Entomology in Action

Description: Lesson 1 introduces students to the blow fly's life cycle and the accumulated degree hour (ADH) used by forensic entomologists for estimating the time of death. Lesson 2 introduces Dr. Krinsky's entomological work in solving a murder case in 1986. Students access several primary-source documents related to Dr. Krinsky's entomological work. Both lessons help students expand their understanding of a forensic entomologist's work and appreciate how scientists account for environmental/variable factors in forming a conclusion in a scientific study.

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National science education standards

Science as Inquiry

Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

History and Nature of Science

Learning outcomes

Lesson 1

The student will be able to:

Lesson 2

The student will be able to:

Background information

Lesson 2 uses a real murder case where Dr. William Krinsky was asked to help establish a time of death for a murder case. His investigation of this murder case involves gathering entomological evidences; rearing larvae to the adult stage; and answering various questions regarding anything that might have affected the insects' access to the body and the progression of their life cycle. The Case Summary (66KB, PDF) of the detailed investigation conducted by Dr. Krinsky also contains information for developing additional classroom discussions or student research projects.

Time needed

One or two 40–45 minute class periods
