Ezequiel Adamovsky, Sebastian Hacher, Cecilia Sainz, Julian A. Massaldi-Fuchs, Esteban Magnani, Susana Guichal and Tomás Bril Mascarenhas. They changed the way I saw the world. The analysis of torture that appears in this book was shaped by dozens of interviews conducted with people who experienced prison abuse themselves, and also by those who have dedicated their lives to counselling survivors. I want in particular to thank Federico Allodi and Miralinda Friere, both founders of the Canadian Centre for the Victims of Torture, as well as Shokoufeh Sakhi, Carmen Sillato and Juan Miranda. Some of the people closest to me are writers specializing in themes touched on in this book, and several of them read drafts of the manuscript and spent hours talking through ideas. Kyo Maclear Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 634
was always slipping me books and forwarding articles, and her feed- back on the first draft informed my understanding of the layering of colonialism; Seumas Milne, who turned the Guardian’s op-ed page into a truly global debating forum, was my tutor on the Thatcher years and my political counsel on much else; Michael Hardt sent me back to the drawing board and put up with my emergent Keynesianism; Betsy Reed, my editor at the Nation, helped me frame the thesis and edited my first article on disaster capitalism, as well as dozens of columns; the fearless Jeremy Scahill read early chapters and swapped panic and research about the state of war (and life) privatization; Katharine Viner was the light at the end of the tunnel and is making the Guardian the launch pad for this book. Most of all, these dear friends, who also happen to be colleagues, kept me company and inspired me during years of lonely writing. I am not an economist, but my brother, Seth Klein, director of the indispensable British Columbia Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, is my sector weapon. He put up with calls at odd hours requesting impromptu tutorials in monetarist theory and carefully edited the first draft, pushing me and protecting me as best he could. Ricardo Grinspun, a brilliant economist specializing in Latin America at York University (cited in the text), was kind enough to read the manuscript and provide important specialized feedback. So did Stephen McBride, director of the Centre for Global Political Economy at Simon Fraser University. I am honoured that both took time out of their overloaded schedules to accept another student, and neither should be held responsible for any errors on my part. My parents, Bonnie and Michael Klein, gave me terrific feed- back on drafts and took excellent care of me when I moved to their neck of the woods for the writing. Both have passionately protected the idea of a public sphere outside the market for their entire lives, Michael in health care and Bonnie in the arts. My hero of a mother- in-law, Michele Landsberg, read the manuscript and cheered me on as only she can. The insistence of my father-in-law, Stephen Lewis, on placing the AIDS pandemic firmly within the context of free- market fundamentalism emboldened me to write this book. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 635
Many other stellar publishers and their teams have thrown their support behind this project, including Brad Martin at Random House of Canada, John Sterling and Sara Bershtel at Metropolitan in New York, Stefan McGrath and the creative and intelligent team at Penguin U.K., Peter Sillem at S. Fischer Verlag, Carlo Brioschi at Rizzoli, Erik Visser at De Geus, Claudia Casanova at Paidós, Jan- Erik Petterson at Ordfront, Ingeri Engelstad at Oktober, Roman Kozyrev at Dobraya Kniga, Marie Catherine Vacher at Actes Sud and Lise Bergerin and everyone at Leméac. All of us owe a huge debt to the unflappable Adrienne Phillips, acting managing editor at Knopf Canada. Not only did she keep this unwieldy team on track but, along with Margaret Halton and Jackie Joiner, she made it possible for the book to come out in seven lan- guages simultaneously, something of a publishing miracle. I am also enormously grateful to Scott Richardson for his sleek and enliven- ing design, to Doris Cowan for her careful proofreading and to Beate Schwirtlich for her expert typesetting. Barney Gilmore is, once again, the master indexer. Mark A. Fowler is the very best kind of libel lawyer and was a pleasure to argue with. I also thank Sharon Klein, Tara Kennedy, Maggie Richards, Preena Gadher and Rosie Glaisher, as well as all the translators who will bring this text to readers around the world. In addition to the researchers who worked directly on this proj- ect, many activists and writers helped me along the way. The incredible team members at Focus on the Global South in Bangkok were the first to identify “reconstruction” as the new frontier of neo- colonialism, an extension of their long-time work on the exploita- tion of crises. I am particularly grateful to the acuity of Shalmali Guttal and Walden Bello. For their outstanding investigations exposing disaster capitalism in New Orleans, I am indebted to Chris Kromm and the team at the Institute for Southern Studies as well as to the writings and activism of the human rights lawyer Bill Quigley. Soren Ambrose, formerly of Fifty Years Is Enough, was a tremen- dous resource on the international financial institutions. My research on contemporary prisoner abuse was greatly aided by Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 636
Michael Ratner and the courageous team at the Center for Constitutional Rights, as well as John Sifton and Human Rights Watch, the reports of Amnesty International and Jameel Jaffer at the American Civil Liberties Union. Many of the declassified documents cited in the text were unearthed by the extraordinary people at the National Security Archive. Another important resource has been the interviews from PBS’s 2002 documentary trilogy Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy. Most of the quotations that appear in the text did not make it into the films, but the producers made the rare decision to put their raw interview transcripts online. I am also grateful to Amy Goodman and the entire team at Democracy Now! Their groundbreaking interviews are not only an addictive source of daily news (www.democracynow.org), but a precious ongoing research tool. Hundreds of other investigative journalists and authors whose work I draw on are acknowledged in the text and the endnotes. An exten- sive bibliography can be accessed through www.naomiklein.org, with direct links to many original documents. A few books were of such tremendous and repeated help that endnotes and bibliographies don’t suffice to indicate their importance: Stephen F. Cohen’s Failed Crusade, Alfred McCoy’s A Question of Torture, Anthony Shadid’s Night Draws Near, Rajiv Chandrasekaran’s Imperial Life in the Emerald City, Marguerite Feitlowitz’s A Lexicon of Terror, Michael McCaughan’s True Crimes: Rodolfo Walsh, Lawrence Weschler’s A Miracle, a Universe, Greg Grandin’s Empire’s Workshop, T. Christian Miller’s Blood Money, Antonia Juhasz’s Bush Agenda, Juan Gabriel Valdés’s Pinochet’s Economists, Peter Reddaway and Dmitri Glinski’s The Tragedy of Russia’s Reforms, William Mervin Gumede’s Thabo Mbeki and the Battle for the Soul of the ANC, Joseph E. Stiglitz’s Globalization and Its Discontents, Judith Butler’s Precarious Life, John Perkins’s Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Peter Kornbluh’s The Pinochet File and John Pilger’s The New Rulers of the World, among many of his other works. I am also in debt to many documentary filmmakers whose Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 637
footage helped me to understand events that I was not able to wit- ness first-hand. Patricio Guzmán’s definitive trilogy The Battle of Chile demands particular mention. Several theorists and chroniclers of neo-liberalism have shaped my thinking well beyond what citations can reflect: David Harvey (particularly A Brief History of Neoliberalism), and pretty much everything ever written by John Berger, Mike Davis and Arundhati Roy. When I read and reread the work of Eduardo Galeano I feel as if everything has been said. I hope that he will forgive my attempts here to put a few asterisks in the margin, just to emphasize the point. I also want to honour five exquisitely diverse models of the engaged, enraged intellectual, each one a personal hero of mine, who passed away while I was writing this book. The loss of Susan Sontag, John Kenneth Galbraith, Molly Ivins, Jane Jacobs and Kurt Vonnegut will, for me as for so many others, be difficult to bear. The following people all lent a hand: Misha Klein, Nancy Friedland, Anthony Arnove, John Montesano, Esther Kaplan, John Cusack, Kashaelle Gagnon, Stefan Christoff, Kamil Mahdi, Pratap Chatterjee, Sara Angel, Manuel Rozenthal, John Jordan, Justin Podur, Jonah Gindin, Ewa Jasiewicz, Maude Barlow, Justin Alexander, Jeremy Pikser, Ric Young, Arthur Manuel, Joe Nigrini, David Wall, John Greyson, David Meslin, Carly Stasko, Brendan Martin, Bill Fletcher, David Martinez, Joseph Huff-Hannon, Ofelia Whiteley, Barr Gilmore and my patient colleagues at the New York Times Syndicate, Gloria Anderson and Mike Oricchio. Roger Hodge sent me to Iraq for Harper’s, on assignment for the piece that turned into this book, and Sharon Oddie Brown and Andreas Schroeder set me up in their perfect writer’s cabin when I returned. I am, as always, grateful to Katrina vanden Heuvel, Peter Rothberg and Hamilton Fish for making the Nation feel like home. It may take a village to raise a child, but looking at this long list, I realize that it took a global conspiracy to make this book. I’m so fortunate to have been supported by this amazing web of humanity. Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 638
Abdullah, Ahmed, 405 Alfonsín, Raúl, 186, 191–92, 197 Abramoff, Jack, 377, 537 Algeria, torture in, 47, 149–50 Abu Ghraib (prison), 28, 134, 366, 443, Ali, Haj, 446 457 the Allan Memorial Institute, 31–32, Accenture, 364 39–40, 50–51, 54–55 Action Against Hunger, 485 Allawi, Ali Abdul-Amir, 8–9 ActionAid (NGO), 480, 482 Allbaugh, Joseph, 354, 379, 409, 494 Acuña, Claudia, 149, 393 Allende, Salvador, 74–76, 87–88, 122, Ad Hoc Committee on Chile (U.S. 237, 542 corporate), 75 al-Qaeda, 366, 428, 501 Adam Smith Institute (U.K.), 419 Alsogaray, María Julia, 293 addiction (alcohol and drug), in Russia, Aman Resorts, 471 286–87 American Civil Liberties Union, Afghanistan, 253 365–66, 445 the African National Congress party the American Enterprise Institute, 6, 17, (ANC), 234–61, 542, 551. See 387, 395 also Freedom Charter The American Prospect (magazine), 352 Agresto, John, 406–7 American Society of Civil Engineers, Ahmed, Rhuhel, 408 499 aid (developmental/foreign). See under Americas Watch, 144 debt (government); disaster relief; amnesia, as a side effect of electroshock, foreign aid 29–31, 34 AIDS, 295 Amnesty International, 140–42, 144 crisis, in Russia, 287 Amoco (oil company), 292 patents for medicines treating, 348 AMR Corp., 292 in South Africa, 247–48 ANC. See the African National Congress AIG (Corp.), 330 Anchel, David, 27 Albats, Yevgenia, 285 Anderson, Jack, 75 Albright, Madeleine, 328 Andrews, Cassandra, 9 Alexander, Jane, 360 Anglo American (Corp.), 250 A Lexicon of Terror, 151 anthrax, October 2001 scare about, 355 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 639
anti-globalization, 473, 483 Baker, Richard, 4 sparked by disaster capitalism, Baker Botts (law firm), 381 335–36 Balcerowicz, Leszek, 205, 215, 217, 305 See also globalization Baldwin, Maitland, 39 Antillano, Andrés, 533 the Balkan War, Halliburton’s role in, Appeal Telecom (Korea), 332 350, 419 A Question of Torture (book), 46 Baltimore Sun, 44 Arafat, Yasser, 517 Bangkok Investment (Corp.), 330 Arar, Maher, 401 Bank of America, 75 Arbatov, Georgi, 288 Bank Boston, 199 Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 68 Bank Leumi (Israel), 529 Arendt, Marian, 207 Banzer, Hugo, 170, 172–74 Argentina, 73, 101, 281, 546, 549–50 Barak, Ehud, 517, 522 aftermath of the 1976 coup in, Bardón, Alvaro, 245 102–7, 110–13, 116, 119 Barron’s (magazine), 98 its Chicago School revolution, 11, Barshefsky, Charlene, 332 197–99, 397 Battles, Mike, 10 Argentine Agrarian Leagues, 130, 151 Baudrillard, Jean, 552 Argentine Tribunal against Impunity, 151 Bayer, Osvaldo, 133 Armitage, Richard, 435, 449 Bazzi, Mohamad, 554 Artigas, José Gervasio, 123 BearingPoint (consultants), 418 ASEA Brown Bovai (Swiss engineering Bechtel (corporation), 15, 167, 294, 332, Co.), 347 371, 383, 392, 418, 427, 429, 431, AshBritt, 495 452, 493, 503, 506, 545 Ashcroft, John, 378 Becker, Gary, 56–57 Ashcroft Group (security firm), 378 Bedregal, Guillermo, 174–75, 177 Ashmore Investment Management, 329 Begg, Moazzam, 134 the Asia crisis, 513 Behavior Pattern Recognition (system), history of, 321–32 526 lingering after-effects of, 332–36 Belafonte, Harry, 488 the Asian Development Bank, 470 Belka, Marek, 411 Åslund, Anders, 283, 289 Bell, Daniel, 58 AT&T, 363 Bell Canada, 332 Atlantic Monthly, 289 Bello, Walden, 323 Australia, 303 Ben-Ami, Shlomo, 517, 521–22 authoritarian ideologies, 23 Benn, Tony, 163 the Automated Targeting System (ATS), Berezovsky, Boris, 536–37 365 the “Berkeley Mafia” (Indonesia), 79–81, Aven, Pyotr, 267, 272 146, 158 Aznar, José María, 557 Berlin Wall, end of the, 218, 237 Bernstein, Jonas, 280 Bacevich, Andrew, 358 betrayal, as a means to break solidarity, Bachelet, Michelle, 545 133–34 Baker, James III, 330, 379–83, 453 bin Talal, Alwaleed, 331 financial conflicts of interest and, Bioport (vaccine producer), 355 381–83 Birmingham, Michael, 391–93 Baker, Ken, 16 Bivens, Matt, 280 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 640
Black, Conrad, 536–37 its Chicago School revolution, 70, Black Book of Communism (book), 23 398 Blackwater (private security firm), 15, Brazil: Never Again (report), 107–8, 126, 341, 427, 442, 456–57, 493, 128, 148 500–502, 505 Brecht, Bertolt, 434 politics of, 501 Bremer, L. Paul, III, 8, 380, 392, 398, Blair, Tony, 440, 459 406, 455, 504–5 Blandford, Dave, 500 arrives in Iraq, 408–9, 412 Blitzer, Charles, 277 economic czar in Iraq, 413–18, Blitzer, Wolf, 386 422–24, 428, 432, 437–40, 443, “blowback,” 422–32, 435, 440–43. See 452 also societies, resistance to forced warns of free-trade blowback, change in 434–35 Blue IQ (South Africa), 257–58 Brian, Danielle, 383–84 Blustein, Paul, 324 “The Brick” (Chilean economic manual), Boal, Augusto, 123–24 82, 176–77, 195 bodyguards, employment of, 287 as official policy, 90–92 Boeing, 363, 366, 374, 385–87, 528 Brinkley, Paul, 452 Bolívar, Simón, 123 British Gas, 165 Bolivia, 281, 546–48 British Telecom, 332 economic devastation in, 169–72 Browder, William, 205 elections in, 170 Brown, Michael, 379, 492 governmental collapse in, 161 Brown & Root (Halliburton subsidiary), “shocks” applied to, 172, 174–78, 349–50, 386 183–84 Bruno, Michael, 311–12 Bolivian Alternative for the Americas Brutus, Dennis, 255 (ALBA), 548 Budhoo, Davison, 195, 312–15 Bond, Patrick, 243 Bulgari (company), 472 Bono, 295–96 Bunjan, Khun, 328 Booth, Jerome, 329 Burson-Marsteller (public relations Booz Allen Hamilton, 362–63, 378, 500, firm), 104, 131 553 Bush, George H. W., 264, 330, 346–47, Bordaberry, Juan María, 191, 535 370, 412 borders, security at, 363 Bush, George H. W. (administration of), Borges, Jorge Luis, 162 211–13, 299, 349 Bortnowska, Halina, 217 Bush, George W., 13, 160, 370, 384, Boston Globe, 275–76 395–96, 398, 436, 439 Bowart, Walter, 33 advocates privatizations, 346, 352 Bowen, Stuart, 452, 459–60 “signing statements” used by, 49 Bowersox, Jon C., 452 Bush, George W. (administration of), 5, boycotts, public use of, 237–38 14, 22, 98, 200, 289, 353, 376, BP (British Petroleum), 281, 377, 416, 453 491–502, 504 “brainwashing,” 37 expands powers of the executive Brazil, 63, 73, 107, 170, 190, 238, 305, branch, 358, 371 543, 547, 549 open use of torture by, 48–52 aftermath of the 1964 coup in, 77, Bush, Jeb, 353 102, 126, 128, 187 Bush, Laura, 337 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 641
Business Roundtable, 503 Central Intelligence Agency (U.S.). See Business Week (magazine), 96, 104, 172, CIA 330–31, 521 Cerletti, Ugo, 27 Caballero, Florencio, 43–44 CH2M Hill Inc. (engineering firm), CACI International Inc., 456–57, 500 419, 478, 493, 501, 507–8 Caldwell, Christopher, 509 Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, 407, 425–26 Camdessus, Michel, 313, 322 Charity Hospital (New Orleans), 490, 498 Cameron, Dr. Ewen, 28–36, 39–47, Charles Schwab (investment firm), 319 54–55, 57, 83, 398, 448, 557 Chase Manhattan, 104, 188 Canada, 63, 136, 303, 308–10, 502, 528 Chávez, Hugo, 77, 538, 546, 548 “free trade” election in, 12 Chechnya, as a diversionary war, 279, Canizaro, Joseph, 4 285 capital controls, 121, 283, 322–23, 329 Check Point (Israeli security company), Capital Correctional Resources, 353 526 capitalism, 5, 7, 10, 62, 134, 211, 215, Cheney, Dick, 48, 297, 304, 330, 361, 230, 266, 301, 367 373, 384, 387, 398, 412 equated with freedom, 22, 538 advocates privatizations, 346, 349 as an ideological monopoly, 303, 336 becomes CEO of Halliburton, ideology and, 15, 24, 58, 61, 121–22, 350–51 283 defense industry income and, 351–52 “mafia of,” 289, 379–80 financial conflicts of interest and, “mixed” versus “pure,” 61, 63, 142 376–77, 380–81 opposition to unfettered versions of, Cheney, Liz, 396 335, 534, 539, 544 Cheney, Lynne, defense industry See also under disaster capitalism; income and, 350–53 economics; “neo-liberalism” Chesapeake Innovation Center, 369 Capitalism and Freedom (Friedman’s Chevron, 377, 416, 503 manifesto), 21, 65, 90, 98 Chiarelli, Peter W., 55, 452–53 Carlyle Group, 330, 373, 381–83, 419, the Chicago Boys, 152, 155. See also 459 Center for Latin American Carothers, Thomas, 218 Economic Studies (Chicago); Carrefour, 331 disaster capitalism, ideology and; Cassidy, John, 298 University of Chicago Castello Branco, Humberto, 77 the Chicago School (economic ortho- Castro, Fidel, 74 doxy), 8, 11, 13, 17, 21, 24, Catholic Church, its role in Poland, 206, 56–61, 64–65, 303, 379–80, 209 422–23, 426, 432, 487, 492–93, Catholic University (Chile), 69, 71, 81, 513, 517–18, 524, 533–35 124, 145 U.S. State Dept. promotion of, 69–72 the Cato Institute, 17, 167, 321, 387 See also the “Washington Cavallo, Domingo, 188, 197–200, 293, Consensus” (economic policies) 311, 536–37 children, treatment of when parents are C.D. Howe Institute (Canada), 309 detained, 135–36 Center for Latin American Economic Chile Studies (Chicago), 70, 145 dependent upon copper income, 100 Center for Security Policy (U.S.), 514 its Chicago School revolution, 8, Centers for Disease Control (U.S.), 356 14, 397 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 642
Chile (continued) “cleansing.” See cultures, the “cleans- post-coup “shocks” applied to, 83, ing” of 88–90, 94–98 climate-change, denial of, 514 returns to a restricted “democracy,” Clinton, William J., 271, 273, 297, 299, 245 320 torture in, 46 Clinton, William J. (administration of), China 350, 352 avoids Asian crisis, 323 closure (of Israel’s borders), effects of, market economy for, 158 519, 521–22 market liberalization in, 221, 227 Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA, protests in, 551 Iraq), 411, 419, 430–31 China’s New Order (book), 225 staffing problems of, 425–26, 428 Chinese merchants, S.E. Asian riots Coca-Cola (corporation), 331, 384 against, 333 Codelco (Chile’s state copper mining ChoicePoint, 364 company), 100 Christopher, Warren, 276 Cogeneration (Corp.), 332 Chubais, Anatoly, 279 Cohen, Richard, 391 CIA (U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) Cohen, Stephen, 261, 266 activities of against Allende, 74–76, Collins, Anne, 33 79, 81, 113, 116 Collision Course (book), 395 activities of against Sukarno, 77–81 colonialism, economic exploitation and, activities of supporting Southern 63, 66, 171, 291, 294 Cone juntas, 107, 112, 118 Columbia University, 296 coups d’état initiated by, 68, 88 Commanding Heights (PBS documen- “extraordinary rendition” and, 48–49, tary), 181 52, 107 Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, funding by for the International 383–84 Commission of Jurists, 141 Communism, as an ideology, 23 interest of in the “psychic driving” community co-operatives, 548 experiments, 28–43 Computer Sciences (Corp.), 352 links with the Ford Foundation by Comsur (Bolivian mining Co.), 173 the, 147 Comverse (Israeli technology company), staff losses of to the private sector, 526 502 consumerism, boosterism for, 101, 136, torture and the, 18–19, 43–48, 472 52–53 consumer products and choices, 24, Citibank, 65 188, 199 59–61, 216, 321 Citicorp, 292 contracts. See U.S. government contracts Citigroup, 416, 472, 527 Conway, Bill, 381 Clark, Kathleen, 382 Corcoran, Terence, 533–35 Clarke, Richard, 378 corporatism, 18, 22–24, 100, 354–55, class (social), marked disparities in, 357–60, 379–80, 427–32, 507–8, 529, 531–32, 534, 555 471–75, 477–87 class distinctions (social), 497–500, growing mistrust of, 336, 539 504–5, 520. See also disaster the imposition of, 277–78 reconstruction; wealth, marked international politics as an instrument disparities in of, 372 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 643
private promotion of, 507–8 DaimlerChrysler Corp., 129 reparations appropriate from acts Daleo, Graciela, 188 of, 254 Daniels, Mitch, 354 See also “hollow” corporations; multi- Davis, Mike, 496 national corporations the Davos Dilemma, 510–11, 515–16 Corr, Edwin, 175 de Beauvoir, Simone, 150 Correa, Rafael, 544, 547, 550 De Beers (Corp.), 248 corruption (in corporations) de Castro, Sergio, 72, 82, 89, 92–95, governments and, 336, 377–79, 99, 131 382–87, 427–31, 494–95, 529, 544 debt (government) ideology and, 290, 535–37 in Argentina, 186–88, 190 lawlessness and, 291–94 ballooning of, 186 corruption (in government), 187–89, in Brazil, 187, 190 193, 207, 223, 278, 468, 534, 555 Canadian, 308–10 blamed for harsh economic out- in Chile, 187 comes, 289–90 in China, 187 exposed by economic shock therapy, forgiveness of, 296 334, 336 a key trigger for disaster capitalism, in Iraq, 422 186–87, 189, 192, 211 opportunities for, 358, 377–87, in Lebanon, 553 494–95 partial relief of, 172, 195, 212, Russian, 279–82 216–17 corruption (in society), blamed for harsh in Poland, 210–13 economic situations, 289–90 in Russia, 187, 264 Counterintelligence Field Activity (U.S.; in South Africa, 254–56 CIFA), 360 in Uruguay, 187 Courtois, Stéphane, 23 debt crisis, 310–11, 546. See also debt CPA. See Coalition Provisional Authority (government); interest rates, a key (CPA, Iraq) trigger for disaster capitalism Creative Associates (education consult- debt shock, 189–99 ing), 419 Defense Authorization Act (U.S., 2006), Credit Suisse First Boston (bank), 278 370–71 crises Defense Policy Board (U.S.), 380, 385–86 augmenting the seriousness of, 310–11 Defense Venture Catalyst Initiative, 360 efforts urged to encourage, 307 dehumanization, its role in torture, 404–5 promoting an appearance of, 313–15 de Klerk, F.W., 239–40, 255 Crisis Consulting Practice, 414, 434 de la Parra, Marco Antonio, 131 the crisis hypothesis, 166–67 de la Rúa, Fernando, 293 Cruz, Penélope, 295 De La Rue (printers), 416 Cuba, 110, 549, See also Guantánamo. de Vicenti, Azucena, 144 Cuban Sugar Cane Corp., 68 democracy Cubic Defense Applications, 457 failures of in Iraq, 421–22 cultures, the “cleansing” of, 57, 124–27 first blooms in Iraq, 436–37 Cunningham, Randy “Duke,” 377 potentially incompatible with free- Custer Battles (private security firm), 10 market economics, 121–22, 156, fraud and, 430–31 161, 167, 180, 183–84, 186, 220, Daewoo (Corp.), 321, 330 222, 225–27, 232, 243–61, 269, Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 644
democracy (continued) 501, 505, 510–15, 525, 530–31, 270–71, 273, 275–78, 281–82, 288–90, 534, 547, 553, 561 324–25 disaster economics. See economics the urge for, 207–8 disaster reconstruction, exclusion of See also “neo-liberalism,” its antipathy victims from participation in, to democracy 417–20, 432, 480, 483, 495–96 Deng Xiaoping, 221, 279, 328, 542 disaster relief, 478–79 deniability, provision of for illegal acts, misappropriation of, 383, 479–80, 48 493 Department of Homeland Security privatization of, 15–16, 291, 411 (U.S.), 360, 378, 514, 527 Dobbs, Lou, 319, 539 depression (economic), 317. See also the Dorgan, Byron, 429 Great Depression Dossari, Jumah al-, 52 deregulation, 65, 90 Doyle, Len, 79 enforcement of, 10, 17, 195, 200, 227 drug trade (illegal), in Bolivia, 179 Desai, Ashwin, 252 Dugard, John, 532 “developmentalism,” 63–64, 542 Dulles, Allen, 68 planned expansion of in Chile, Dulles, John Foster, 68, 372–73 74–75 DynCorp, 419, 429, 506 steps taken against, 66–67, 102–3, 122 “disappearing,” as a terror tool, 105, 119, Eagleburger, Lawrence, 299 182, 228, 236, 441 East Timor, 334 disaster apartheid, 504, 507–8, 531–32 economic power disaster capitalism, 6 disguised as unimportant, 359, 372 basic workings of, 19–20 removed from political control, conflicts of interest due to, 502–4 239–47, 254–60 Green Zones and, 498–99 economic shock therapy ideology and, 22–24, 31, 54–55, 152, “collateral damage” resulting from, 166–67, 212, 217–19, 229, 286 329–31, 346 for Honduras, 475–76 in Iraq, 414–32, 453–55, 459 for the Maldives, 480–83 in Sri Lanka, 466–69 perceived importance of, 307, Poland’s abandonment of, 231 435–37 post-Katrina, 493–99 post-9/11, 358 post-9/11, 358, 373 reaction against, 537–39 post-tsunami, 480–87 for Sri Lanka, 474–75, 477–79 reactions to, 335 See also corruption (in government); tactics for, 185, 191, 200, 217–19, deregulation, enforcement of; dis- 224, 228, 311–15 aster capitalism; IMF, economic See also capitalism; crises; democracy, shock therapy demanded by; potentially incompatible with poverty; privatization, enforcement free-market economics; the of; shock therapy; social spending, “disaster capitalism complex”; enforced cuts to; wealth; the privatization; “structural adjust- World Bank, economic shock ther- ment,” disaster capitalism and apy demanded by the “disaster capitalism complex,” 14, economics, 61 16, 363, 373–74, 379–80, 385–88, computer models of, 58 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 645
protectionist, 63 the Export-Import Bank. See U.S. of the “security” industry and its Export-Import Bank products, 366–68, 523–31 ExxonMobil, 292, 371, 377, 392, 416, “trickle-down” logic and, 248, 258, 512, 514, 527 478, 535 See also capitalism; the Chicago the Falklands War (1982), 11, 162–64 School (economic orthodoxy); farmers, assaults upon, 129–30 free-market economies; the Farrakhan, Louis, 513 “Washington Consensus” Fast Company (magazine), 505 (economic policies) Fay, Gen. George, 457 Ecuador, 161, 546 FBI (U.S. Federal Bureau of Edwards, Sebastian, 193 Investigation), 51, 118, 352, Eisenberg, Carolyn, 302 363–64, 385–86, 408, 525, 527 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 14, 66–67, 372 FDA. See Food and Drug Administration Eistner, John, 368 (U.S.) El Salvador, 447, 546 “fear up,” 401–3 Elbit (engineering firm), 528 Federal Emergency Management Electronic Data Systems, 352 Agency (U.S.). See FEMA electroshock Federal Oil and Gas Council (Iraq), 454 as “therapy,” 133 (see also elec- Feierstein, Daniel, 116 troshock therapy) Feith, Douglas, 387 as torture, 18, 43, 46, 52, 108, Feitlowitz, Marguerite, 131, 151 110, 129, 443, 445–47 (see also FEMA (Federal Emergency amnesia) Management Agency), 354, 379, electroshock therapy, 27, 34, 40–41 506, 556 Elstner, John, 369 hollow government and, 491, 502 Emmanuel, Victor, 131 unreliability of, 560 The End of History (speech and book), Fernandez, Roque, 198 219 Fernando, Sarath, 478 The End of Poverty (book), 183, 276 Ferreyra, Lilia, 111–12 Enders, David, 494 Feulner, Ed, 346, 354 Enron (Corp.), 290, 292, 356, 442 Fiat (corporation), 127, 129 Entergy (electric utility), 498 Financial Times (London), 163, 335, 550 the environment Firestone Tire & Rubber (corporation), 167 degradation of, 336, 476–77, 513–15 Fischer, Stanley, 277, 304, 323, 335, 524 protection of, 158, 372 Fleischer, Michael, 420, 427 environmental regulations, assaults Fluor (engineering firm), 384, 493, 503, upon, 493, 513 506 Erhard, Ludwig, 96–97 Fontaine, Arturo, 90 Ericson, Richard, 288 Food and Drug Administration (U.S.), Ericsson (corporation), 331 347, 355 Escobar, Filemon, 182 Forbes (magazine), 278, 290, 292, 524 Espinosa, María Fernanda, 547 Ford, Edsel, 147 Etchecolatz, Miguel Osvaldo, 118–19, Ford, Gerald, 398 130 Ford, Henry, 147 the European Union, 230, 274 the Ford Foundation, 70–71, 79, 144–48 Even-Ezra, Jacob, 528 Ford Motor Co., 127–29, 147, 151, 188 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 646
foreign aid death of, 59, 533–335 potential importance of, 296, 305–6 disaster capitalism and, 10–13, 83, for Russia, 297 166–67, 185, 190, 291, 358–59 withholding of to amplify crises, followers of, 71 311–12, 321–23 given an opportunity to test Chicago Fortune (magazine), 21, 79, 156, 341, School economics, 69 458, 525–26 idealistic views of, 20–22, 57–61, Foundation for Human Rights (South 65–66, 90, 138, 172, 192–93, 242, Africa), 254 309, 332–33, 538 Four Seasons (resorts), 472, 481 introduction to, 5–8 Fox News, 387, 515 mentors Rumsfeld, 346–47 Franco, Francisco, 557 as merely a “technical advisor,” Frank, André. See Gunder Frank, 134–35 André his responsibility for human rights Fraser Institute (Canada), 309 violations suggested, 85, 117, fraud (in and of government). See 138–40, 229, 328 corruption shock doctrine and, 87, 93–95, freedom, 5 97–99, 102, 134–35, 166–68, 196, equated with capitalism, 538 201, 219–25, 267, 346, 423, 492, Friedman’s interpretation of, 222 498 (see also Friedman, Milton, personal and individual, 59–60 disaster capitalism and) the Freedom Charter (South Africa), urges market “freedoms,” 24 234–36, 240, 244, 248–51, 254, voting rights and the economics of, 256–59, 542, 551 159–60 Freedom to Choose (PBS TV miniseries), Friedman, Rose, 223 167, 215 Friedman, Thomas, 15, 249, 394–95, Freedom of Information Act (U.S.), 31, 397 44–45 Frum, David, 13, 413, 556 free-market economies, problems seen Fukuyama, Francis, 21, 219–21, 304 with, 59–60 free trade, 17 Gaidar, Yegor, 267–70, 276, 282, forced, 195–96, 220, 224, 249 411–12, 421 opposition to, 538 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 62 virtues claimed for, 320 Galeano, Eduardo, 8, 85, 123–25, 138, Free-trade Area of the Americas, 336, 548 545 Freire, Paulo, 123 Galerías Pacifico (Buenos Aires mall), Frente Amplio (Uruguayan coalition 136–37 party), 538 Galtieri, Gen. Leopoldo, 162 Freud, Sigmund, 34, 124, 448 Gandhi, M. K., 153 Friedman, Milton, 17, 73, 96, 156, 198, Gardiner, Sam, 370 205, 287, 303, 306, 319, 334, 356, Garner, Jay, 414 415, 544–45 Garten, Jeffrey, 330 his anger at Nixon’s economic Garvey, Marcus, 236 policies, 157–59 Garzón, Judge Baltasar, 120–21 awarded the Nobel Prize, 140 gas (natural), 273, 294, 332, 432, 536, Chicago School economics and, 544, 548. See also oil 57–62, 64–65 gasoline, 286, 411–12, 493. See also oil Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 647
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs Gordon, Michael, 438 and Trade), 240, 244 Gorin, Grigory, 262 Gayoom, Maumoon Abdul, 481–82 Gottlieb, Sidney, 43 Gazprom (Russian energy company), Goulart, João, 73, 77 281, 381 Graham, Douglas, 384 Gelb, Leslie, 274 Graham, Patrick, 424 Gelb, Stephen, 251–52 Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo General Agreement on Tariffs and (Argentina), 136 Trade. See GATT the Great Depression, 12, 24, 62, 66, General Electric, 331, 375, 514 101, 167, 319, 335 General Mills (corporation), 167 greed (economic), 153, 283, 289–90, General Motors Corp., 128, 167, 331, 364, 422 416, 451 Greenspan, Alan, 322 the Geneva Convention, 48–49, 444–45 Imperial Life in the Emerald City (book), genocide, interpretations of, 119–21, 407 124–27, 135 Green Zone (security area), 53, 351, George, Susan, 539 411–12, 419, 425, 429, 431, 436, Germany, post-war reconstruction in, 438, 440, 442, 494–95, 497–98, 301–2 555 Gerrity, Ned, 76 for communities, 505–8, 531 Getty Oil, 167 Grinspun, Ricardo, 177 Geuna, Graciela, 126–27 Gross, Daniel, 339 Gibson, McGuire, 405 Grossman, Steven, 525 Gilead Sciences, 347–48, 371, 373–76 Guantánamo (prison), 15, 28, 50–51, Gillerman, Dan, 516, 530 109, 134, 407–8, 443 Gingrich, Newt, 473 Guardian (newspaper), 480 Gittinger, John, 43 Guatemala Giuliani, Rudy, 378 CIA operations in, 68 Giuliani Partners (consulting firm), 378 torture in, 46 Glinski, Dmitri, 275 Guevara, Che, 74, 123, 186, 237, 533 globalization, 17, 101, 308, 317–18, 359, Guidotti, Pablo, 198 363, 394, 475, 483, 547, 550 Gulfstream, 347 claimed as a sign of economic Gumede, William, 245–47, 250–51, 260 health, 320, 517 Gunder Frank, André, 70–71, 97–98, praise for, 334 124, 287, 313 said to be inevitable, 260 guns-and-caviar. See the Davos Dilemma See also anti-globalization Gusev, Vladimir, 287 the Golan Group (security consultants), Gusinsky, Vladimir, 536 527 Guzzetti, César Augusto, 114, 135, 189 the gold standard (monetary), 248 Goldberg, Jonah, 492 Habib, Mamdouh, 50 Golden, Bill, 366 Haggard, Stephen, 158–59, 203 Goldman Sachs, 293 Halimi, Gisèle, 150 Gonzales, Alberto, 49 Halliburton (corporation), 16, 371, 373, Good Harbor Consulting, 378 377, 381, 387, 418, 427, 496, 548 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 209, 211, 218, government-guaranteed loans to, 350 262–66, 542 Iraq contracts for, 457, 459 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 648
Halliburton (corporation) (continued) hollow corporations, 341 military base operations by, 419–20, hollow government, 353, 358, 502 432 in Iraq, 418, 427, 431–33 military roles played by, 349 hollow wars, 358 overcharging by, 406 homelessness, 160, 286, 463 profits to from military spending, Honduras, torture and assassinations in, 341, 350 43, 46 See also Brown & Root Honeywell, 375 Hamas, 394, 515, 530 Hong Kong, 221 Hamdan, Kamal, 553 the Hoover Institution, 319 Hammes, Thomas, 423 Horgan, David, 434 Hani, Chris, 246 Horner, Gen. Chuck, 396 Hansol (Corp.), 332 Howard, John, 79 Harberger, Arnold, 56, 61, 70–71, 74, HSBC (bankers), 416, 451 80, 93, 97, 102, 135, 139, 158, human rights 192, 198 abuses of in Iraq, 438, 441–48 Harbury, Jennifer, 47 defined conveniently, 139–40, Hariri, Rafiq, 554 146–47 Harper’s (magazine), 424 grassroots international movement Harris, John, 357 for, 140–42 Harrold, Peter, 472 UN Universal Declaration of, 141, Harvard Institute for International 144 Development, 268, 282 unexamined motives for abuses of, Harvey, David, 228 142–49 Hatoum, Raida, 555 versus politics and economics, 149–50 Haveman, James, 426–27 Human Rights Watch, 442, 444, 446 Hay, Jonathan, 282 humiliation, 325, 444 Hayek, Friedrich von, 20, 61–62, 99, backlash following, 541 155–56, 161–62, 164, 267 torture and, 133–34, 442–43 Health Net, 458 Hunt Oil, 384 Hebb, Dr. Donald, 38–39, 44–46 Huntington, Samuel, 161 Heldreth, Gary, 495 Hurricane Katrina (U.S.), 4, 6, 9, 379, Heller, Walter, 71 491–99, 512, 556 Helms, Richard, 74 reconstruction following, 559–60 Help Jet (emergency vacations firm), Hurricane Mitch (U.S.), 475–76 499–500 Hussein, Saddam, 149, 289, 376–77, Hemingway, Ernest, 185 382–83, 396, 402–3, 405, 411–13, the Heritage Foundation, 17, 167, 305, 422–24, 435–36, 440–441, 446, 346, 354, 387, 426, 492 449, 454 Hersh, Seymour, 385–86 Hyundai (Corp.), 321 Hewlett-Packard, 331 Hezbollah, 394, 501, 529–30, 554 IAP Worldwide Services Inc., 458 aids Lebanese recovery, 555–56 IBM, 188 Hillman, Gerald, 385, 387 ideologies, the dangers of, 22–24 Hirsekorn, Rick, 507 IMF (International Monetary Fund), 10, HIV. See AIDS 12, 77, 175, 185, 190, 244, 281, Hollinger International, 536 304, 473, 476, 524, 537 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 649
its Asia-Crisis therapy boomerangs, Innovative Emergency Management, 326–27 491–92 claims credit for handling the Asia Inspector General’s Office (U.S.), inves- Crisis, 332 tigates fraud in Iraq, 430 crisis augmentation by the, 313–15 Instinctive Shooting International, 527 economic shock therapy demanded Institute for Policy Studies (Washington), by, 195, 198, 220, 259–60, 264, 116 271–72, 277, 292, 296–299, Institute of Globalization Studies 320–26 (Moscow), 273 founding principles of, 194 the insurance industry, 16, 414 government debts owed to, 187 Inter-American Development Bank, 189 holds Poland’s economy at ransom, Interbrew, 331 211 interest rates, a key trigger for disaster in Iraq, 413 capitalism, 189–90, 309 antipathy to democracy in the, 325 International Commission of Jurists, 141 neo-conservatives working at, 192, 240 International Homeland Security opposition to the, 335–36 Conference, 525 powers within and over the, 324 the International Labor Organization, state opposition to the, 549–50 327 Independent Evaluation Office (of the the International Monetary Fund. See IMF), report of, 328 IMF index, puzzling self-reference to, 649 International Nickel Co., 68 India, post-tsunami economic effects in, International Republican Institute, 438 480 International Security Instructors, 527 Indonesia International Telephone and Telegraph aftermath of the 1965 coup in, 77–81 (ITT), 75–76, 91, 103, 384 economic depression in, 317–19 interrogation, privatized, 366 post-tsunami economic effects in, intolerance, rising levels of, 317, 395, 480 421, 540–41 yields to IMF demands, 323–26 InVision, 514 inflation Iqbal, Asif, 408 in Argentina, 191–92 Iran, 46, 161 in Bolivia, 170–71, 177 Iraq, 150, 270, 281 in Chile, 8, 92, 99 civilian casualties in, 421 in Germany, 170–71 civilian prisoners in, 441–43 hidden sources of, 317–19 democracy ordered stopped in, 437, a key trigger for disaster capitalism, 439–40 185, 312 disappearance of, 449–51 low values of seen as primary, 57–58 economic shocks to, 411–26, 435–36 in Poland, 210 failed reconstruction in, 420–32 seen as a sign of market restrictions, kidnappings in, 450 59, 92, 94, 135 life on the ground in, 391–93 in Thatcher’s U.K., 160 looting of and in, 404–6 in the U.S., 157–58, 167 military operations in, 403 information technology services (U.S. mismanagement of war in, 534 government), privatization of, new constitution for, 424 351–52 oil ownership in, 453–55 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 650
Iraq (continued) Kawzally, Saseen, 556 religious conflict in, 422, 432 Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR), 387, selected for invasion, 396–97 493, 496 the shock doctrine in, 8 Kellogg’s, 347 shock experienced by contrasted to Kelly, Martin, 492 that of Russia, 288–90 Kelly, Roberto, 82 troop “surge” in, 454 Kennedy, Cyril J. C., 27 See also Coalition Provisional Kenyon (funeral services firm), 494–95 Authority Keyes, Derek, 242 Iraq (government), debt relief and the, Keynes, John Maynard, 20, 24, 167, 382–83 170–71, 194–95, 295, 317, 354, the Iraq Study Group, 380 487 the Iraqi Governing Council, 437, 439 Keynesianism (economic policy), 21, Israel 61–64, 67–68, 155, 171–72, 177, closures and, 521–22 183, 219, 300–304, 356–57, 426 conflict in, 150 its opposition from the Chicago economics of violence in, 515–17 School neo-conservatives, 63–64, as a Green Zone, 531 90–91, 157–58 high-tech economics in, 521, 523 Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 280, 536 members of special task forces Kia Motors, 330 from, 527 kidnappings, 52, 106–8, 111, 118–19, military spending in, 523 127–29, 133, 182, 214, 365, 497, politics of security economics in, 528 542 Russian migration to, 518–19 surges of in Iraq, 450 social and political unrest in, 515–22 Kinzer, Stephen, 371–72, 375 Israeli Export Institute, 515 Kirchner, Néstor, 543, 549 Kissinger, Henry, 76, 103, 114, 189, 227, Jackson, Bruce, 384, 387 380, 384–85, 387, 398, 542 Jackson, Michael P., 502 Kissinger Associates, 384 Jara, Victor, 123–24 Klein, Fritz, 135 Jaruzelski, Gen. Wojciech, 208 Knight, Frank, 57 Jeppesen International Trip Planning, Kongwatmai, Ratree, 558 365 Kowalik, Tadeusz, 231 Jiang Zemin, 223–24 KPMG (accounting firm), 418, 427, 432 John Paul II, Pope, 206 Krueger, Anne, 305 J. P. Morgan & Company, 68, 199, 330 Krugman, Paul, 492 Juakali, Endesha, 498, 559 Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation Kaczy´nski, Jaroslaw, 540 (handbook), 44–48, 55, 83, 108, Kaczy´nski, Lech, 540 389, 443–45, 552 Kadane, Kathy, 78 Kumara, Herman, 475 Kagarlitsky, Boris, 273–75 Kumaratunga, Chandrika, 474 Kaifu, Toshiki, 264 Kumari (Sri Lankan peace activist), Kalaiselvam, Seenivasagam, 468–69 463–69, 478 Kapur, Ajay, 472 Kupperman, Charles, 384 Kastner, Gail, 27–34, 53–55, 557 Kurnaz, Murat, 52–53 Kastner, Zella, 30 Kuwait, 381–82 Katrina. See Hurricane Katrina (U.S.) Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 651
laissez-faire economics. See capitalism; looting. See Iraq, looting of and in the Chicago School; corporatism López, Jorge Julio, 118–19 (in government); disaster Los Angeles Times, 289 capitalism Loser, Claudio, 193, 198 Lamy, Pascal, 539 Lourie, Richard, 289 land reform, 161, 171, 173 Lowy Fred, 448 farmers’ attempts to achieve, 72–73, L-3 Communications, 457, 500 129–30, 151 Lucent Industries, 378 South African promise of, 236, 239, Lukoil (Russia), 416 244, 247, 258–59 Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 543 Landless Peoples Movement (MST, Lyonnaise des Eaux, 332 Brazil), 547 Laor, Yitzhak, 529–30 Maass, Peter, 447 Larroulet, Cristián, 90 Machel, Samora, 237 Lawson, Nigel, 164 Machiavelli, Niccolò, 7, 87, 305 Lay, Ken, 536 Madhi Army (Shia, Iraq), 432 Leahy, Patrick, 371 Madres of the Plaza de Mayo Lebanon, 218, 530 (Argentina), 143 resistance to shock therapy in, Magal (security firm), 528 553–56 Mahdi Army, 440, 456, 501 Ledeen, Michael, 337, 395–96 Mahmoud, Faraj, 447 Letelier, Francisco, 75 Major, John, 263, 330 Letelier, Orlando, 75, 83, 89, 101, Make Democracy Work (South Africa 121–22, 254, 534 plan), 240–41 assassination of, 116–18, 138, 140 Malaysia Lewis, Anthony, 138 economic depression in, 318 LexisNexis, 514 economic success of, 320–21 The Lexus and the Olive Tree (book), 334 resists demands of IMF, 322–23 LG (Corp.), 321, 331 Maldives, post-tsunami economic effects LG Energy (Corp.), 331 in, 480–82 Lighthouse Disaster Relief, 495 Mandela, Nelson, 233–34, 236–39, Likud Party (Israel), 524 247–52, 254, 260 Lipton, David, 212, 324 Manuel, Trevor, 249 Lipton, Eric, 378 Mao Tse-tung, 209, 222, 226 Livingston, Ken, 540 Marais, Hein, 488 Liwsky, Norberto, 130 Marcos, Ferdinand E., 149, 191 lobbyists (U.S.), increased numbers of marketing, merged with intelligence seeking government contracts, gathering, 364, 366–68 362 Marks, John, 33 Lobov, Oleg, 279 the Marshall Plan, 62–63, 298–299, Lockheed Martin (defense contractor), 301–3 350–53, 373, 383–84, 459, 505, Marsh & McLennan (insurance com- 511 pany), 414 LOGCAP (privatization program), 349 Martens, Robert J., 78 Lone, Salim, 439 Martines Soler, José Antonio, 557 Lonely Planet (travel guide), 465 Martínez de Hoz, José Alfredo, 103, Long, Huey, 301 130, 187 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 652
Marx, Karl, 124 Miller, Geoffrey, 443 Marxism (economic orthodoxy), 60–61 Miller, T. Christian, 349 portrayed as a lethal disease, 132–33 Milne, Seumas, 164 state-amplified fears of, 68–69, 91–92, Miloˇsevi´c, Slobodan, 395 113–14, 118, 130, 145, 250 Minihan, Ken, 360 Massera, Admiral, 112–13 minimum wage, 61, 65, 178, 244. See Mattis, Jim, 437 also wages Mau, Vladimir, 269 Miranda, Juan, 109 Mayet, Ike, 241 Mitrione, Dan, 108 Mayfield, James, 419–20 MKUltra (project/manual), 36, 43–47. Mazowiecki, Tadeusz, 209, 215–16, 232 See also “psychic driving” Mbeki, Thabo, 239, 245, 249–53, 257, Modzelewski, Karol, 230 542. See also Thabo Mbeki and Moffit, Ronni, 118 the . . . ANC (book) Mohamad, Mahathir, 322 McCoy, Alfred W., 46 monetary crises McDonald’s, 416 in Bolivia, 170 McGehee, Ralph, 81 seen as opportunities for change, 166 McGill University, 28, 31–32, 38, 45–46 in South Africa, 248–49, 251–52 MCI Communications Corp., 292 Monsanto (Corp.), 151, 347 McIntyre, Jamie, 402 Mont Pelerin Society, 62, 99 McPherson, Peter, 406 the Montonero movement, 110–11, 113, McQuaig, Linda, 309–10 127 media (communications), links to disaster Moody’s (Wall Street firm), 308–10 capitalists, 514 Morales, Evo, 179, 533, 544–46, 550 Meisner, Maurice, 223, 226 Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Meltzer, Allan, 159–60, 166 320–21, 329–31 Menatep (bank), 280 the Mormon Church, 419–20 Menem, Carlos, 197–200, 293, 311 Mossadegh, Mohammad, 67–68 Mercedes-Benz Corp., 129, 188 Motorola, 332 mercenary soldiers, in Iraq, 456, 459 Mozambique, 239, 256 Merrill Lynch & Co., 330 MPRI (private security company), 502 Merry, Wayne, 281 Mulroney, Brian, 264 Mexico, unpopularity of a corporatist multinational corporations state in, 544 interests of, 64, 66 Michael D. Brown LLC (consulting opposed by Sukarno, 78 firm), 379 opposition to Allende among, 74, Michnik, Adam, 214 81–82 Microsoft, 352, 524 Muravchik, Joshua, 395 as a model modern corporation, 341 murder rates, in Russia, 287 Mikhailov, Aleksandr, 286 Murillo, Inés, 43 Milbank, Dana, 357 Murray, Hugh, 250 military activity, privatization of, 14–17 Murrow, Edward R., 348 Military Commissions Act (U.S., 2006), Musa, Yasmine, 399 49 Mussa, Michael, 198 the military-industrial complex, 14, 347, Mussolini, Benito, 100 360, 510 Muttitt, Greg, 454 Milken Institute, 320 Mydans, Seth, 463 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 653
Namibia, 218 post-Katrina, 489–99 Nasr, Hassan Mustafa Osama, 52 survivor wishes concerning, 9 Nasrallah, Sheik Hassan, 556 New York Times, 6, 12, 43, 49, 98, 170, The Nation (weekly journal), 117, 383 180, 242–43, 315, 330, 334, 359, National Counterterrorism Center 378, 381, 430, 447 (U.S), 365 New York Times Magazine, 447 National Defense University, 396 The New Yorker (magazine), 215, 298, National Guard (U.S.), troops of, 4, 341, 365, 385 371 Newsweek, 139, 277, 410 National Institute for Public Policy NGOs, 284, 470, 478–79, 480, 484, 503, (U.S.), 514 558 National Party (of South Africa), 239, 241 as disaster capitalism scapegoats, National Post (Canada), 533 485–86 National Security Agency (U.S.), 363, Nicaragua, 161, 475–76, 543, 549 549 Nice Systems, 526 nationalization of industries, 63, 66, 72, Nijam (Sri Lankan fisherman), 483–84 99–100, 171, 234 Nike, as a model modern hollow corpo- Naylor, Colin, 165 ration, 341 NBC (broadcast network), 514 Nissan, 331 Neiman, Vitaly, 276 Nitisastro, Widjojo, 326 neo-conservatism, 13, 17, 303 Nixon, Richard, 73, 80, 94, 339, 543 basic tenets guiding, 65 economic actions of, 157–58 See also “neo-liberalism” Noboa, Álvaro, 544 “neo-liberalism,” 17, 23, 303, 334 Nogueira, Ana, 556 as brutal, 112, 491 Norilsk Nickel, 280 greed and, 290 Norquist, Grover, 536–37 lawlessness and, 290–91 Norris, John, 395 reactions against, 335, 539–40, 547, North Korea, acquires nuclear technology, 551 347 See also the Chicago School (eco- Northrop Grumman (defense contractor), nomic orthodoxy); democracy, 352, 375 potentially incompatible with Novak, Roger, 359 free-market economics, Novak Biddle Venture Partners, 359 Neruda, Pablo, 123–24 Novartis, 331 Nestlé, 331 Nunca Mais (Argentina commission Netanyahu, Benjamin, 524 report), 126. See also Brazil: NetJets, 505 Never Again Nevzlin, Leonid, 536 New Age Security Solutions, 526–27 OBAN (Operation Bandeirantes), New Bridge Strategies (consulting firm), 128 379, 409, 451, 494 Ochsner Medical Center (New the New Deal (post-Depression), 20, 24, Orleans), 489–90 62, 65–66, 300–301 Office of Government Ethics (U.S.), New Orleans 375 its fate seen as a national portent, Office of Reconstruction and 506–7, 531 Stabilization (U.S.), 460 loss of public schools in, 6 oil, 80, 313–14, 411 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:13 PM Page 654
appropriation of access to and control the Palestinian people and economy, 394, over, 17, 20, 22, 146, 376–77, 518–19, 521–22, 530–32, 555 393, 414–15, 454–55, 493 Pan American Airways, 103 exploitation of, 281–82, 416, Panitchpakdi, Supachai, 325 453–55 Paris, Roland, 486 Iraq as a desirable source for, Parsons (engineering firm), 418–19, 427, 376–77, 392, 396, 415, 434, 436 493 nationalized control over, 24, 63, 67, patents 102, 199 controversy over laws regarding, the pricing of, 157, 172, 175, 510, 348–49 512, 548–49 misuse of, 291 privatization of control over, 199, Patinkin, Don, 60, 311 279–81, 292–93, 325, 415 Patriot Act (U.S.), constitutionality of, profits made from, 281–82, 291, 345, 368 376, 394, 417, 512 Patterson, Albion, 68–69, 123 the oil industry, 16, 371, 377, 416, 512, Pavlovsky, Eduardo, 128 514. See also names of specific oil Paz Estenssoro, Victor, 170, 172–74, companies 176–79, 181–83, 542 Olin, John M., 219 peace, economic disincentives for, 531 Oliver, David, 415 the Peace Committee (Chile), 143–44 Olmos Gaona, Alejandro, 199 peacekeeping (international), 14–15, O’Neill, Paul, 461 459, 503 The One Percent Doctrine (book), 400 Pelosky, Jay, 320–21, 329–30 “open land” (status), 483 pension funds, 178 Operação Limpeza (Brazil), 123 South African injustice and, 255–56 Operation Bandeirantes. See OBAN pension plans, 96, 301 “Operation Condor,” 107, 121 privatization of, 66, 199, 293, 353, Oppenheimer, Harry, 250 540 Option, Edward Jr., 33 PepsiCo, 167 Ortega, Daniel, 543–44 Peres, Shimon, 516–17 Ortiz, Dianna, 47 Perle, Richard, 379–80, 385–87, 413 Orwell, George, 25 Perón, Isabel, 102 Oslo Peace Accords (Israeli-Palestinian), Perón, Juan, 63, 73, 111, 122–23, 173 517–20 Perry, Jamar, 3–4, 20 Overthrow (book), 372 Perry, Jeff (pseudonym), 444–45 the “ownership society,” 98, 160, 353 Peru, 120, 161, 180, 305 Oxfam, 485 Peters, Ralph, 421 Oxford Research International, 421 Peters, Tom, 342 Pfizer Chemical, 75 Pacific Architects and Engineers, 459 pharmaceutical industry, military protec- Padayachee, Vishnu, 241–43, 246, 259 tions for the, 371 Padilla, José, 50 the Philippines Page-Russell (shock generator), 35, 40, economic depression in, 318 47 torture in, 46 Paladin Capital Group (equity firm), 378 yield to IMF demands, 323–26 Palestine, the conflict in, 150, 516–17, Phillip Morris Co., 152 519, 528 Phuket, Indonesia, 465 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 655
Piñera, José, 91, 98, 305, 321–22, 353 private enterprise, importance attached Pinochet, Gen. Augusto, 7–8, 21, 123, to, 5–6 145, 155, 186, 264–65, 268, 274, privatization, 65, 90, 156 279, 297, 328, 423, 535, 537, 542 beneficiaries of, 14 advised by Friedman as economy corruption and, 292 worsens, 94–97 enforcement of, 10–12, 17, 195, death of, 99, 118 198–99, 216, 220, 224, 251, 256, forced to retreat economically, 99 268, 277, 279–80, 297–98, 311, overthrows his military rivals, 91 331–32 his reign of terror, 89–92, 104–5, growing mistrust of, 336 108–9, 116–18, 125 in Guatemala, 476 his “war” on Allende, 87–88 hidden costs of, 355 Pipes, Richard, 288 in Honduras, 475–76 Platform (oil-watch group), 454 in Iraq, 411, 418–19, 424–25, 427, Pohanka, Bob, 360 455 Poland, 205–19, 223, 229–32, 263–64, in Israel, 529 297–99, 305, 411 in Lebanon, 553 paraded as successful free-economy, in Nicaragua, 476 232 opposition to, 543 rejects effects of shock therapy, 273, at the Pentagon, 345 540 of services to wealthy suburbs, 508 Polanyi, Karl, 25 in Sri Lanka, 473–75 political donations, hollow government surge of by the U.S. government and and, 418, 495 military, 455–60, 534 Ponce, William, 443 in Thatcher’s U.K., 160, 165 Popov, Gavriil, 266–67 of torture and “security,” 128–29 Porsche (company), 472 See also disaster relief, privatization Potanin, Vladimir, 280 of; government services, privatiza- Pou, Pedro, 198 tion of; military activity, privatiza- poverty, 62–63, 77, 171, 183, 194, 258, tion of 335, 405, 521, 529–30 Procter & Gamble, 451, 331 created by economic shock therapy, protectionism, virtues claimed for, 96, 100, 104, 112, 142, 200, 215, 320–21 230, 270, 286, 288, 327 “psychic driving,” 34–35, 54–55 indifference to, 71–72 Purina (corporation), 75 See also disaster capitalism; wealth Puryear, Jeffrey, 71 Powergen, 331 Putin, Vladimir, 285–86, 288–89, Prado, Fernando, 175 540–41 Prebisch, Raúl, 63, 68 price shocks, developing countries and, Quigley, Bill, 506 190 PricewaterhouseCoopers, 476 Rabin, Yitzhak, 517 Prince, Erik, 456 racism, rising levels of, 317, 487, 539, prison psychology, 252 541 prisons Rahim, Ahmed al-, 419 abuse allowed in, 352–53 Ramaphosa, Cyril, 239 privatization of, 346, 352 Ratakul, Pichit, 533 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 656
Rather, Dan, 402 Rozanski, Judge Carlos, 119–20 RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted RTI. See Research Triangle Institute Police), 527 Rubin, Bob, 297 Reagan, Ronald, 12–13, 156, 162, 165, Rumsfeld, Donald, 13, 49, 138, 158, 330, 209, 263, 346–47, 355 373, 385–87, 396, 398, 400, 403, Reagan, Ronald (administration of), 170, 441, 455, 457–58 194 corporate background of, 347–49 Reaganomics, 17, 21, 156, 167 financial conflicts of interest and, reconstruction. See disaster relief 374–77, 379 recruiting (military), privatization of, 457 his hollow parallel spy agency, 360 the Red Cross, 446 remakes the Pentagon, 339–46 Red Herring (magazine), 364 resignation of, 370 Reddaway, Peter, 275 his reverence for Milton Friedman, Redlener, Irwin, 380 157 Reed, Adolph Jr., 491 Russia, 101 Regaining Sri Lanka (program), 473–74 black market economy of, 267 “rendition” of “persons of interest,” Chicago School influences in, 17 365–66, 401. See also CIA, economic shock therapy and, 518 “extraordinary rendition” and economic shock therapy imposed on, Renuka (Sri Lankan tsunami survivor), 260, 268–75, 412 479, 556 market collapse in, 284–86, 296, Repsol, 199 305–6 Research Triangle Institute (RTI), See also the Soviet Union 419–20, 427, 438 Rutskoi, Aleksandr, 272–73 Reza, Shah Pahlavi, 149 Rice, Condoleezza, 410, 412, 553 Sachs, Jeffrey, 170–74, 177–80, 183, 185, Rice, Marilyn, 34–35 190, 199, 263, 266, 268, 276, 279, Ridge, Tom, 378 283–84, 295–306, 327 Ridge Global (consulting firm), 378 advice of to Solidarity, 212–17, 229–30 the Riggs Bank, 187 Sader, Emir, 548 Rilke, Rainer Maria, 333 Sadli, Mohammad, 316, 326 Robb, John, 505 Sáenz, Orlando, 81–82, 93, 95 Robert, Karen, 129 Sadr, Moqtada al-, 432, 440, 456 Rockefeller, David, 104 Safe Island Program (Maldives), 482 Rockefeller, Nelson, 104 Safi, Ali Abdel Hakim al-, 440 Rodrik, Dani, 196–97, 305 St. Bernard Public Housing (New Rogers, William, 103, 114 Orleans), 498 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 62, 301, 357–58 Salient Stills (software company), 363 on “war millionaires,” 377 Salk, Jonas, 348 Rosen, Len, 525 Salomon Brothers Inc., 292 Rosenberg, Alfred, 123 Samsung (Corp.), 321, 331 Rosencof, Mauricio, 109 San Francisco International Airport Roy, Sara, 521 (Corp.), 476 Royal Dutch/Shell (oil company), 281, Sánchez de Lozada, Gonzalo (“Goni”), 292, 377, 416, 527 173–74, 176, 179, 183, 195, 214, Royal Canadian Mounted Police. See 292–93, 297, 536 RCMP Sanchez, Ricardo, 443 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 657
Sandy Springs, Georgia, 507–8, 531 shelters, permanently temporary, 259, Sarkozy, Nicolas, 12 470, 479–80, 532 Saudi Arabia, 381, 394, 396, 527 Shleifer, Andrei, 282 Saunders, Frances Stonor, 147 Shock and Awe (military doctrine), 3, 8, Save the Children, 485 10, 176 Scahill, Jeremy, 442 Shock and Awe (document), 396, Scandinavia 400–402 social democracy in, 211, 263, 542 the shock doctrine, 7, 11–13, 18–20, 24, economic successes in, 542 166, 196, 211, 229, 269, 307, 334, Scheflin, Alan, 33 346, 392, 542, 548, 549, 552–53 Schell, Orville, 227 failures of, 443 Schmitt, Carl, 155 shock therapy schools, vouchers for and privatization applied in Russia, 276–77 of, 5–6, 98, 493 its dependence on disorientation, 552 Schrage, Michael, 265 inoculation against, 552, 557 Schultz, Theodore W., 68–69 presumed necessity of, 288, 307, 449 SC Johnson & Son, 331 See also economic shock therapy; Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 22 electroshock therapy Seagram’s, 331 Shultz, George, 157, 319, 380, 383, 387 Searle Pharmaceuticals, 347 Sidanko (oil company), 280 Sears, 347 Sifton, John, 442 secrecy, 49, 82, 105, 111, 137, 141, 147, Silicon Valley Graphics, 375 174, 187, 199, 250–51, 268, 302, Siniora, Fouad, 553 365, 368, 444, 526, 542 Sisulu, Walter, 257 secret police, 52, 105, 110, 118, 141, Sithe Independence Funding Corp., 332 210, 214, 227, 541 Sitto, Nouri, 428 Seisint, 364, 514 Sjaastad, Larry, 102, 188 Selowsky, Marcelo, 193 Skokov, Yury, 268 sensory-deprivation experiments, 38–39, Slovo, Joe, 256 45 Smith, Adam, 290–91 September 11, 2001, 353–57 Smith, Gerard, 316 disaster capitalism and, 57, 359–62, Smith Barney (investments), 330, 472 367–68, 378–79, 387–88, 414, Snobelen, John, 310–11 459, 524, 528, 531 Snyman, Rassool, 244 as excuse to impose unpopular poli- social class. See class distinctions cies, 10–17, 19, 48–49, 165, 331, (social) 358, 364, 396 socialism (democratic), fears of, 541–43 lessons to be learned from, 551–52, social safety nets, funding cuts to, 8, 10, 557 65, 90, 95, 176, 195, 198, 216, See also the Davos Dilemma 270, 277, 308, 311, 323–24, Serco, 457 496–97, 529, 534 Service Corporation International, 494 social spending Shanahan, John N. T., 389 enforced cuts to, 10, 17, 90, 195 (see Sharon, Ariel, 522 also social safety nets, funding Shaw Group, 493–94, 496 cuts to) Shell (oil company). See Royal privatization and, 98 Dutch/Shell (oil company) social workers, assaults upon, 130 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 658
societies, resistance to forced change in, immediately after the tsunami, 126–27, 264, 273, 421, 423, 425, 469–70 450–51, 533, 537–39, 561. See at the time of the Tsunami, 463–66 also “blowback” Sri Lanka Tourist Board, 472 Society for the Investigation of Human Ssangyong Information and Ecology, 39 Communication, 330 Solandt, Omond, 37 Stalin, Joseph V., 120, 209 solidarity (human), portrayed as a disease, Stals, Chris, 242 133 Standard & Poor’s (Wall St. firm), 308 Solidarity (Polish Union), 206–16, 223, Stark, Gen. Sergio Arellano, 89 229–32, 542 Starwood (hotels), 416 Solidere (construction firm), 554–55 State of Denial (book), 384 Somoza García, Anastasio, 161 Steed, Michael, 362 Sontag, Susan, 169 Steele, James, 442, 447 Sooka, Yasmin, 244–45, 253–54 Stern, Andrew, 391, 393, 488 Soros, George, 212, 283–84 Stiglitz, Joseph, 195, 269, 412 Sosa, Mercedes, 123–24 Stolz, Richard, 44 Sotheby’s, 472 “structural adjustment,” disaster capital- South Africa, 101, 551 ism and, 192, 195–96, 198–200 ends apartheid, 218, 237–47 subcontracting, waste and injustice asso- Reserve Bank of, 242 ciated with, 428–30, 495–96 “shocks” applied to, 251 Suharto, Gen. Raden, 78–81, 158, the Southern Cone, 63–64, 67, 72–73, 325–26, 333–34 102, 140, 147. See also Argentina; Suharto, Tommy, 325 Chile; Uruguay suicide, 37, 62, 185, 348 South Korea attempted, 52 economic depression in, 317–19 rates of in Russia, 287 economic success of, 320–21 rates of in South Korea, 319, 333 yields to IMF demands, 323–26 suicide bombers, 394, 464, 486, 517 the Soviet Union Sukarno, Achmed, 67, 77–78 breakup in, 218, 237, 264–66, 269, Sullivan & Cromwell (law firm), 68 271 Summers, Lawrence, 262, 272, 277, 297, economic shock therapy demanded 304, 510 of, 263 SuperCom, 526 social democracy in the, 263–66 surveillance, of the public, 362 See also Russia Suskind, Ron, 400 Spade Defense Index (stocks), 511 Sutton, Frank, 145 Spain, 170, 305 Swire, Peter, 369 resistance to fascism in, 557 Sparks, Allister, 233 Talbott, Strobe, 395 Spielberg, Steven, 295 Tamiflu (flu drug), 347–49, 371, 504 Sri Lanka, 9, 20, 253 the Tamil Tigers, 464–65 economic development plans for, Tant, Hugh, 431 470–75 Task Force to Rebuild the Nation (Sri economic shock therapy for, 474, Lanka), 477–79 477–79 Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, 529–30 effects of shock therapy in, 486–87 Telefónica, 199 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 659
Telmex (phone company), 476 Thomas, Gordon, 33 the “Tequila Crisis,” 201, 292, 319, 513 Thomas, Richard, 339 terror Tiananmen Square, the confrontations denial of its use and support for, in, 11, 221, 224–29, 232, 237, 140–44 266 effectiveness of, 150 Time (magazine), 200 fostered deliberately, 11, 19–20, 23, Tintner, Gerhard, 139 81, 83, 89–90, 98, 104–7, 112–15, Tittawella, Mano, 477 117–19, 131, 226–27, 229, 408, Tizard, Sir Henry, 37 447–48, 537, 552 Tofiq, Mohamad, 412, 420, 425 See also the War on Terror Tomasella, Sergio, 151 terrorism torture attacks of, 284–85, 434–35, 510–12, circumstances favoring the use of, 8, 515 18, 443 as a boogie, 543 as “curing,” 132–33 conditions amplifying, 428, 513 dehumanization and, 404–5 corporate sponsored, 128–29, 147 manuals and methods of, 18–19, 31, as an excuse for arrests, 125–26 39, 42–53, 443–48 as an excuse for lawbreaking, 520 as a means to elicit information, 150 as a form of shock, 24, 400 as a means of extortion, 450 government supported, 142–49 (see methods for surviving, 41 also CIA; cultures, the “cleans- as metaphor for disaster capitalism, ing” of; electroshock; torture; 18 unions (labour), assaults upon; widespread use of, 109–12, 149–51 Terrorism in the Grip of Justice (Al Iraqiya See also under electroshock; terror- TV show), 447–48 ism; and names of specific nations terrorists, attempts to find, 364, 394–95, (e.g. Chile, torture in) 524, 531 Total (French oil company), 279–80, Tesco, 331 376 Texaco, 527 Townley, Michael, 118 Thabit, Adnan, 448 Toye, John, 308 Thabo Mbeki and the . . . ANC (book), Trainor, Bernard, 438 246 Travelers Group, 330 Thailand, 332–34 Trinidad and Tobago, IMF’s treatment economic depression in, 318, 327–28 of, 313–15 economic success of, 320–21 Triple Canopy, 505 post-tsunami economic effects in, Trireme Partners, 385–86 480, 483 Troiani, Pedro, 128–29 resistance to shock therapy in, 558–59 Truglia, Vincent, 309–10 yields to IMF demands, 323–26 Truth and Reconciliation Commission Thames Water (utility), 332 (South Africa), 253–54 Thatcher, Margaret, 11, 21, 155–56, 186, Truth, Torture and the American Way 209, 249, 251 (book), 47 and the “ownership society,” 160, the tsunami (December 2004), 9 164–66 aid money and, 467–68, 470 Thatcher, Margaret (administration devastation from, 466 of), 194 local relief work following, 469–70 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 660
Tsunami Survivors and Supporters Iraqi anger over its support for (Thailand), 483 Bremer, 439 the Tupamaros movement, 108, 113 sanctions imposed by, 409 Turkey, IMF loans and, 550 See also UNICEF Tutu, Archbishop Desmond, 233, 253 United Nations Convention on Genocide, 119, 135 Ullman, Harlan, 396, 402 United Nations Economic Commission Undurraga, Sergio, 82 for Latin America, 63 unemployment United Nations High Commission for in Argentina, 104, 199 Refugees, 450 in Brazil, 178 United Nations Universal Declaration of in Chile, 92–93, 95–96, 99 Human Rights, 141, 144 in Germany, 96 United States. See U.S. in Indonesia, 327, 333 University of California (Berkeley), 79, in Iraq, 420–25 158 low values of seen as primary, 58, 62 University of Chicago, 8, 82, 97, 138–39, in Malaysia, 333 219 in the Philippines, 328 University of Chile, 69, 97, 124 in Poland, 230 University of Indonesia, 79, 146 in Russia, 286 University of the South (Argentina), 124 seen as a sign of market restrictions, University of Tucuman (Argentina), 158 59, 61, 94 Uruguay, 41, 63–64, 113, 123, 125, 131, in South Africa, 258–59 141, 538 546 in South Korea, 327, 333 aftermath of the 1973 coup in, 102, in Thailand, 327 106–9, 124, 187 in the U.K., 160 its Chicago School revolution, in the U.S., 157–58, 167 397–98, 535 Uneximbank, 280 the U.S. Export-Import Bank, govern- UNICEF, 15, 286 ment debts owed to, 187, 189 Uniform Code of Military Justice (USA), U.S. government 48 precarious debt load of, 503–4 Union Carbide, 384 privatization of services provided by, Unión Fenosa, 476, 543–44 343–46, 350–53 unionism, corporatism as the nemesis spending on privatized services, of, 100 360–61 unions (labour) U.S. government contracts, 349–59, assaults upon, 6, 121, 126–29, 160, 428 164, 181–82, 296, 324–25, 355, awarded without competition or over- 493 sight, 18, 349, 358, 429–31, in Communist Poland, 206 493–95, 511 post-9/11 status of, 356–57 increased numbers of, 14–15, 362, their influence on government policy, 457–59, 488, 496, 500, 503, 514 302 See also disaster capitalism United Fruit Company, 68, 373 U.S. military forces the United Nations, 120, 193–94, 346, “hollow” corporatism and the, 411, 503, 530, 535 342–43 Charter of the, 142 privatization of services for, 344, 349 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 661
U.S. Treasury Department, 281, 296, Wall Street, its profits from the Asia 399, 549 crisis, 329–32 augments Asia crisis, 319–20 Wall Street Journal, 5, 22, 226, 251, economic shock therapy demanded 277–78, 292, 376, 476, 492 by, 292 Wal-Mart, 409, 430, 441, 452, 494, 500 holds Poland’s economy at ransom, Walsh, Rodolfo, 110–13, 122, 125, 149, 211 327, 393, 537, 543 powers within and over, 324 Walsh, Vicki, 111 USAID, 68, 72, 282, 417, 470–71, Walter Reed Medical Center (U.S.), 478–79, 485 455, 458 USA Today (newspaper), 421 Walters, Barbara, 215 USIS (consultants), 381, 419 Wang Hui, 225, 227–29 war Valdés, Juan Gabriel, 72 corporate profits from, 15–16 Varley, John, 472, 478–79, 487 as mass torture, 399 Vasiliev, Dimitry, 268 as a performance piece, 400 Vdovin, Yuri, 541 privatization of, 460 Velasco Portillo, Susan, 174 prosecution of (see military activity) Veneroso, Frank, 332 as a “rational policy,” 393 Venezuela, 180, 460, 538, 546–49 the “War on Terror,” 14–15, 23, 49, 340, Verint Systems, 364 352, 358, 360–61, 363, 373, 378, surveillance equipment by, 526–27 386, 388, 398 Videla, Jorge, 536 market forces affecting, 366–68, 518, Vietnam, torture in, 46 523–28 Villani, Mario, 116, 133–34 Washington, Viola, 560 Vinnell (private security company), 419 the “Washington Consensus” (economic violence, post-disaster risks of, 486–87 policies), 194–95, 220, 240, 260, Vivendi, 199 307, 311, 321, 335, 395, 538 Volker, Paul, 189 Washington Post, 52, 99, 265, 271, “Volker Shock,” 309. See also debt shock; 273–74, 276, 357 interest rates, a key trigger for “water-boarding,” 49 disaster capitalism Waxman, Henry, 511 Volvo, 331 wealth voting rights, as a threat to unfettered among disaster capitalists, 368 capitalist, 159 greed and, 283 increasing inequalities of, 100–101, Wade, Robert, 332 104, 112, 435, 487 wages, 24, 58, 60, 67, 96, 159, 175, 316, marked disparities in, 18, 21, 178, 223, 496 228, 230, 235–36, 238, 258–59, declines in, 102, 104, 127, 131, 142, 270, 278, 286–88, 327–28, 333, 178, 225, 539 336, 467, 471–72, 481, 490, See also minimum wage; poverty; 504–5, 529, 534–35, 555 wealth redistribution of, 248 Wagner, Billy, 500 reduction of disparities in, 64 Walesa, Lech, 205–6, 208–10, 214–16, See also poverty; wages 230–32 weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), Walker, David M., 370 394 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 662
Webb, Jim, 534–35 World Economic Forum (Davos), 509 Weinstein, Harvey, 33 World Trade Organization (WTO), 10, welfare services, privatization of, 352 244, 325, 510, 550–51 Weschler, Lawrence, 215 economic shock therapy demanded Westcoast Energy (Corp.), 332 by, 321 Western Hemisphere Institute for opposition to and within, 336 Security Cooperation, 546 World Vision, 485 Wielgosz, Przemyslaw, 213 Wriston, Walter, 65, 319 Willett, Sabin, 51 Wujec, Henryk, 216–17 Williams, Gloria, 560 Wyllie, Andrew M., 391 Williamson, John, 181, 185, 194–95, 203, 304, 306–8, 542 X-ray security machines, 505, 527 Willis, Frank, 430 Wills, Garry, 48 Yahoo, 363 Winfrey, Oprah, 295 Yamaichi Securities, 330 Wired (magazine), 362 Yee, James, 51 Wolf, Martin, 510 Yeltsin, Boris, 11, 184, 265–85, 287–89, Wolfe, Michael, 426 293, 297–99, 303, 305–6, 542 Wolfowitz, Paul, 394, 412, 550 declares a state of emergency, Woodward, Bob, 384 270–71 Woolsey, James, 378 replaced by Putin, 285–86 the World Bank, 77, 185, 304, 311, 327, Yukos (oil company), 280, 536 467, 470, 473, 476, 479, 482, 485 economic shock therapy demanded Zakaria, Fareed, 410 by, 194, 198, 220, 259–60, 264, Zañartu, Mario, 71 277 Zhao Ziyang, 223, 225 founding principles of, 194 Zikode, S’bu, 259 government debts owed to, 187–88 Zondag, Cornelius, 169 in Iraq, 413 mandate of ignored, 312 neo-conservatives working at, 192, 240, 244 state opposition to, 550–51 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 663 Klei_9780676978001_7p_all_r1.qxp 6/26/07 5:14 PM Page 664